: Repository to practise learning next js - a reactjs framework
javaCollections - Repository to practise java data structure and algorithms
gitprofile - reposiotry to display gitprofile portfolio available at Portfolio
nikneal91.github.io - repository for main website
Rooster - One of the project of Karan Todo projects
todo - a basic todo app implemented in java ,using generics java 8 code
nikneal91 - repository to display this dashboard/profile-info on github
🌱 I’m currently learning Helm , Kubernetes , Cloud ( Azure, Google Cloud)
👨💻 All of my projects are available at Project List
💬 Ask me about
- Java & JavaEE
- DSA and Algorithms**
- NextJS and ReactJS**
- Docker & Kubernetes
- Google Cloud and Azure
📫 How to reach me nikhilsharma040691@gmail.com, nik.neal91@gmail.com
📄 Know about my experiences Resume
⚡ Fun fact waste a lot of time learning time management