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File metadata and controls

570 lines (423 loc) · 18.2 KB


A custom Git command for managing pull requests. You can run it as git-node or git node. To see the help text, run git node.

git node land

git-node land [prid|options]

Manage the current landing session or start a new one for a pull request

  prid, options  ID of the Pull Request                                 [number]

  --version       Show version number                                  [boolean]
  --help          Show help                                            [boolean]
  --apply         Apply a patch with the given PR id                    [number]
  --amend         Amend the current commit                             [boolean]
  --continue, -c  Continue the landing session                         [boolean]
  --final         Verify the landed PR and clean up                    [boolean]
  --abort         Abort the current landing session                    [boolean]
  --backport      Land a backport PR on a staging branch               [boolean]
  --yes           Assume "yes" as answer to all prompts and run
                  non-interactively. If an undesirable situation occurs, such as
                  a pull request or commit check fails, then git node land will
                  abort.                              [boolean] [default: false]
  --skipRefs      Prevent Fixes and Refs information from being added to commit
                  metadata                            [boolean] [default: false]

  git node land 12344            Land
                                 in the current directory
  git node land --abort          Abort the current session
  git node land --amend          Append metadata to the current commit message
  git node land --final          Verify the landed PR and clean up
  git node land --continue       Continue the current landing session
  git node land --backport 30072 Land
                                 as a backport in the current directory


  1. See the readme on how to set up credentials.

  2. It's a Git command, so make sure you have Git installed, of course.

  3. Configure your upstream remote and branch name.

    $ cd path/to/node/project
    $ ncu-config set upstream your-remote-name
    $ ncu-config set branch your-branch-name

    For example

    # Add a remote called "upstream"
    $ git remote add upstream
    # See your remote names
    $ git remote -v
    upstream (fetch)
    upstream (push)
    # Tell ncu that your upstream remote is named "upstream"
    $ ncu-config set upstream upstream
    # Tell ncu that you are landing patches to "main" branch
    $ ncu-config set branch main

Note: If you are behind a firewall and run into ECONNREFUSED issues with, you can try setting up the command to read the README from the local file system (you may need to make sure that the collaborator contacts in this file is up-to-date and cover people you need to include in the patch you want to land).

$ cd path/to/node/project
$ ncu-config set readme "$(pwd)/"

Git bash for Windows

If you are using git bash and having trouble with output use winpty git-node.cmd metadata $PRID.

Current known issues with git bash:

  • git bash Lacks colors.
  • git bash output duplicates metadata.

Demo & Usage

  1. Landing multiple commits:
  2. Landing one commit:
Steps to land a pull request:
$ cd path/to/node/project

# If you have not configured it before
$ ncu-config set upstream <name-of-remote-to-nodejs/node>
$ ncu-config set branch main   # Assuming you are landing commits on main

$ git checkout main
$ git node land --abort          # Abort a landing session, just in case
$ git node land $PRID            # Start a new landing session
$ git node land $URL             # Start a new landing session using the PR URL

# Follow instructions provided.

$ git node land --final          # Verify all the commit messages

Note that for all of these commands, you can run either git node <cmd> or git-node <cmd> - they are just aliases.

git-node <command>

  git-node land [prid|options]    Manage the current landing session or start a
                                  new one for a pull request
  git-node metadata <identifier>  Retrieves metadata for a PR and validates them
                                  against nodejs/node PR rules
  git-node v8 [major|minor|backport]  Update or patch the V8 engine

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]

Optional Settings

The same Settings used by git node metadata are also used by git node land.

git node backport


git node backport <identifier>

Backport a PR to a release staging branch.

  identifier  ID or URL of the pull request                            [string] [required]

  --version  Show version number                                                 [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                           [boolean]
  --to       release to backport the commits to                        [number] [required]


Backporting to v10.x

# Sync main with upstream for the commits, if they are not yet there
$ git checkout main
$ git node sync

# Backport existing commits from main to v10.x-staging
$ git checkout v10.x-staging
$ git node sync
$ git node backport 12344 --to 10

git node release

git-node release [newVersion|options]

Manage an in-progress release or start a new one.

  newVersion, options  Version number of the release to be prepared or promoted

  --version   Show version number                                      [boolean]
  --help      Show help                                                [boolean]
  --prepare   Prepare a new release of Node.js                         [boolean]
  --security  Demarcate the new security release as a security release [boolean]
  --startLTS  Mark the release as the transition from Current to LTS   [boolean]
  --yes       Skip all prompts and run non-interactively               [boolean]
  --filterLabel Filter PR by label when preparing a security release   [string]
  --releaseDate Default relase date when --prepare is used.
                It must be YYYY-MM-DD   [string]


# Prepare a new release of Node.js tagged 1.2.3
git node release --prepare 1.2.3
# Prepare a new release of Node.js with an automatically-determined version number.
git node release --prepare
# Prepare the first LTS release for a given release line
git node release --prepare --startLTS
# Prepare security release
git node release --prepare --security --filterLabel 18.x 18.20.1
# Skip the branch-diff initial check (useful when updating ongoing proposals)
git node release --prepare 1.2.3 --skipBranchDiff

git node sync


git node sync

Sync the branch specified by ncu-config.

  --version  Show version number                                                 [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                           [boolean]

git node metadata

This tool is inspired by Evan Lucas's node-review, although it is a CLI implemented with the GitHub GraphQL API.

git-node metadata <identifier>

Retrieves metadata for a PR and validates them against nodejs/node PR rules

  identifier  ID or URL of the pull request                            [string] [required]

  --version         Show version number                                          [boolean]
  --help            Show help                                                    [boolean]
  --owner, -o       GitHub owner of the PR repository         [string] [default: "nodejs"]
  --repo, -r        GitHub repository of the PR                 [string] [default: "node"]
  --file, -f        File to write the metadata in                                 [string]
  --readme          Path to file that contains collaborator contacts              [string]
  --check-comments  Check for 'LGTM' in comments                                 [boolean]
  --max-commits     Number of commits to warn                        [number] [default: 3]



# fetch metadata and run checks on nodejs/node/pull/$PRID
$ git node metadata $PRID
# is equivalent to
$ git node metadata$PRID
# is equivalent to
$ git node metadata $PRID -o nodejs -r node

# Or, redirect the metadata to a file while see the checks in stderr
$ git node metadata $PRID > msg.txt

# Using it to amend commit messages:
$ git node metadata $PRID -f msg.txt
$ echo -e "$(git show -s --format=%B)\n\n$(cat msg.txt)" > msg.txt
$ git commit --amend -F msg.txt

# fetch metadata and run checks on
# using the contact in ../node/
git node metadata 167 --repo llnode --readme ../node/

Optional Settings

Some projects might not follow the same rules as nodejs/node. To properly validate Pull Requests for these projects, node-core-utils accept the following optional settings:

cd path/to/project
# waitTimeSingleApproval is the minimum wait time (in hours) before
# landing a PR with only one approval. Default to 7 days.
ncu-config set waitTimeSingleApproval 168
# waitTimeMultiApproval is the minimum wait time (in hours) before
# landing a PR with only two or more approvals. Default to 48 hours.
ncu-config set waitTimeMultiApproval 48

git node v8

Update or patch the V8 engine. This tool will maintain a clone of the V8 repository in ~/.update-v8/v8 if it's used without --v8-dir.


If you are on macOS, the version of patch command bundled in the system may be too old for git node v8 to work. Try installing a newer version of patch before using this tool. For instance, with homebrew:

$ brew install gpatch

And make sure which patch points to /usr/local/bin/patch installed by homebrew instead of /usr/bin/patch that comes with the system (e.g. by modifying your PATH environment variable).

git node v8 major

  • Replaces deps/v8 with a newer major version.
  • Resets the embedder version number to -node.0.
  • Bumps NODE_MODULE_VERSION according to the Node.js ABI version registry.


  • --branch=branchName: Branch of the V8 repository to use for the upgrade. Defaults to lkgr.

  • --no-version-bump: Disable automatic bump of the NODE_MODULE_VERSION constant.

git node v8 minor

Compare current V8 version with latest upstream of the same major. Applies a patch if necessary. If the git apply command fails, a patch file will be written in the Node.js clone directory.

git node v8 backport <sha..>

Fetches and applies the patch corresponding to sha. Multiple commit SHAs can be provided to this command. Increments the V8 embedder version number or patch version and commits the changes for each commit (unless the command is called with --squash). If a patch fails to be applied, the command will pause and let you fix the conflicts in another terminal.


  • --no-bump: Set this flag to skip bumping the V8 embedder version number or patch version.
  • --squash: Set this flag to squash multiple commits into one. This should only be done if individual commits would break the build.

General options

  • --node-dir=/path/to/node: Specify the path to the Node.js git repository. Defaults to current working directory.
  • --base-dir=/path/to/base/dir: Specify the path where V8 the clone will be maintained. Defaults to ~/.update-v8.
  • --v8-dir=/path/to/v8/: Specify the path of an existing V8 clone. This will be used instead of cloning V8 to baseDir.
  • --verbose: Enable verbose output.

git node vote


  1. See the readme on how to set up credentials.
  2. It's a Git command, so make sure you have Git installed, of course.

Additionally, if you want to close the vote, you also need:

  1. A GPG client. By default it will look at the GPG_BIN environment variable, and fallback to gpg if not provided.


Steps to cast a vote:
$ git node vote $PR_URL                 # Start a voting session
$ git node vote $PR_URL --abstain       # Cast an empty ballot
$ git node vote $PR_URL --protocol ssh  # Instruct git-node to use SSH

Steps to close a vote:
$ git node vote $PR_URL --decrypt-key-part   # Outputs the user's key part
$ git node vote \
  $PR_URL --decrypt-key-part --post-comment  # Post the key part as comment

git node security

Manage or starts a security release process.


It's necessary to set up .ncurc with HackerOne keys:

$ ncu-config --global set h1_token $H1_TOKEN
$ ncu-config --global set h1_username $H1_TOKEN
  • h1_token: HackerOne Organization API Token, preferable with read-only access.
  • h1_username: HackerOne API Token username.

git node security --start

This command creates the Next Security Issue in Node.js private repository following the Security Release Process document. It will retrieve all the triaged HackerOne reports and add creates the vulnerabilities.json.

git node security --update-date=YYYY/MM/DD

This command updates the vulnerabilities.json with target date of the security release. Example:

  git node security --update-date=2023/12/31

git node security --pre-release

This command creates a pre-release announcement for the security release. Example:

  git node security --pre-release="/path/to/"

git node security --post-release

This command creates the post-release announcement for the security release. Example:

  git node security --post-release="/path/to/"

git node security --add-report=report-id

This command adds a HackerOne report to the vulnerabilities.json. Example:

  git node security --add-report=12345

git node security --remove-report=report-id

This command removes a HackerOne report from the vulnerabilities.json. Example:

  git node security --remove-report=12345

git node status

Return status and information about the current git-node land session. Shows the following information:

  • PR URL (https:/<prid>)
  • git-node landing session status, one of:
  • Current username
  • Current upstream
  • Current target branch for the landing session


node on git:main ❯ git node status                                             11:32AM
   ✔  Landing session in progress
PR:        https:/
State:     AMENDING
Username:  codebytere
Upstream:  upstream
Branch:    main

git node wpt

Update or patch the Web Platform Tests in core. The updated files are placed under ./test/fixtures/wpt by default. In addition to the assets, this also updates:

  • ./test/fixtures/wpt/versions.json
  • ./test/fixtures/wpt/
  • ./test/fixtures/wpt/
git-node wpt <name>

Updates WPT suite

  name  Subset of the WPT to update                          [string] [required]

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]
  --commit   A specific commit the subset should be updated to          [string]
  --nodedir  Path to the node.js project directory       [string] [default: "."]


$ cd /path/to/node/project
$ git node wpt url  # Will update test/fixtures/wpt/url and related files
# Will update test/fixtures/wpt/url and related files to the specified commit
$ git node wpt url --commit=43feb7f612fe9160639e09a47933a29834904d69