This blueprint includes essential features, optimized settings, and best practices to help you create amazing indie games
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- Configuration ⚙️
- Autoloads 🔽
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- 💎 Create Match3 games with Match3 Board
- ⛰️ Generate procedural terrain with Terrainy
- 🔘 Finite state machine with FSM
- 🎲 Generate loot in your game with Lootie
- 🏠 Easily design and build basic 3D spaces with Room creator
To better understand what branch to choose from for which Godot version, please refer to this table:
Godot Version | indie-blueprint-save Branch | indie-blueprint-save Version |
4.3 |
1.x |
main |
1.x |
Go to the template and create a new repository from it
This template contains fully functional modules individually. They can be disabled or enabled on the Project -> Plugins
tab in your project
General utilities that does not belongs to a particular place and are sed as static classes that can be accessed at any time even if they are not in the scene tree.
Easily control game audio with features like volume adjustments, playlists, crossfading, and sound pools.
This camera transition system allows you to smoothly transition between 2D/3D cameras in your game.
This scene transitioner implifies scene switching in your Godot project, adding polish and visual flair to your game's level changes.
Manipulate the day, hour, minutes and access this information globally in your game. Create a game-ready day & night system in no time and don't worry about it.
The object pool pattern is a software creational design pattern that uses a set of initialized objects kept ready to use – a 'pool' – rather than allocating and destroying them on demand.
A set of components that can be used as basic building blocks for the construction of role playing games.
This save system provides a convenient way to manage save files in your Godot project. It leverages the SavedGame
resource, which can be extended for your specific game data.
This template starts with some initial configurations that you need to know to get the most out of it.
There is a default bus layout to use in your project that are sufficient for any small-medium indie game, you can extend it or modify based on your use case but here's a good place to start
: The master bus where all the other inherit fromsMusic
: Mainly used to play looping music in your gameSFX/EchoSFX
: Sound effects like gun shots, hits, footsteps and so on. When you want to add an echo effect to the effect use the “EchoSFX” bus.Voice
: Dialogues, ai voice effects, breath.UI
: User interface sounds, button clicks, hover, transition animations, etc.Ambient
: Ambient sounds like wind, nature, ocean, house interior and other stuff
This project comes with very simple predefined input maps to avoid interfering with your game in a tedious way. You can use the MotionInput
helper class to use it even more easily
- All the inputs have gamepad support
movement with the keysmove_forward
keys as been added to the existing ui input mapsui_up
- The input action
Shift+P opens the performance metrics whenhardware_information.tscn
it's on the scene tree - Pause with
- Interact with
Layer 1
: It's named WorldLayer 2
: It's named PlayerLayer 3
: It's named EnemiesLayer 4
: It's named Hitboxes,hitboxes
are collision areas thathurtboxes
detects to implement a damage or impact system.Layer 5
: It's named Shakeables and is used byTraumaCauser & TraumaDetector
that can apply a shaking effect to the camera.Layer 6
: It's named InteractablesLayer 7
: It's named Grabbables
A bunch of autoloads are ready to use for common operation in videogames to manage audio, global variables, signals, gamepad support, persistence, etc.
This singletons works to share data across nodes, they are always on the scene tree and can be accesed anywhere. This is the place where you can create functions and variables that need to be accessed globally.
extends Node
const world_collision_layer: int = 1
const player_collision_layer: int = 2
const enemies_collision_layer: int = 4
const hitboxes_collision_layer: int = 8
const shakeables_collision_layer: int = 16
const interactables_collision_layer: int = 32
const grabbables_collision_layer: int = 64
const bullets_collision_layer: int = 128
const playing_cards_collision_layer: int = 256
const ladders_collision_layer: int = 512
func delay_func(callable: Callable, time: float, deferred: bool = true)
func wait(seconds: float = 1.0)
You can delay any function call by an amount of time:
// An anonymous lambda delayed by 1.5 seconds
GameGlobals.delay_func(func(): print("test"), 1.5)
// An existing function that needs arguments delaying by 2 seconds
GameGlobals.delay_func(print_text.bind("test"), 2.0)
You can create a time delay in any line of code, just use the function wait like:
`GameGlobals.wait(2.5) // Waits 2.5 seconds before continue the execution
contains all the global signals by which any node or script can connect. This is where you should place those events that you want multiple nodes to listen to.
The Preloader
autoload take advantage of preload function. This autoload is the place to centralise all the assets and resources your game needs.
Just preload once on game initialization and have them available always in the game.
// In this singleton will live all the preloads for your game, shaders, scenes, audio streams, etc.
// Just preload once on game initialization and have them available always in the game
class_name Preloader
// Pixel Art UI Layout
const WorldSelectionScene: PackedScene = preload("res://ui/menus/layouts/pixel_art/world_selection.tscn")
const WorldSaveSlotPanelScene: PackedScene = preload("res://ui/menus/layouts/pixel_art/components/world_save_slot_panel.tscn")
The GlobalEffects
autoload located in res://autoload/effects/global_effects.tscn
contains a few screen effects commonly used in game dev are available for quick use.
This autoload scene contains few parameters which are used as default values when no arguments are passed to functions.
Widely used for changing scenes or reflecting changes in an action. When the effect is finished, the used nodes are removed from the tree.
// When out_duration or out_color are not provided, is assigned the values of in_duration and in_color respectively
func fade_in_out(
in_duration: float = default_fade_duration,
in_color: Color = default_fade_color,
out_duration: float = 0.0,
out_color = null
) -> void:
// When in_duration or in_color are not provided, is assigned the values of out_duration and out_color respectively
func fade_out_in(
out_duration: float = default_fade_duration,
out_color: Color = default_fade_color,
in_duration: float = 0.0,
in_color = null
) -> void:
A quick screen colour display that can be used multiple times. When the effect is finished, the used nodes are removed from the tree.
func flash(
color: Color = default_flash_color,
duration: float = default_flash_duration,
initial_transparency: int = default_flash_transparency
) -> ColorRect:
func flashes(
colors: PackedColorArray = [],
flash_duration: float = default_flash_duration,
initial_transparency: int = default_flash_transparency
) -> Array[ColorRect]:
Start a frame freeze in the scene to simulate slow-motion effects. You can provide the time scale (> 1 faster, < 1 sloow), the duration and enable frame freeze effect also for the audio.
Only one frame freeze can be active, you have to wait for it to finish to start another one.
func frame_freeze(
time_scale: float = default_frame_freeze_time_scale,
duration: float = default_frame_freeze_duration,
scale_audio: bool = default_scale_audio
) -> void:
The GamepadControllerManager
allows you to manipulate and obtain information from connected game controllers.
This autoloads mainly helps you to detect gamepads connected to your game. It does not contains actions remapping so it's only for detection. This manager automatically detects when a joy it's connected & disconnected and update the current controller name.
More information about gamepad names on
This signals are emitted when a new or existing controller is connected & disconnected
controller_connected(device_id, controller_name:String)
controller_disconnected(device_id, previous_controller_name:String, controller_name: String)
const DeviceGeneric = "generic"
const DeviceKeyboard = "keyboard"
const DeviceXboxController = "xbox"
const DeviceSwitchController = "switch"
const DeviceSwitchJoyconLeftController = "switch_left_joycon"
const DeviceSwitchJoyconRightController = "switch_right_joycon"
const DevicePlaystationController = "playstation"
const DeviceLunaController = "luna"
const XboxButtonLabels = ["A", "B", "X", "Y", "Back", "Home", "Menu", "Left Stick", "Right Stick", "Left Shoulder", "Right Shoulder", "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "Share"]
const SwitchButtonLabels = ["B", "A", "Y", "X", "-", "", "+", "Left Stick", "Right Stick", "Left Shoulder", "Right Shoulder", "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "Capture"]
const PlaystationButtonLabels = ["Cross", "Circle", "Square", "Triangle", "Select", "PS", "Options", "L3", "R3", "L1", "R1", "Up", "Down", "Left", "Right", "Microphone"]
var current_controller_guid
var current_controller_name := DeviceKeyboard
var current_device_id := 0
var connected: bool = false
func has_joypad() -> bool
// Array of device ids
func joypads() -> Array[int]
func start_controller_vibration(weak_strength = default_vibration_strength, strong_strength = default_vibration_strength, duration = default_vibration_duration)
func stop_controller_vibration()
func current_controller_is_generic() -> bool
func current_controller_is_luna() -> bool
func current_controller_is_keyboard() -> bool
func current_controller_is_playstation() -> bool
func current_controller_is_xbox() -> bool
func current_controller_is_switch() -> bool
func current_controller_is_switch_joycon() -> bool
func current_controller_is_switch_joycon_right() -> bool
func current_controller_is_switch_joycon_left() -> bool
This template already has an easily expandable default configuration. This configuration is saved in an .ini
or .cfg
file according to your choice.
In principle this autoload works automatically and saves and loads the configuration of each game both on entry and exit.
The options are defined in the IndieBlueprintGameSettings
file where each setting name is defined as a constant and its default value is added to the dictionary.
class_name IndieBlueprintGameSettings
// ConfigFile sections
const KeybindingsSection: StringName = &"keybindings"
const GraphicsSection: StringName = &"graphics"
const AudioSection: StringName = &"audio"
const ControlsSection: StringName = &"controls"
const AccessibilitySection: StringName = &"accessibility"
const LocalizationSection: StringName = &"localization"
const AnalyticsSection: StringName = &"analytics"
// Setting properties
//This settings are used as keys for the configuration file .ini or .cfg
const FpsCounterSetting: StringName = &"fps_counter"
const MaxFpsSetting: StringName = &"max_fps"
const WindowDisplaySetting: StringName = &"display"
const WindowDisplayBorderlessSetting: StringName = &"borderless"
const WindowResolutionSetting: StringName = &"resolution"
const IntegerScalingSetting: StringName = &"integer_scaling"
const VsyncSetting: StringName = &"vsync"
const Scaling3DMode: StringName = &"scaling_3d_mode"
const Scaling3DValue: StringName = &"scaling_3d_value"
const QualityPresetSetting: StringName = &"quality_preset"
const MouseSensivitySetting: StringName = &"mouse_sensitivity"
const ReversedMouseSetting: StringName = &"reversed_mouse"
const ControllerVibrationSetting: StringName = &"controller_vibration"
const ScreenBrightnessSetting: StringName = &"screen_brightness"
const PhotosensitivitySetting: StringName = &"photosensitive"
const ScreenShakeSetting: StringName = &"screenshake"
const DaltonismSetting: StringName = &"daltonism"
const AllowTelemetrySetting: StringName = &"allow_telemetry"
const CurrentLanguageSetting: String = "current_language"
const VoicesLanguageSetting: String = "voices_language"
const SubtitlesLanguageSetting: String = "subtitles_language"
const SubtitlesEnabledSetting: StringName = &"subtitles"
const MutedAudioSetting: StringName = &"muted"
const DefaultInputMapActionsSetting: StringName = &"default_input_map_actions"
// Default settings
static var DefaultSettings: Dictionary = {
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.MutedAudioSetting: false,
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.FpsCounterSetting: false,
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.MaxFpsSetting: 0,
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.WindowDisplaySetting: DisplayServer.window_get_mode(),
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.WindowResolutionSetting: DisplayServer.window_get_size(),
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.WindowDisplayBorderlessSetting: DisplayServer.window_get_flag(DisplayServer.WINDOW_FLAG_BORDERLESS),
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.IntegerScalingSetting: 1 if ProjectSettings.get_setting("display/window/stretch/scale_mode") == "integer" else 0,
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.VsyncSetting: DisplayServer.window_get_vsync_mode(),
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.Scaling3DMode: Viewport.SCALING_3D_MODE_BILINEAR,
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.Scaling3DValue: 1.0,
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.QualityPresetSetting: IndieBlueprintHardwareDetector.auto_discover_graphics_quality(),
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.MouseSensivitySetting: 3.0,
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.ReversedMouseSetting: false,
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.ControllerVibrationSetting: true,
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.ScreenBrightnessSetting: 1.0,
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.PhotosensitivitySetting: false,
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.ScreenShakeSetting: true,
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.DaltonismSetting: IndieBlueprintWindowManager.DaltonismTypes.No,
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.CurrentLanguageSetting: TranslationServer.get_locale(),
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.VoicesLanguageSetting: TranslationServer.get_locale(),
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.SubtitlesLanguageSetting: TranslationServer.get_locale(),
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.SubtitlesEnabledSetting: false,
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.AllowTelemetrySetting: false,
// Dictionary[StringName, Array[InputEvent]
IndieBlueprintGameSettings.DefaultInputMapActionsSetting: {}
static var FpsLimits: Array[int] = [0, 30, 60, 90, 144, 240, 300]
updated_setting_section(section: String, key: String, value: Variant)
// The file path where the settings file will be saved
var settings_file_path: String = OS.get_user_data_dir() + "/settings.%s" % FileFormat
// When enabled, the file it's encrypted
var use_encription: bool = false
// When enabled, it includes the ui_ actions that comes by default in Godot
var include_ui_keybindings: bool = false
// When enabled, load the settings automatically when the node is ready
var load_on_start: bool = true
To update the value of an option you must know in which section it is stored and what type of value it is.
By default, this template provides you the following sections in the IndieBlueprintGameSettings
class_name IndieBlueprintGameSettings
const KeybindingsSection: StringName = &"keybindings"
const GraphicsSection: StringName = &"graphics"
const AudioSection: StringName = &"audio"
const ControlsSection: StringName = &"controls"
const AccessibilitySection: StringName = &"accessibility"
const LocalizationSection: StringName = &"localization"
const AnalyticsSection: StringName = &"analytics"
In the SettingsManager
there are functions to directly update one of these sections by default
func update_audio_section(key: String, value: Variant) -> void
func update_keybindings_section(key: String, value: Variant) -> void
func update_graphics_section(key: String, value: Variant) -> void
func update_accessibility_section(key: String, value: Variant) -> void
func update_controls_section(key: String, value: Variant) -> void
func update_analytics_section(key: String, value: Variant) -> void
func update_localization_section(key: String, value: Variant) -> void
// Example updating volume value from a slider
func audio_slider_drag_ended(volume_changed: bool):
if volume_changed:
IndieBlueprintAudioManager.change_volume(target_bus, value)
IndieBlueprintSettingsManager.update_audio_section(IndieBlueprintAudioManager.MusicBus, value) // Here is where the setting is updated