Let's hack some fun!
Follow-up to last year's Node.js Hardware Hack Weekend. Now with 100% more international. Join us. Gather a group of people near you too.
This is not a hackathon. There will be no prizes other than the satisfaction of making something awesome! There will be very little in the way of talks. We're going to get together, collaborate and hack. This is more NodeConf SummerCamp than NodeConf. Sharing. Enjoying each other's company. Learning and exploring. And JavaScript. Lots of JavaScript.
Follow @nodebotsday for more info.
Want to organize a local NodeBots Day event. You should!
- Join the mailing list: NodeBots Day Google Group
- See also Organizers.md
Organizers: @kassandra_perch
Location: Capital Factory- Located in the Austin Centre
Hours: 9am - 5pm CST
Signup: https://tito.io/nodebotsday/nodebots-day-austin
Organizers: @marzeelabs, @nunoveloso, @pvhee
Location: Marzee Labs
Hours: 10am - 5pm
Signup: http://lanyrd.com/2013/nodebots-day-barcelona
Organizers: @davsket, @agar3s, @buritica
Location: Atome House
Hours: 1pm - 8pm (COT/GMT-5)
Signup: http://www.meetup.com/BogotaJS
Organizers: @hwtechies
Location: Healthwise - 2601 N. Bogus Basin Rd Boise, Idaho, 83702
Hours: 9:00am - 5pm MST
Website: http://hwtechie.herokuapp.com/
Organizers: @jorydotcom, @therealprotonk, @ireneros
Location: Bocoup Loft, 355 Congress St.
Hours: 10am - 6pm EST
Signup: https://tito.io/bocoup/nodebotsday-boston
Organizers: @harschness, @jwilker, Denwhere?
Location: SendGrid
Hours: 9am - 5pm MST
Signup: http://denvernodebots.eventbrite.com
Organizers: @heavysixer
Location: TBD
Hours: 10am - 5pm CST
Signup: https://tito.io/nodebotsday/nodebotsday-kc
Organizers: @jaypozo, @_derrick, @OKNode
Location: TBD
Hours: 10am - 6pm PST
Follow @OKNode for updates!
Signup: Coming soon.
Organizers: @makenai, @suziam
Location: The InNEVation Center
Hours: 10am - 6pm PST
Signup: http://ticketcake.com/node/5020
Organizers: @olizilla, @gorhgorh, @dscape
Location: JAILmake, Unit 1a, East Dulwich Road, London, SE22 9BA
Hours: 10am - 5pm BST
Signup: https://tito.io/nodeuk/nodebotsday-london
Organizers: @julian_duque,
Location: Parque Explora
Hours: 9am - 5pm (COT/GMT-5)
Signup: http://barcampmedellin.eventbrite.com/
The event will be part of Barcamp Med 5
Organizers: @voodootikigod and Eric Mitchell
Location: NovaLabs 11409-F Sunset Hills Rd. Reston, VA 20190
Hours: 10am - 6pm EST
Signup: https://tito.io/nodebotsday/nova2013
Organizers: @buritica, @FotoVerite, @reconbot, @sarajchipps, @rwaldron, @auremoser
Location: OnSwipe HQ 39 west 14th st New York
Hours: 9am-7pm
Signup: http://nodebotsnyc.eventbrite.com
Organizers: @thoward37, @adron, @HackyGoLucky, @CarterRabasa, @_jden
Location: Urban Airship (old location) 334 NW 11th Avenue, Portland, OR 97209
Hours: 9am - 4:30pm PST
Signup: https://tito.io/pdxnode/nodebotsday
Organizers: @dshaw, @rockbot, @nexxylove
Location: Adobe SF, 601 Townsend St (7th St), San Francisco, CA 94103
Hours: 10am - 5pm PT
Signup: https://tito.io/nodebotsday/nodebotsday-sf
Sponsors: Adobe, Sauce Labs, Zendesk
Organisers: @rioter, @johnallsopp, @ajfisher, @DamonOehlman
Location: Surry Hills, Sydney
Hours: 10am - 6pm AEST
Signup: http://nodebotssyd.eventbrite.com/
Sponsors: Space by Web Directions, Toys and munchies by NICTA
Organizers: @adam_baldwin
Location: &yet - 110 Gage Blvd, Suite 100, Richland, WA
Hours: 9am - 5pm PST
Signup: https://tito.io/nodebots-tricities/2013/
Organizers: @cshenoy
Location: iStrategyLabs - 1630 19th Street NW, Washington, DC 20009
Hours: 9:30am - 6pm EST
Signup: http://nodebotsdaydc.eventbrite.com
If you're interested in contributing to this event, please consider hosting a space, contributing hardware to hack on, and/or providing drinks, snacks and food.
Website: http://nodebotsday.com currently points back here. If you'd like to contribute to the website or add anything, please fork this repo and contribute.
Group Google hangout. I'm thinking 6:30PST this Sunday 6/23. Any objections?