11.2.5 (2025-03-04)
- docs: correct structure of pagination render functions (b259723), closes #7897 #7896
- thumbs: correct reinit thumbs (1cf24d4), closes #7880
- zoom: fix transform origin of
function (#7904) (f7febe1)
11.2.4 (2025-02-14)
11.2.3 (2025-02-12)
- core: export swiper-vars.scss for overwriteability (#7883) (0b688a1), closes #7882
- update ssr-window to latest (c521888)
11.2.2 (2025-01-31)
- cards: fix slides swap issue in loop mode (e012e34), closes #7823
- core: fix slidePrev issue in free-mode (a3fee36), closes #7869
- virtual: fix when Element not swiping in Safari (5abdbfd), closes #7679
11.2.1 (2025-01-10)
- core: add check for HTMLSlotElement support (#7840) (56700e5)
- core: typo in autoplay param (#7848) (69113c9)
11.2.0 (2025-01-02)
- core: Fixed elementIsChildOf returning false for nested web components (#7762) (8136607), closes #7761
- zoom: Ensure the zoom module's array is cleared onTouchEnd to fix #7304 (#7830) (21610bd)
- core: Allow using a CSS selector as breakpointsBase (#7818) (44d3443)
- zoom: Add ability to pan around an image on mouse move (#7831) (c4619bb), closes #7306
11.1.15 (2024-11-18)
- react: react strict mode double initialization errors for thumbs (#7789) (9dece7d)
- scss: Dart Sass 3.0.0 compatibility (fbd2ba4), closes #7772 #7771
- types: remove 'Lazy' declaration (#7739) (40a705e)
- types: type definitions for
, andslidesSizesGrid
(#7768) (fb59a41)
11.1.14 (2024-09-12)
- core: fix mobile input blur on touchstart on different input (66c5dd1), closes #7728
- element: Query the swiper.hostEl for the navigation buttons (#7714) (#7716) (d0b6abd)
- zoom: add sanity check before allowTouchMove call in timeout (#7723) (869bb84)
11.1.12 (2024-09-01)
11.1.11 (2024-08-28)
- centeredSlides with centeredSlidesBounds don't work correct when slidesPerView: 'auto' and width of the swiper-container bigger then width of slides (#7696) (c11172a)
- element: fix element styles to have correct order override (f26036f), closes #7704
- virtual: fix bypassing initial translate check if Virtual is enabled (df957bb), closes #7699
11.1.10 (2024-08-21)
- pagination: fixed swiper Infinite loop scroll jumping (#7690)
- zoom: fix zoomIn after currentScale is set to 1 (#7663) (94173da)
11.1.9 (2024-07-31)
- core: fix loop missing slides with centeredSlides (4847fcb), closes #7584
- core: fix types of swiper-effect-utils.d.ts (#7655) (4875f26)
- mousewheel: fix issue with event handling after Swiper was destroyed (82ae434), closes #7654
11.1.8 (2024-07-26)
11.1.7 (2024-07-24)
11.1.6 (2024-07-23)
- a11y: added new prop for a11y module -
(#7632) (f4f7da0) - element: added support for using slots as swiper wrappers (#7624) (e374e06)
11.1.5 (2024-07-15)
- element: fix observer to watch for slides (7cffede), closes #7598
- improved 3d rotate fix in Safari (cb83879), closes #7532
- update navigation.scss to remove SASS Deprecation Warning (#7612) (a3e0bf8)
- vue: add breakpointsBase type (4adb85b), closes #7607
11.1.4 (2024-05-30)
- a11y: fix slide on focus when loop mode is enabled (fc8ed1a), closes #7540
- core: check for swiper.el in destroy queue (39a3e53), closes #7530
- navigation: prevent hide on click when clicking on navigation buttons (c0f7bb6), closes #7559
- vue: avoid rendering same slide vnode twice for small amount of slides in loop + virtual mode (#7556) (5737f03)
- zoom: fix issue when slide change possible during zoom out (f67308c)
11.1.3 (2024-05-13)
11.1.2 (2024-05-13)
- autoplay: keep 0 transition on touchmove with 0 timeout delay (8ccb08e), closes #7515
- core: centerInsuffientSlides takes offsets into account (#7437) (5a271ff)
- types: fixed SwiperModule, slideTo, effectInit types (#7428) (bc61bce)
- do not remove and re-add visibility classes for unchanged slides to prevents unnecessary style recalculations (This performance difference is mostly noticable when moving a slide with a mouse or touchmove because updateSlidesProgress is triggered for every keyboard-/touchevent) (#7505) (2c08227)
11.1.1 (2024-04-09)
11.1.0 (2024-03-28)
- a11y: fixed issue with not working "enter" navigation on arrows (aac2dcf), closes #7423
- a11y: prevent falsy focus handlers (a7c260a), closes #7406
- core: add/remove slide classes only when changed (3312fba), closes #7356
- core: don't fix the loop on simple resize (641793f), closes #7325
- core: fixed thrown error on calling slideTo methods on destroyed swiper (8c6a3c6), closes #7416
- core: handle grabCursor within breakpoints (e853908), closes #7364
- core: reset animating flag on translateTo call (7da50bf), closes #7403
- scrollbar: fix warning (e5371f7), closes #7415
- thumbs: fix thumbs .swiper type prop to accept string (5b0fa84), closes #7421
- virtual: don't render first slides when initialSlide set (bab9230), closes #7353
- zoom: fix panning on SVG elements (eed8a5b), closes #7352
11.0.7 (2024-02-27)
- core: fix initial slide index shift with centeredSlides and slidesPerView auto (#7319) (cae9c2d)
- history: fix setting history in virtual slides (d4de17b), closes #7327
- react: make sure the key is unique in virtual mode (829a253), closes #7329
- add swiper-effect-utils (df5f873), closes #7336
- zoom: add ability to constrain max zoom to 100% of original image size (#7311) (645f266)
11.0.6 (2024-02-05)
- add optional swiperElementNodeName param to allow more flexible web component usage (#7284) (178511f)
- fixed behavior where the combination of 'initialSlide:0' and 'slidesPerView:auto' would shift the first slide position (e5c04c3), closes #7216
- Safari 3D fix for webview (d42ce05), closes #7167
- scrollbar: correctly update scrollbar on changeDirection (6bbb73d), closes #7263
- SwiperOptions documentation for loopAddBlankSlides (#7289) (cbc3dba)
11.0.5 (2023-11-22)
- core: swipe to last with slidesPerView: auto (#7183) (2e3f47d)
- modules/a11y: filter out falsy pagination elems (#7201) (a044626)
- core: new
event (8a0c7c4)
11.0.4 (2023-11-09)
11.0.3 (2023-10-26)
- core: fixed legacy condition preventing touch move when zoom enabled (2f64043), closes #7137
- core: prevent observer updates on loop fix (7a5eacc), closes #7135
11.0.2 (2023-10-25)
- core: correctly handle loopAdditionalSlides parameter (3f5e05d)
11.0.1 (2023-10-24)
- types: fix eventsPrefix type (fd0f601)
11.0.0 (2023-09-24)
- autoplay: fix negative autoplay values after stop/start, fix autoplay with free mode (8bef84d), closes #7084
- autoplay: fix pauseOnPointerEnter if hovered during transition (5080d95), closes #7107
- core: remove grid class on rows change (2f65e89), closes #7053
- element: correctly respond to object params assignment (f23c742)
- scrollbar: allow multiple classes in scrollbar parameters (89a6f71), closes #7096
- core: add fully visible slides classes (902a4c4), closes #6773
- core: add handling for native touch events (74bb1cc), closes #6478 #6381 #6897
- core: loop support for grid, new
parameter (b5db223) - core: remove
parameter, addloopAdditionalSlides
parameter (d647985) - core: reworked loop mode (2a99dbd)
- core: update loop mode logic and lowered requirements (703ede6)
- element: make
parameter default toswiper
(88d463a) - core: move default container overflow back to
10.3.1 (2023-09-28)
- autoplay: fix autoplay stop when disableOnInteraction is active (ecfb3fb), closes #7060 #7059
- types: detection of custom html tags (#7055) (c55f76d)
10.3.0 (2023-09-21)
- core: correctly destroyor create loop on breakpoints (12a44fb), closes #6967
- core: don't call
on initialIndex if runCallbacksOnInit is disalbed (48c4e0a), closes #6976 - core: fix
when using Element slide slots (af0519c), closes #6958 - core: fix lazy preloader in later initialized slides (e4fddc0), closes #6946
- core: fix loop on centeredSlides slide to beginning (c496835), closes #7011
- core: fix loopFix in loop and cssMode (8180a52), closes #6919
- core: fixed ignored allowSlidePrev/Next in loop mode (1b74619), closes #6987
- core: remove grid class on rows change (908becc), closes #7053
- element: correctly respond to object params assignment (2ef1ff5)
- element: do not bubble
event (106a3d7), closes #6943 - element: fix issue updating with boolean module params (1cc359e), closes #6947
- navigation: fix lock class on enable (ea39c33), closes #7009
- react: add breakpointsBase param (0eb4122), closes #7014
- react: fix react components props type (1cd412e), closes #7000
- scrollbar: add 'touch-action: none' to swiper-scrollbar (#7024) (9542d09)
- virtual: fix issue with loop mode and initialSlide enabled (f4afd9d), closes #6945
- virtual: fix removing nested slides (c3321e1), closes #7005
- virtual: recalc cache on removeSlide (96e5166), closes #7020
- vue: add breakpointsBase param (6800dbb)
- zoom: fix scale origin when document is scrolled (2cf3fc2), closes #6950 #6955
- core: allow createElements to process object params with
{enabled: true}
(abf8405) - core: make slidesPerViewDynamic public (ae434b0), closes #7036
10.2.0 (2023-08-17)
- autoplay: fix autoplay pause during transition (db9b17f), closes #6896
- controller: fix issues with loop mode (fbb84fe), closes #6659
- core: fix touch move and loop behavior when transition-delay enabled on swiper-wrapper (ac27d02)
- core: handle
event (721ccaf), closes #6692 - element: fix missing elements
when added dynamically (db5b5d6), closes #6899 - element: fix parallax on elements passed to component root (265e466)
- element: fixed issue with incorrect lookup for lazy prelader and images (64513ac), closes #6901
- element: fixed issue with pointer-events:none in fade effect (2dcb802), closes #6908
- pagination: fixed issue in loop mode when sometimes it switches slides with transiton (3d7dc58), closes #6856
10.1.0 (2023-08-01)
- core: fix flickering in loop mode edge positions (bf29843), closes #6673
- core: set
on swiper-containers only (#6870) (2f61fda) - package: fix source maps for ES modules (#6866) (5e88c4b), closes #6863
- modules: filter out falsy elements (#6823) (e1b7254)
- mousewheel: fix
for freeMode (8a83360), closes #6770 #6799 - zoom: fix image move in element (89d9aa5), closes #6847
10.0.4 (2023-07-08)
v10.0.3 (2023-07-03)
- added overflow:hidden for fallback if clip is not supported in target… (#6807) (5d8d6f9)
- element: use usual
tag if adopted stylesheet are not supported (18613df)
v10.0.2 (2023-07-03)
v10.0.1 (2023-07-03)
- types: fix types for swiper/modules (fa6e597)
10.0.0 (2023-07-03)
- tweak browserslist to iOS >= 15 (96a4e7e)
- rework package to use .mjs files and all scripts and styles are minified (a267785)
- fully rework scripts structure in package (2c87f13)
- rename package files
(7a17821) - browser ES modules (ab20bd1)
- change swiper container overflow to clip (#6738) (a8447b7)
- element: attributes can accept JSON stringified strings (5b93954)
- element: highly reworked Swiper web component (a6f8a0f)
- navigation arrows use SVGs instead of font
- changed shadow DOM layout to have
<div class="swiper">
inside - component styles now added using adoptedStylesheets
- no more global styles injection
- set transform 3d on wrapper for iOS devices (90c590d)
- tweak types exports to be Node 16+ compatible (30ce8e0)
10.0.0-beta.5 (2023-06-26)
- tweak browserslist to iOS >= 15 (96a4e7e)
10.0.0-beta.3 (2023-06-23)
- rework package to use .mjs files and all scripts and styles are minified (a267785)
10.0.0-beta.2 (2023-06-23)
10.0.0-beta.1 (2023-06-23)
- browser ES modules (ab20bd1)
- change swiper container overflow to clip (#6738) (a8447b7)
- element: attributes can accept JSON stringified strings (5b93954)
- element: highly reworked Swiper web component (a6f8a0f)
- navigation arrows use SVGs instead of font
- changed shadow DOM layout to have
<div class="swiper">
inside - component styles now added using adoptedStylesheets
- no more global styles injection
- set transform 3d on wrapper for iOS devices (90c590d)
- tweak types exports to be Node 16+ compatible (30ce8e0)
9.4.1 (2023-06-13)
9.4.0 (2023-06-12)
- core: lazyPreloadPrevNext not working with grid (883f006), closes #6725
- core: fix case with not enough slides with
(93b4279), closes #6689 - core: fix error for
in hidden slider (36ef2e6), closes #6718 - core: fix issue with
in RTL mode (d61da52), closes #6737 - core: fix navigation can be disabled in breakpoints (1fd36ad), closes #6746
- core: fix to preload lazyPreloadPrevNext prior to active slide (d2f718c), closes #6684
- core: lazyPreloadPrevNext not working with loop mode #6724 (#6726) (69acab4)
- effect-cards: fixed in RTL mode (e402f05), closes #5534
- hash-navigation: get active slide element using the old method if Virtual is not being… (#6704) (db7e72f)
- core: cssMode now supports freeMode (abe1ec7)
- element: add
to pagination bullets (8b4cccd), closes #6717
9.3.2 (2023-05-15)
- core: don't call update() on lazy loaded if spv !== auto and no autoHeight (378a3c6)
- core: don't call update() on lazy loaded in css mode (efc294c)
- core: fix for
check in Support module (e0f4ae4) - element: fix not working correctly
(6a50d45), closes #6662 - element: remove/re-add navigation, pagination, scrollbar elements based on prop value (45f8d4a), closes #6672
- hash-navigation: handle slide to none existing hash (#6681) (7f3fa96)
- add
type foreffect
param (7340629), closes #6676 - mousewheel: add
param (0fcd210) - mousewheel: support for
ignore class (#6671) (c9130c3) - react: export
type from 'swiper/react' (6768efe), closes #5500
9.3.1 (2023-05-10)
- element: added all events arguments in TS declarations (abb0688)
9.3.0 (2023-05-08)
- a11y: add notification span to shadow root in Swiper Element (aa83a03), closes #6634
- core: fix cases when spaceBetween set in
(446af7e), closes #6647 - element: don't reinit nested swipers rearranged by parent swiper loop (926828a), closes #6642
- element: don't render swiper on every
- element: element events types (83774fa)
- element: add shadow parts (e4f3def), closes #6594
- element: more complex ts definitions (4cab52d)
9.3.0-beta.1 (2023-05-08)
- a11y: add notification span to shadow root in Swiper Element (aa83a03), closes #6634
- core: fix cases when spaceBetween set in
(446af7e), closes #6647 - element: don't reinit nested swipers rearranged by parent swiper loop (926828a), closes #6642
- element: don't render swiper on every
9.2.4 (2023-04-21)
- core: fix autoHeight in virtual slides (dd30829), closes #6570
- loop: update slides grids before loop fix when spv is "auto" (035e79d), closes #6599
- virtual: fix last slide index check in virtual slides (154f048), closes #6595
9.2.3 (2023-04-17)
- autoplay: use local scope for autoplay resize timeot (4f665bd), closes #6590
- made defineProperty configurable as it broke when minified. (#6586) (26cfbaa)
- pagination: fix clickable pagination in loop (479a7f5), closes #6518 #6460 #6587 #6451
9.2.2 (2023-04-14)
9.2.1 (2023-04-14)
- controller: add a conditional to early return if the swiper controller is destroyed (#6555) (3fbec6e)
- controller: correct interpolation per slider (706fdf8), closes #6506
- controller: fix controllers multiplier on 0 translates (4b8bd02), closes #6498
- element: add
to be acceptable as props (7c1c5d3), closes #6578 - pagination: update pagination direction class on direction change (e6247d9), closes #6511
- vue: fix deep slots (642b455), closes #6574
9.2.0 (2023-03-31)
- controller: add
type (3177936), closes #6505 - controller: prevent controlled swipers from being called when destroyed (#6501) (a266b78), closes #6491
- mousewheel: Initialize lastClickTime to very old time (#6497) (0983ded), closes #6496
- pagination: fix pagination.d.ts render functions return types (#6499) (34973a1)
- zoom: fix zoom out on double tap on sensitive touch screens (7f5c626)
- zoom: reset transform origin on zoom out (7f7f57e)
- core: lazyPreloadPrevNext option to preload prev/next images (#6544) (1cb3233)
- lazyPreloadPrevNext option to preload prev/next images (6d08635)
- zoom: highly improve pinch-zoom gestures handling (6016a50)
9.1.1 (2023-03-16)
- core: fixed loop when using custom
(#6495) (756ecdb) - element: reset initialized flag on disconnectedCallback (#6474) (1e4a235)
- loop: fix loopFix for controlled swipers (d7c0ef7), closes #6491
- loop: fix slides closure when removing last slide (1a02271), closes #6477
- pagination: correctly support multiple bullets paginations (e24bd8c), closes #6462
- pagination: escape
char in pagination classes (d0beb9f), closes #6486 - pagination: support bulle multiple classes (20b05fa), closes #6447
- react: fix virtual loop when not enough slides (57d8eea), closes #6487
- element: add
prop to avoid collision with native events (d5df91f), closes #6450 - pagination: add border-radius variable (#6476) (c912590)
9.1.0 (2023-02-28)
- autoplay: fix a crash with resize when the autoplay has gone away during timeout (#6431) (adb40f4)
- core: correctly calc slide's DOM indexes, actual for Element (18b1f2b)
- core: fix loop when slidesPerGroup is not even to number of slides (f998115), closes #6412
- core: prevent observer trigger because of grab cursor (9597442), closes #6423
- core: proceed iOS's pointercancel as pointerup (50b65f6), closes #6414 #6382
- effect-creative: fix origin (7883408), closes #6439
- element: fix ignored
event handlers (898f76c), closes #6399 - pagination: double check if bullet exists (a335a41), closes #6422
- pagination: fix clickable pagination with slidesPerView > 1 and loop (cf8cdf5), closes #6415
- virtual: fix escaped HTML in virtual slides content (a61638a), closes #6404
- zoom: fix zoom stick on pointer out (6700980), closes #6396
- element: new global
method to register acceptable element props (fb63358)
9.0.5 (2023-02-13)
9.0.4 (2023-02-10)
- autoplay: fixing autoplay undefined error (#6366) (f2a0572)
- pagination: fix pagination bullets children clicks (8bcff39), closes #6361
- virtual: grab DOM slides only from wrapper children (d59183d)
- zoom: fix gesture scale origin (c89b2dd), closes #6371
9.0.3 (2023-02-06)
- core: don't proceed lazy if swiper destroyed (4ea0102), closes #6322
- core: fix loop handling with virtual (69462d2), closes #6343
- element: fix converting boolean/string params to module object (192e0d4), closes #6328
- navigation: allow multiple classes in navigation options (#6345) (ca49b9f), closes #6344
- thumbs: ensure there is a slide to add a class (c6294ad), closes #6335
9.0.2 (2023-02-03)
- core: fixed loop behavior in free mode with mousewheel (336d908), closes #6323
- types:
can also be a string (446fb06), closes #6286 - vue: declaration for
event (8467397), closes #6333
9.0.1 (2023-02-02)
- core: fix class removal in setBreakpoints (6cb79cf), closes #6319
- virtual: fix undefined
(9cee290), closes #6318
9.0.0 (2023-02-01)
- new
parameter - removed Dom7 dependency
- all new Loop mode without slides duplication
- removed images loading functionality:
- all new Swiper Element (WebComponent)
- removed Swiper Solid components (in favor of Swiper WebComponent)
- removed Swiper Angular components (in favor of Swiper WebComponent)
- removed Swiper Svelte components (in favor of Swiper WebComponent)
- all new autoplay module
- now
parameter also accepts HTMLElement or CSS string with the selector of swiper to control
- Lazy module has been moved to core and simplified in favor of native loading="lazy"
- more CSS variables to control appearance and position
- support parallax
- now
parameter also accepts HTMLElement or CSS string with the selector of thumbs swiper
- added support for loop mode
- improved performance
- will work now with slides initially rendered in DOM
method now accepts custom zoom ratio
- add
to swiper-wrapper in React & Vue components (7aaa0d1), closes #6254 #5942 - core: add
parameter (6533890)
- core: new
parameter (ce2ea7f) - navigation: more CSS variables to control appearance and position (6db9439)
- pagination: more CSS variables to control appearance and position (c8b1228)
- scrollbar: more CSS variables to control appearance (cfad536)
- add element core version (de6c7f7)
- export element css styles (51334a3)
- injectStyles and injectStylesUrls params (71b10b2)
- parallax: support parallax rotate (4949163), closes #6126
- zoom:
method now accepts custom zoom ratio (d88df61), closes #5527 - core: add loopedSlides parameter (1b076d9)
- element: add option to avoid styles injecting (2291ec8)
- thumbs: init thumbs on their appearance in DOM (a6b4cf7)
- element: add standalone styles (284b130)
- controller: support updated loop (6059e48)
- controller: support updated loop (03d9895)
- controller: support updated loop (e73b577)
- core: "fix" loop based on touch move direction (5ab7217)
- element: add CSS styles for modules for Swiper Element (6c36c80)
- core: add --swiper-wrapper-transition-timing-function CSS var (797bcda)
- navigation: more CSS vars (f41abe6)
- paginatrion: more CSS vars (6f63fe2)
- scrollbar: more CSS vars (875b35a)
- virtual:
to support slide outer HTML and HTML element (fdcd644) - core: support for "swiper-slide-transform" element for better effects compatability with CSS mode (18b3e3f)
- core: remove Dom7 (44de97b)
- core: remove Dom7 (7cdcebf)
- core: don't prevent slidePrev/Next when animating in loop mode (b358737)
- autoplay: correct support for virtual slides delay + fix for stopping autoplay on click (43bf429)
- element: support for comples parameters via attrs in a form of
(8161c57) - virtual: support for DOM virtual slides (59da65c)
- virtual: support loop mode with virtual slides (f890f1e)
- autoplay: all new Autoplay module (1b4ac21)
- core: remove unused
parameters (8007e1a) - core: all new loop mode without slides duplication (f57aa3b)
- remove
script (12255cf) - core, zoom: rework touch handling logic to PointerEvents only (ede6b6d)
- core: make
parameter default to5
(dfce8a3) - lazy: simplify Lazy module in favor of native loading="lazy" (d46d5d0)
- move new Lazy module to the Core (d51e1ce)
- react: add boolean
prop to SwiperSlide to render lazy prelaoder (f5d137f) - remove Images loading functionality: preloadImages, updateOnImagesReady (4d02653)
- vue: add boolean
prop to SwiperSlide to render lazy prelaoder (e36b580) - add new Swiper Custom Element (47f9518)
- remove Angular and SolidJS components (1329c10)
- remove Swiper Svelte components (52433ac)
- history: fix handling
on init (483534f) - core: make isBeginning and isEnd true when translate is less than 1px diff (b2313d5), closes #6287
- react: fix React 18 compat types (4c916d4), closes #5799
- virtual: fix Virtual with CSS Mode when initialSlide > 0 (5ddf1d8)
8.4.7 (2023-01-30)
8.4.6 (2023-01-17)
8.4.5 (2022-11-21)
- a11y: fix JS error "swiper.a11y is undefined" (#6226) (02c1502)
- touch focusableElements jumps element (#6139) (339f52e)
8.4.4 (2022-10-12)
- add direct JS/CSS core and bundle exports (f519f80)
8.4.3 (2022-10-06)
- build-config: allow to custom modules by process.env.SWIPER_BUILD_MODULES (#6043) (b3c51c5)
- solid: fix handling dynamic slides (708133d), closes #6031
- solid: keep solid components in
8.4.2 (2022-09-15)
8.4.1 (2022-09-15)
- core: fix swiping over nested shadow doms (7d09ab0), closes #6063
- react: fix issue with checking children (37a94ea), closes #6064
8.4.0 (2022-09-14)
- a11y: don't handle focus on pointer events (b251601), closes #5962 #5814 #5524 #5490 #5437
- angular: slidesPerGroupAuto is missing in params list for angular (#5933) (b80352a)
- core: fix
event routing (0e8a8b8), closes #5913 - event.path => event.composedPath (8df7edf), closes #5925
- types: add isLocked definition (f2bbae6), closes #5941
- types: add missing AutoplayMethods members (#5956) (6220c22)
- vue: fix swiperRef for Vue swiperSlide (#5994) (a2bcbb1)
- build: upgrade deps & cjs to esm (#5927) (921809b)
- cards-effect: add
parameters (db08a70), closes #5939 - core: new
parameter to re-duplicate slides (1afa4b8) - react: Allow SwiperSlide children as long as displayName includes SwiperSlide (#5954) (d1f7582)
- solid: keep solid components incompiled (18c6670), closes #5943
8.3.2 (2022-07-26)
- a11y: fix
handling (8a3dfee), closes #5905 - autoplay: don't run autoplay if swiper is hidden (4f2e30f), closes #5907
- core: new loopedSlidesLimit paramter and new functionality to increase duplicated slides (5156071)
8.3.1 (2022-07-13)
- packages: add index.js in /solid and /react (#5863) (6e94701)
- solid: fix reactivity (502c152), closes #5862
- solid: stop using cloneNode in sliders without loops in SolidJS (#5860) (d14c432)
8.3.0 (2022-07-06)
- all new Swiper SolidJS components thanks to @TiagoCavalcante 🎉
- move common helpers for React/Vue/Svelte/Solid to single files (90e8da1)
- a11y: allow disabling slideRole (#5838) (b376aa1)
8.2.6 (2022-06-29)
- thumbs: active class gets removed (#5826) (3267616)
- vue: virtualUpdate event is not declared (#5830) (8b00333)
- core: add
method to change it to RTL/LTR after init (f5bb7af), closes #3279 - navigation: add
events (d0c6365), closes #5832
8.2.5 (2022-06-27)
- pagination: double check for $el (baafb55)
8.2.4 (2022-06-13)
8.2.3 (2022-06-10)
- a11y: allow slideLabelMessage: null (#5783) (78a8d90)
- angular: update to angular v14 (097390d)
- scrollbar: add directional classes to scrollbar container (083a83f)
8.2.2 (2022-06-01)
- Revert "fix(autoplay): immediate proceed autoplay when
autoplay.delay = 0
" (d942e83) - Revert "fix(autoplay): fix swiper getting stuck with
autoplay delay" (56e050b)
8.2.1 (2022-05-31)
- core: fix issues with navigation/pagination
prop (af9ed85)
8.2.0 (2022-05-31)
- autoplay: fix swiper getting stuck with
autoplay delay (61db26f) - core: fix type Number in slideToLoop (#5732) (1e1336b)
- navigation: allow navigation to be enabled/disabled in breakpoints (052f863)
- pagination: allow pagination to be enabled/disabled in breakpoints (d748d49)
- scrollbar: allow scrollbar to be enabled/disabled in breakpoints (3f09fc7)
8.1.6 (2022-05-25)
- a11y: update slides a11y on slides amount change (31e2005), closes #5692
- autoplay: immediate proceed autoplay when
autoplay.delay = 0
(81a4cc8) - lazy:
fix whenslidesPerView
is fractional (94d4c9e), closes #5712 - lazy: unset lazy-loading class on swiper destroy (81d7fc4), closes #5737
- types: add
props (ee3d2dc), closes #5733
- navigation: default
opacity: 0
styles for hidden navigation buttons (85f72f4)
8.1.5 (2022-05-16)
- core: add missing types comments (340f716), closes /github.com/nolimits4web/swiper/issues/5688#issuecomment-1118316055
- core: check for visibleSlides presence in updateAutoHeight (3909c45)
- core: fix getWrapper $el check (7702178), closes #5711
- navigation: remove duplicated rules (#5657) (333a3ae)
- react: move navigation, pagination, scrollbar to the end of container (2d3255f)
- svelte: fix incorrect parameters in event dispatching (#5716) (b7961a3)
- svelte: move navigation, pagination, scrollbar to the end of container (c8a4f67)
- vue: move navigation, pagination, scrollbar to the end of container (0d219f4)
8.1.4 (2022-04-24)
- core: animate preloader in visible slides if watchSlidesProgress is enabled (8174b5a)
- core: more checks for when swiper is destroyed (de47f09), closes #5656 #5635
- lazy: animate preloader in not visible slides (865529b)
8.1.3 (2022-04-20)
- effects: improve dynamic slide shadows re-creation for Cube and Flip effects (98b8a3e)
8.1.2 (2022-04-20)
- effects: fix slide shadows flickering in Safari for Cube and Flip effects (52f5ef7)
- cube-effect: set
CSS property on swiper-wrapper (758ad28)
8.1.1 (2022-04-15)
- lazy: fix lazy preloader in iOS 15 (794a625)
- virtual: fix leaked effects translate when Virtual enabled (a0e8dd4), closes #5588
8.1.0 (2022-04-08)
- pagination: formatter functions now accept strings as return values (#5610) (629c1c4)
- vue: add missing event (bda673f), closes #5558
- enabled not working (fix #5611) (#5612) (6a0554b)
- a11y: add
parameter (213c8fe), closes #5586 - angular: support
in swiperSlide (#5562) (5d4ffdc) - effect-cards: add
parameter (5f4ca8a), closes #5575
8.0.7 (2022-03-04)
- effect-cards: support for use with Virtual Slides (69a8870)
- virtual: better support for other effects rather than
8.0.6 (2022-02-14)
8.0.5 (2022-02-10)
- core: fix short swipes (8e1c12e)
8.0.4 (2022-02-10)
- angular: events types (#5424) (d8631d8)
- angular: lock output (#5442) (3bc27a4)
- core: allow nesting of styles in SASS (#5438) (c973bc8)
- core: rewind on swipes (#5422) (1a2f83b)
8.0.3 (2022-02-03)
- react:
context value (#5421) (60cbe75) - react: add autoplay to watched modules (#5419) (16059ad)
- svelte: add autoplay to watched modules (1463e05)
- vue: add autoplay to watched modules (da4d3cc)
8.0.2 (2022-02-02)
8.0.1 (2022-02-01)
- angular: fix angular export (8785e2b), closes #5414
- react: types for useSwiper and useSwiperSlide hooks (2cbf82c), closes #5413
8.0.0 (2022-02-01)
- a11y: update
on lock/unlock (8183466), closes #5383 - angular:
events emitting (#5225) (a34eb7a) - angular: get params types (#5390) (8731204)
- angular: toggle input (#5229) (#5254) (03acbe2)
- core: don't prevent focusable elements click when
allowTouchMove: false
(f0eac04), closes #5358 - core: don't swipe over
element (faeb14a), closes #5268 - lazy: only activate preloader-spin animation when slide is active (#5203) (b7d89ea), closes #5202
- react: compatibility with React 18 strict mode (68bcec8), closes #5398
- react: update
prop array change (7c53de8), closes #5368 - svelte:
slot data with context (89f14ab) - types: bullets type should be
(#5405) (d248a14)
- a11y: automatically switch slides on focus (
) in inactive slides (1288271), closes #3149 - angular: update to angular 13 and enable tsconfig
(#5231) (23ee4b3) - autoplay:
events (aea56ed) - free-mode: stop scrolling when touch event happens in freeMode (80958d5), closes #4616
- react:
context hooks (#5364) (18bb89b) - svelte:
context (#5391) (b5c2d3b) - svelte: import index (c91f222), closes #4976 #4975
- virtual: support
functionality with Virtual slides (e52de28) - vue:
context hooks (987a32e) - new
param to prevent flicker in Safari (d679a98) - new
param to prevent flicker in Safari (8c05e6d) - svelte: types for Swiper slot
(682f56f) - svelte: types for SwiperSlide slot data (1fa70e1), closes #5349
- vue: provide - inject
context (#5377) (f3145b1) - update dom7 to latest (a6b1a47)
7.4.1 (2021-12-24)
- types: fix
description (83574e1)
7.4.0 (2021-12-24)
- core: autoHeight shouldn't ignore zero height slides (b3697f1), closes #5281
- pagination: fix dynamic bullets position with
enabled (3d377c2), closes #5304
7.3.4 (2021-12-22)
7.3.3 (2021-12-16)
7.3.2 (2021-12-13)
- a11y: add
to current bullet (#5258) (b5df68e) - update dom7 and ssr-window to latest (627ca3a)
7.3.1 (2021-11-24)
7.3.0 (2021-11-18)
- docs: property -> properly (#5187) (2824b0c)
- zoom: use only one element to zoom (60a9886), closes #5170
- core: fallback $selector to $wrapperEl if no children exist (#5173) (d8b4ca1)
- types: fixed typo
(#5158) (815e837)
7.2.0 (2021-10-27)
7.1.0 (2021-10-25)
- core: centeredSlides won't work when use creative-effect (#5115) (264ca64)
- coverflow effect: interface CoverflowEffectOptions updated. (#5123) (b1c317a)
7.0.9 (2021-10-18)
- core: Change opacityString and scaleString to originalProgress (#5095) (244cc2e)
- vue: fix SwiperSlide types (114fee7), closes #5069
7.0.8 (2021-10-04)
- virtual: improve behavior with cssMode (b478058)
7.0.7 (2021-09-29)
- angular: removed stray setIndex debug code (nolimits4web#5006) (#5007) (59e44ae)
- vue: make
not required in SwiperSlide vue component (#4992) (1cd6af8)
7.0.6 (2021-09-16)
- angular: deprecate
(#4951) (7ee3d58) - effect-creative: fix autoplay by watching all slides transition end (86e6fb6), closes #4961
- types: add missing
effect (#4950) (c18aa08)
7.0.5 (2021-09-09)
- core: don't auto create elements on destroy/init (b4cdea8)
- core: passes
shouldn't extend prototype (f07d43f), closes #4928
7.0.4 (2021-09-08)
- core: fix cssMode animation in Safari 14 (7fd04fe), closes #4925
- virtual: fix Virtual slides in React, Vue & Angular (e80925e), closes #4899
7.0.3 (2021-09-03)
7.0.2 (2021-08-31)
- a11y: fix argments for
method (#4884) (2987700) - core: reset slides size when
switches to auto (2c8784b), closes #4881 - description typo (#4887) (d3c4764)
7.0.1 (2021-08-26)
- autoplay: add missing
method (dda14bc), closes #4865 - pagination: check for bullets before destroy (ea06b4c), closes #4859
7.0.0 (2021-08-25)
- angular: container classNames (#4854) (fd092dc)
- angular: demo (9fa84e6)
- angular: try paths for build/types (04b4eae)
- angular: tsignore (9011756)
- types: make loopSlides & loopCreate & loopDestroy internal (d6fdd1b)
- zoom: zoom elements only in
(a4e351f), closes #4847 - keyboard: fix not working keyboard module (31ee849)
- pagination: avoid adding direction classes to other swiper's pagination's (f1c8c89)
- core: prevent
from unlocking slidePrev/Next (f1b7397) - scrollbar: fix scrollbar size with
(91f2f2f) - core: fix slide progress in CSS Mode and centered slides (1b0165a)
- core: better handle loop fix with cssMode enabled (ff84073)
- core: fix auto create elements feature with breakpoints (3b50feb)
- components: add
prop (596e2a1) - types: add
parameter (0d599e2) - core: grab cursor to be set based on touchEventsTarget (cffc3aa)
- core: double check for documentElement in smoothScroll detection (ac09e38)
- creative-effect: add
parameter (980c4c7) - angular: better typing (e132ee8)
- angular: better typing (6b562fa)
- angular: support 'strictTemplates' flag (613f12c)
- effect-creative: add
option (ed3bd7a) - angular: partial ivy build (#4834) (e86b2b3)
- core
class toswiper
(ad8002c) - core
class toswiper
(c763c9c) - core:
is now enabled by default (b97286f) - core: improve
detection (627ae4c) - creative-effect: add shadows (cce4f23)
- cards-effect: add slide shadow (09666c8)
- cards-effect: new Cards effect (21af858)
- creative-effect: add
options (1c7d49e) - core: new "Creative" effect (f72f5ba)
- svelte: add Svelte components typings (5a64bdc)
- core: new
feature (2b6f133), closes #4168 - coverflow-effect: support cssMode (e13d268)
- fade-effect: support cssMode (18b49cc)
- flip-effect: support cssMode (82859a1)
- pagination: keep pagination styles when it is outside of container (1b11429), closes #3736
- core: better RTL support in CSS Mode (3503ced)
- core: support for
in CSS Mode (c940953) - core: support for coverflow effect in CSS Mode (8300225)
- core: support for Virtual Slides in CSS Mode (0e26d52)
- core: use easing for custom scroll animation (f40a370)
- zoom: support Zoom in CSS Mode (4639702)
- core:
merged into singlewatchSlidesProgress
(33dbf62) - core: custom animation for CSS Mode where smooth scrolling is not supported (a61da6a)
- core: remove
browser detection (9c9970c) - core: move slides manipulation methods to Manipulation module (74873f1)
- core: move
functionality to new Grid module (0f1df44) - core: increase package build target (65f96c1)
- core: tweak browserslist (82a23a5)
- core: convert A11y to functional module (5906115)
- core: convert Autoplay to functional module (ace1e54)
- core: convert FreeMode to functional module (4d307c0)
- core: convert Keyboard to functional module (ed63a3b)
- core: convert Lazy to functional module (8d4f99a)
- core: convert Mousewheel to functional module (1e4bf98)
- core: convert Navigation to functional module (e4aa156)
- core: convert Pagination to functional module (1c718d0)
- core: convert Scrollbar to functional module (96b8b17)
- core: convert Thumbs to functional module (bea5ac2)
- core: convert Virtual to functional module (6899e83)
- core: convert Zoom to functional module (eb1437e)
- core: remove object-syntax modules support (287d14a)
- core:
is now default towrapper
(71ffcb5), closes #4751 #3816 - core: convert effects to functional modules (b6f64a5)
- core: convert HashNavigation to functional module (ac384c6)
- core: convert History to functional module (7e7c95a)
- core: convert Observer to functional module (a31b80e)
- core: convert Parallax to functional module (a7c26b5)
- core: convert Resize to functional module (133047c)
- core: new functional modules syntax (e45285a)
- core: remove
events listeners in favor of pointer events (b9254ab) - core: remove MutationObserver support detection (consider it is supported everywhere) (6ed6786)
- core: remove pointerEvents support detection (b7d171b)
- core:
is not enabled by default (552a7ea) - package: use
type: module
(e8d89f2) - core: remove CJS formats (3978367)
- core: remove Less and SCSS variables in favor of CSS variables (91e8ea1)
- freeMode: init (#4240) (895da28)
- slidesPerColumn: init (#4508) (c469d29)
6.8.4 (2021-08-23)
- improve typing (b0fb310)
6.8.3 (2021-08-20)
- fix missing package.json in
6.8.2 (2021-08-16)
- core: support tailwind's
in classes (0cfbc53), closes #4812 - vue: add missing emitted events (enable & disable) into 'emits' option (95665cc)
- vue: fix
prop type (7f1b1b9), closes #4822
6.8.1 (2021-08-03)
- core: reset slides margin-top on
breakpoint (c94a115), closes #4044 - core: fix server side check for
(close #4787) (#4788) (ca4f6b8)
6.8.0 (2021-07-22)
- a11y: count aria-label without duplicated item in loop option (4bd7461), closes #4782 #4781
- angular: nested swiper (#4785) (2be958c)
- core: don't extend html elements in SSR (#4784) (adac257)
- hash-navigation: typos in comments and function name (#4779) (07b8dc3)
- svelte: install modules via
component prop (#4768) (ddaa069), closes #4767 - zoom: fix zoom panning in RTL (08bcd05), closes #4074
6.7.5 (2021-07-01)
- lazy: lazy load when no sides resistance enabled (1949a9e), closes #4729
- zoom: compatibility with slidesPerView to zoom only clicked slide (aa1a778), closes #4716
6.7.1 (2021-06-23)
- angular: don't set main
on wrapper element (1285195), closes #4679 - core: don't extend html elements (#4691) (32ae99b)
- core: unset top margin on slide when
changed (1ced4f7), closes #4658 - react: dynamically enable/disable navigation/pagination/scrollbar (d87ac0c), closes #4681
- react: update parallax on Virtual slides rendered (ce210f3), closes #4673
- react, svelte, vue: allow to accept
prop (76dd086), closes #4633 - svelte: dynamically enable/disable navigation/pagination/scrollbar (8711bb9)
- typings: fixed methods definitions for navigation, pagination and scrollbar (77d6909)
- vue: dynamically enable/disable navigation/pagination/scrollbar (4821008)
- vue: update parallax on Virtual slides rendered (b78c6e0)
- core: add ParallaxOptions types (7cc22fe), closes #4684
- core: allow
to be multiple classes (0d578b0), closes #4680 - core: make
configurable (6ff0866), closes #4677 - core: use
to detect window width for breakpoints (1a4afe0), closes #4682
6.7.0 (2021-05-31)
- angular: virtual mode run changeDetecton inside ngZone (#4601) (4f37a61)
- lazy: use passive listener for scroll listeners (cbe7a59)
- thumbs: improve thumbs with slidesPerGroup (b2b31b3), closes #3704 #4007 #4615 #4208
- vue: definition for "lock" and "unlock" events (46d35f7), closes #4596
- core: starter html layout can be optional with new
createElements: true
parameter (#4507) (aef2865) - autoplay: if
, it will stop autoplay on interaction (e7e5031), closes #4598 - vue: add support for use Swiper as async component (ff53797), closes #4613
6.6.2 (2021-05-19)
- autoplay: fix resume after pause on mouseenter (3d480be), closes #4569
- navigation: better SCSS interpolation (a1337df)
- svelte: auto update Virtual slides on slides prop change (ddf11b8), closes #4564
6.6.1 (2021-05-11)
6.6.0 (2021-05-11)
- core: make autoHeight work with Virtual slides (6925acf), closes #4525
- zoom: don't toggle zoom on slides without zoom-container (e1de61b), closes #4535
- autoplay: new
parameter to pause autoplay on mouse enter over container (1a10247), closes #4482 - core: new parameters and methods to enable/disable Swiper dynamically (575bc84), closes #4356 #4311
- react: add the missing render function type (cfa1459)
6.5.9 (2021-04-30)
- angular: custom naviation & pagination (c96bcf6)
- angular: don't remove Swiper styles on destroy (96ad4f0), closes #4443
- angular: extend current params (71be609)
- angular: pagination true should work (434a19c)
- angular: update value (20e25b5)
- build: size calc (769e9df)
- docs: postinstall bakers-> backers typo (839aea4)
- hash-navigation: fixed issue when using with freeMode without transition (c90a7bd), closes #4478
- history: fixed issue when using with freeMode without transition (2902ea9)
- react: load lazy images (if enabled) on children change (ca0347b), closes #4463
- vue: load lazy images (if enabled) on children change (335daff)
- angular: support id input (ad51e32)
- core-js postinstall script (fd5c01d)
- angular: use class & ngClass on
component (66c5a55)
6.5.8 (2021-04-23)
- components: fixed issue with navigation, pagination, scrollbar custom elements added after initialization (cfd4efd), closes #4458
- react: make events reactive (301ffb0), closes #3762
- a11y: add
parameter for custom slide role (097109f), closes #4435 - history: new
parameter to avoid issues with root path detection (e6d1202), closes #3205
6.5.7 (2021-04-16)
- react: fixed issue with Virtual, Controller and Thumbs when running
- core: new
method to set whole Swiper translate progress (from 0 to 1)
6.5.6 (2021-04-09)
6.5.5 (2021-04-08)
- core: removed Svelte from peerDependencies
- utils: dom not writeable (8775c1a)
6.5.4 (2021-04-05)
- core: fix pagination and a11y classes escaping (49e06f9), closes #4403
- svelte: don't destroy on server-side (8a8fb62), closes #3961
6.5.3 (2021-03-31)
6.5.2 (2021-03-30)
6.5.1 (2021-03-29)
- a11y: correct
attribute name (1b73c3b), closes #4371 - core: fixed proto pollution (ec358de)
- core: fixed proto pollution (9dad273)
- isObject cross window (7c36077)
- isObject cross window (95b5dfe)
- update virtual slides (e33242c)
- core: replace unsupported Object.entries (6dff71d), closes #4341
- core: use
helper (9698e58), closes #4337
- a11y.slideLabelMessage (9fd6e68)
- custom html element support (f96db02)
- navigation: set
prop on nav element if it is a<button>
element (7536fbd), closes #4312
6.5.0 (2021-03-05)
- a11y: space should trigger role button (3d4039b)
- core: correctly update slideIndex when other elements are present in slides wrapper (21e7713)
- core: don't toggle zoom during transition (16f185e), closes #4259
- core: don't try to move slider when it is locked (51fd048), closes #4284
- e2e: initSwiper (9915f8b)
- lazy: fixed issue with lazy loading when freeMode stops without momentum (82bcc5c), closes #4274 #4275
- navigation: don't hide navigation on pagination click (7b7cccf), closes #4285
- pagination: don't hide pagination on navigation click (68b8a93), closes #4285
- svelte: fix Svelte cjs exports (478289c), closes #4297
- components: added "resizeObserver" boolean option/prop to enable ResizeObserver (f03ffbb), closes #4244
- core: added support to use ResizeObserver with new "resizeObserver" parameter (5f80052), closes #4244
- core: possible to enable breakpoints based on container width (instead of window width) (42db86d), closes #4244
- init cypress (6159524)
6.4.15 (2021-02-18)
- angular, vue, svelte: add 'observer', etc. to params-list (8f1cd29)
- core: correctly store class names (02265ec), closes #4247
6.4.14 (2021-02-17)
- svelte: add "observer" params support to props (703ea53)
- vue: add "observer" params support to props (1d37ff7)
- fixed error bundling CJS module (0cda5e4), closes #4242
- react: add 'observer', etc. to params-list (205c14e)
- angular: thumbs & controller support (76acd28)
6.4.12 (2021-02-16)
- angular: autoplay SSR (4f1e9c4)
- angular: don't enable observer when virtual enabled (8810b18)
- angular: virtual SSR (63fed99)
- angular: call swiperRef outside of angular (4e544ef)
6.4.11 (2021-02-06)
- angular: BrowserAnimationsModule slides deletion (fef6ebd)
- react: navigation, pagination and scrollbar is not disabled when #4181 (460787d)
- react: correctly check for virtual params (92c0137)
- react: support SwiperSlider components wrapped in higher order components and fix nested fragments bug #4144
- vue: update virtual slides on nextTick (5208b1a), closes #4172
- svelte/vue navigation, pagination and scrollbar is not disabled when
#4181 (ffedb6b)
- angular: use observer to update swiper on slides changes (962a0c0)
- angular: use swipers observer (30dd7c9)
6.4.10 (2021-01-29)
- core: don't throw error when trying to init on non existent element (31aa87a)
- core: fixed issue with "scroll container" (c3d0b97), closes #4161
- react: fixed issut with Virtual Slides not working correctly (c24f7ef), closes #4162
- vue: fixed updating virtual slides on virtual data change (5979102)
6.4.9 - Released on January 28th, 2021
- angular: Cannot set property 'classNames' of undefined (13bcf39)
- angular: content slider ngIf (4ca13e4)
- angular: tsconfig path (f2dcf16)
- angular: zoom container custom class (5d4f11c)
- core: disable extra grid item for free mode (9159d89), closes #4010
- docs: change url api -> swiper-api (3dc9203)
- docs: heading levels (e8157e6)
- scrollbar: fixed issue when initialized with empty
will throw an error on destroy - svelte: slots container start & end (b23b4e1)
- zoom: consider window scroll for offsets (60cd60a), closes #4039
6.4.8 - Released on January 22th, 2021
- Core
- Improved default behavior on Windows touch screen devices
- Types
- Some docs comments fixes
6.4.7 - Released on January 21th, 2021
- Types
- Added full docs comments for all Swiper parameters
- Angular
- Proper support for zoom functionality with required extra "zoom" element. Can be enabled with
prop on slides, e.g.<ng-template swiperSlide [zoom]="true">
- Fixed issue with SSR
- Fixed issue with not working custom
- Proper support for zoom functionality with required extra "zoom" element. Can be enabled with
6.4.6 - Released on January 20th, 2021
- Core
parameter now can receive string'prevent'
to prevent system swipe-back navigation- Fixed issue when with decimal
last slide never received "active" class/state - Cube
- Fixed shadow rendering issues in Chrome
- React/Svelte/Vue/Angular
- Fixed rendering issue when virtual slides used with breakpoints
- Minor fixes
6.4.5 - Released on December 18th, 2020
- Fixed issue with
6.4.4 - Released on December 18th, 2020
- Fixed issue with
script - Now
files are also available for all components - Svelte
- Fixed issue with wrong location of
files in package
- Fixed issue with wrong location of
- Angular
- Types fixes
- Added
support to pass all Swiper params as single object (https://github.com/nolimits4web/swiper/commit/f7d21c5f49860fdca62a31ccb62b01a790fd0df3) - Added
active slide binding (https://github.com/nolimits4web/swiper/commit/86670bd7c1b95268919147662383804e664011a7)
- Minor fixes
6.4.1 - Released on December 9th, 2020
- Fixed types errors introduced in
6.4.0 - Released on December 8th, 2020
- All new Swiper Angular components (kudos to @vltansky) 🎉
- React
- Now Swiper won't cleanup styles on destroy
- Svelte
- Now svelte package contains source
components - Now Swiper won't cleanup styles on destroy
- Now svelte package contains source
- Vue
- Now Swiper won't cleanup styles on destroy
- Lazy
- Now it has options to check is Swiper also is in view before loading the images (thanks to @ygj6)
- Build
- Fixed sourcemap missing original sources
- Lots of minor fixes
6.3.5 - Released on October 30th, 2020
- Build
- Fixed builds on Windows
- Core
- Fixed no swiping class in shadow component (#3868)
- Typecheck for
6.3.4 - Released on October 20th, 2020
- Vue
- Fixed issue with
Maximum recursive updates
- Fixed issue with
6.3.3 - Released on October 9th, 2020
- Core
- Fixed issue with wrong slides calculation when slides have inner scrollbars
- Autoplay
- Now it will continue autoplay if it reaches the end and new slides will be added later
- React
- Fixed issue when slide render function data was set only after interaction
- Minor fixes
6.3.2 - Released on September 28th, 2020
- Svelte
- Fixed issue with throwing error when using breakpoints
6.3.1 - Released on September 25th, 2020
- A11y
- Init module after all other modules initialized
- A11y
6.3.0 - Released on September 25th, 2020
- A11y
- Added new parameters
(#3834 thanks to @jenemde)
- Added new parameters
- A11y
- Now
component requires uniquevirtualIndex
to be set so Swiper can know which slide is rendered exactly
- Now
- Fixed issue when
was not rendered if used withv-for
- Now
component requires uniquevirtualIndex
to be set so Swiper can know which slide is rendered exactly
- Fixed issue when
All new Swiper Svelte components:
<Swiper spaceBetween="{50}" slidesPerView="{3}"> <SwiperSlide>Slide 1</SwiperSlide> <SwiperSlide>Slide 2</SwiperSlide> ... </Swiper> <script> import { Swiper, SwiperSlide } from 'swiper/svelte'; </script>
6.2.0 - Released on September 4rd, 2020
All new Swiper Vue.js (v3) components:
<template> <swiper :space-between="50" :slides-per-view="3"> <swiper-slide>Slide 1</swiper-slide> <swiper-slide>Slide 2</swiper-slide> ... </swiper> </template> <script> import { Swiper, SwiperSlide } from 'swiper/vue'; export default { components: { Swiper, SwiperSlide, }, }; </script>
6.1.3 - Released on September 3rd, 2020
- Core
- Pagination
- Now it won't set a11y attributes on customly rendered bullets
- Pagination
- React
- Fixed issue with loop mode and breakpoints not being recalculate slides
6.1.2 - Released on August 17th, 2020
- React
- Fixed issue generating
warning in Next.js - Fixed issue with Virtual List in RTL mode
- Fixed issue generating
6.1.1 - Released on July 31th, 2020
- Fixed ESM/CJS import paths
6.1.0 - Released on July 31th, 2020
- Core
- Mousewheel
- New mousewheel parameters
- New mousewheel parameters
- Fixed issue with Navigation and Pagination
files (#3724) - Fixed issue with setting proper
causing some bundlers to not include imported styles (#3708)
- Mousewheel
- React
- Now
accepts render function withisActive
props:<Swiper> <SwiperSlide> {({ isActive }) => <div>Current slide is {isActive ? 'active' : 'not active'}</div>} </SwiperSlide> <SwiperSlide>...</SwiperSlide> ... </Swiper>
- Now
- Minor fixes
6.0.4 - Released on July 15th, 2020
- Fixed TS definitions for Swiper React component (#3692)
6.0.3 - Released on July 14th, 2020
- Dom7 updated to latest with correct
6.0.2 - Released on July 9th, 2020
- React
- Now Swiper will be auto updated if
are passed from later-available refs
- Now Swiper will be auto updated if
6.0.1 - Released on July 7th, 2020
- SCSS:Fixed issue with missing
var in Navigation and Pagination
- SCSS:Fixed issue with missing
- Fixed Swiper instance argument typings in event handler props
- Added event handler props definitions for modules events
6.0.0 - Released on July 3rd, 2020
New NPM package structure
All scripts transpiled to ES5
New and renamed files (BREAKING CHANGE):
- core Swiper LESSswiper.scss
- core Swiper SCSSswiper-bundle.css
- Swiper bundle CSSswiper-bundle.js
- Swiper bundle JavaScript in UMD formatswiper-bundle.cjs.js
- Swiper bundle JavaScript in CommonJS formatswiper-bundle.esm.js
- Swiper bundle JavaScript in ESM formatswiper.cjs.js
- Swiper core JavaScript in CommonJS formatswiper.esm.js
- Swiper core JavaScript in ESM format
Following imports are now available
import Swiper from 'swiper'
- imports core versionimport Swiper from 'swiper/bundle'
- imports bundle versionimport Swiper from 'swiper/core'
- imports core version
Components can be imported from core version using named imports, or using direct import:
import { Navigation } from 'swiper'; // or import Navigation from 'swiper/components/navigation'; // and styles (Less or SCSS only) import 'swiper/components/navigation/navigation.less';
Full server-side rendering support (SSR) with new parameters:
- device user agent, required for some initial detectionurl
- required to correctly detect and set initial slide if Hash Navigation or History modules are used
boolean parameter (by default enabled), that prevents slidePrev/Next transitions while transition is in progress -
Full support for Node.js DOM libraries like JSDOM and Domino
Added new
listener to listen for any swiper event -
All events now emit
instance as a first argument (BREAKING CHANGE) -
Added official TypeScript definitions
Updated to use next generation
libraries -
All new Swiper React components:
import { Swiper, SwiperSlide } from 'swiper/react'; export default () => { return ( <Swiper spaceBetween={50} slidesPerView={3} onSwiper={(swiper) => console.log(swiper)} onSlideChange={() => console.log('slide change')} > <SwiperSlide>Slide 1</SwiperSlide> <SwiperSlide>Slide 2</SwiperSlide> ... </Swiper> ); };
5.4.5 - Released on June 16th, 2020
- Core
- Fixed issue when checkOverflow method could throw error if Navigation module wasn't installed (#3621)
- Keyboard
- New parameter
to enable/disable pageUp and pageDown keys (enabled by default)
- New parameter
5.4.3 - Released on June 13th, 2020
- Core
- Removed
text from code - Fixed resize handler calling
to last slide when it shouldn't
- Removed
5.4.2 - Released on June 3rd, 2020
- Mousewheel
- Fixed issue when enabling
also inverted scrolling
- Fixed issue when enabling
- Coverflow Effect
- Added support for
parameter (#3598)
- Added support for
- Pagination
- Fixed detection of
- Fixed detection of
5.4.1 - Released on May 20th, 2020
- Fixed dependencies versions
5.4.0 - Released on May 15th, 2020
- Hash Navigation
- Added
events (#3557)
- Added
- Lazy
- Added support for
lazy loading (#3560)
- Added support for
- Mousewheel
- Potentially improved vertical scrolling issues on Windows/Linux OS
- Updated
dependencies to latest versions - Minor fixes
5.3.8 - Released on April 24th, 2020
- Core
- Fix iOS bug with double bounce on free mode momentum bounce
- A11y
- Fixed focus ring on navigation buttons (#3544)
- Fixed RegExp issue in
(#3540, #3541)
- Thumbs
- Added
parameter that allows to set on what thumbs active slide from edge. It should automatically move scroll thumbs
- Added
- Minor fixes
5.3.7 - Released on April 10th, 2020
- Core
- Fixed
behavior in RTL layout
- Fixed
- Zoom
- Fixed issue with not working double-tap to toggle with virtual slides
- Minor fixes
5.3.6 - Released on February 29th, 2020
- Core
- Fixed wrong auto height calculation with
- Fixed wrong auto height calculation with
- Lazy
- Now it will update auto height (if enabled) on lazy image loaded (#3466)
- Zoom
- Fixed issue when previously active slide could be zoomed with
API (#3451) - Fixed issue when zoom didn't work on
element (#3456) - Added support for custom zoom-target element by adding
class to such elements
- Fixed issue when previously active slide could be zoomed with
- Coverflow Effect
parameter now can be set in%
- Minor fixes
5.3.1 - Released on February 8th, 2020
- Core
- Fixed issue when slider could stuck after last slide (#3414)
- Added
to list of form events to keep clicks on it (#3407)
5.3.0 - Released on January 11th, 2020
- Core
- New
behavior (#3361) - New ratio-based breakpoints (#3389)
- Added SCSS interpolation (#3373, #3374)
- New
- Mousehweel
- Fixed issue when it can fail on load (#3383)
- Minor fixes
5.2.1 - Released on November 16th, 2019
- Core
- New loop events
- New parameter
(by defaulttrue
) that will update/recalc swiper on window resize/orientationchange - Added SCSS interpolation for
variable when not building from source (#3334) - Quote SCSS color names (#3316)
- Fixed issue when
could be called more than once (#3322)
- New loop events
- Mousewheel
- Fixed scroll wheel unwanted frozen effect (#3328)
- Thumbs
- New
(by defaulttrue
) option to control whether multiple thumbnail slides may get activated or not.
- New
- Minor fixes
5.2.0 - Released on October 26th, 2019
- Core
- New
parameter that when enabled will keep first and last slides at bounds - Fixed issue when
could break position on resize (#2708, #3303) - Fixed transition duration issue with
(#3302) - Fixed issue with wrong row/column if not full groups (#3294)
- Fixed issue when
couldn't work together (#3291)
- New
- Mousewheel
- Faster & smoother mousewheel inertial scrolling (#3304)
- Package
- Added source maps to package builds (#3306)
- Added minified version of browser.esm.bundle
- Minor fixes
5.1.0 - Released on October 16th, 2019
- Core
- Fixed issues with touch on iOS 13
- New
method #3268
- Pagination
- Improved dynamic bullets behavior when
loop: true
- Improved dynamic bullets behavior when
- Zoom
- Fixed issue with pinch to zoom on Android
- Minor fixes
5.0.4 - Released on September 30th, 2019
- Core
- Now on short swipes over navigation buttons, it will treat it like nav button click (#3237 by @robpop)
- Fixed issue when passing float
could break loop mode (#3225 by @robpop)
- Scrollbar
- Fixed issue with wrong "pointer" position calculation on scroll bar tap
- Autoplay
- Fixed issue when it was
after returning from hidden tab
- Fixed issue when it was
- Minor fixes
5.0.3 - Released on September 19th, 2019
- Core
defaults back tocontainer
- Added handling of
event #3219 - Fixed issue with wrong order calculation in
slidesPerColumnFill: 'row'
mode - Fixed issue with slides missplacing when prepending slides in virtual mode
- Fixed issue when zoomed image still swiped to another slide on mobiles
5.0.1 - Released on September 17th, 2019
- Core
- Fixed typo in code
5.0.0 - Released on September 17th, 2019
- Core
- All new CSS Scroll Snap mode (can be enabled with
cssMode: true
). It doesn't support all of Swiper's features, but potentially should bring a much better performance in simple configurations - Fully removed Internet Explorer support
parameter has been removed and nowbreakpoints
behave like withbreakpointsInverse: true
parameter now defaults tofalse
event won't be fired with 300ms delay anymore. Now it will be fired at the same time astap
event- When
slidesPerColumnFill: 'column'
it now usesflex-direction: column
layout which requires specified height on swiper-container touchEventsTarget
now defaults towrapper
(rather thancontainer
like before)slidesPerColumn
now can be used with breakpoints- Now Swiper styles use CSS Custom Properties (CSS Custom Variables) to specify swiper's color theme (color of navigation buttons/pagination). It is now
--swiper-theme-color: #007aff;
- Improved
module "tree-shake-ability" - New
package that can be used directly in browser (import Swiper from 'swiper.esm.browser.bundle.js'
- All new CSS Scroll Snap mode (can be enabled with
- Autoplay
- Now it will be paused when document becomes hidden (in not active tab) and continued again when document becomes visible
- Lazy
- Swiper preloader image replaced with a little bit simpler loader. Now its color can be changed with
CSS custom property (which is defaults to--swiper-theme-color
- Swiper preloader image replaced with a little bit simpler loader. Now its color can be changed with
- Pagination
- Active pagination bullets and pagination theme colors now use CSS Custom Properties. It can be defined with
property (which is defaults to--swiper-theme-color
- Active pagination bullets and pagination theme colors now use CSS Custom Properties. It can be defined with
- Navigation
- Navigation icons reworked with built-in (base64) icon font. It allows to apply any color and size without replacing image
- Navigation buttons colors now use CSS Custom Properties. It can be defined with
property (which is defaults to--swiper-theme-color
) - With
(defaults to44px
) it is now possible to change size of the navigation buttons (and icons)
- Minor fixes and improvements
4.5.1 - Released on September 13th, 2019
- Core
- Fixed issue when callbacks fires on init even if it disabled (#2807)
- Fixed issue when "swiper-slide-visible" class name in some situations shows up when it shouldn't
slidesPerColumnFill: 'row'
now considers groups (#3077)
- Thumbs
- Fixes bug 'Cannot read property
of undefined' that sometimes occurs on use of thumbnails
- Fixes bug 'Cannot read property
- Keyboard
- Added
- Added
- Autoplay
- Fixed issue when window resize stopped autoplay
- Parallax
- Fixed issue when parallax opacity didn't work (#3147)
- Minor fixes and improvements
4.5.0 - Released on February 22nd, 2019
- Core
- New
method to change direction from horizontal to vertical (and back) dynamically direction
parameter can be used in breakpoints
- New
- Virtual Slides
now accepts array of slides to addswiper.virtual.prependSlide
now accepts array of slides to prepend- New
to remove virtual selected slides - New
to remove all virtual slides
- Navigation
- Now it emits
events when on nav hide/show
- Now it emits
- Pagination
- Now it emits
events when on pagination hide/show
- Now it emits
- Dom7 updated to latest 2.1.3
- Fixed issue when
bound event could still be there after unbinding it with.off
- Fixed issue when
- Source
- Source styles are now available in SCSS in addition to LESS
- Minor fixes and improvements
4.4.6 - Released on December 19th, 2018
- Core
- Fixed issue with wrong slide size calculation in some cases
4.4.5 - Released on December 14th, 2018
- Core
- New
parameter to enable auto update on slide children update - Fixed issue when slide padding was not considered when calculating sizes
- Fixed issue with wrong touch support detection on Windows Chrome
- Fixed some issues with wrong slides grid calculation in multi row mode
- New
- Zoom
- Now it emits
event withscale
- Now it emits
- Minor fixes
4.4.2 - Released on November 1st, 2018
- New
parameter to force touch start event prevent default - Breakpoints fix when breakpoint keys are strings
- Fixed issue when draggable scrollbar may not work on desktop Safari
- Fixed issue with wrong sort of Virtual Slides
- Minor fixes
4.4.1 - Released on September 14th, 2018
- Fixed issue with preventing touchstart event
4.4.0 - Released on September 14th, 2018
- Core
- New
parameter to center slides if the amount of slides less thanslidesPerView
- New
parameter (boolean), if enabled then it will count breakpoints in reversed direction, e.g. will override parameters if window width is more than specified breakpoint
- New
- Virtual Slides
- New
parameters to increase amount of pre-rendered slides
- New
- Thumbs
- All new "Thumbs" module/component designed to control slider thumbnails, in more logical and correct way than with Controller module.
- Lots of minor fixes
4.3.5 - Released on July 31th, 2018
- Core
parameter renamed to justedgeSwipeThreshold
. OldiOSEdgeSwipeThreshold
name is still supported- Improved observer performance if there are many mutations at a time. Thanks to @rayvincent-bsd
- Controller
- Fixed issue with wrong auto height resizing
- Scrollbar
- Fixed issue when it was using active event listeners instead of passive. Thanks to @nyon
- Minor fixes
4.3.3 - Released on June 5th, 2018
- Core
- Fixed issue when slidePrev goes to wrong slide #2650
- Fixed issue when roundLength was not considered for grids calculation #2656
- Fixed typo in API #2659
4.3.2 - Released on June 1st, 2018
- Core
- Added
addSlide(index, slide)
method to add slide at required position. Thanks to @kochizufan - Fixed issue with loop #2647. Thanks to @kochizufan
- Added
- Pagination
- New
parameter to format current number in Fraction pagination - New
parameter to format total number in Fraction pagination
- New
- Minor fixes
4.3.0 - Released on May 27th, 2018
- Core
- Fixed issue when
sometimes slides to wrong slide - Fixed issue when window resizing can break Coverflow effect layout
- Fixed issue with wrong detection of
. Thanks to @langjun
- Fixed issue when
- Dom7 update to latest v2.0.6:
- Fixed issue with remove event listeners when they was not added
- Minor fixes
4.2.6 - Released on May 1st, 2018
4.2.5 - Released on April 29th, 2018
- Core
- Prevent apply grab cursor when swiper is locked
- Fixed breakpoint with loop getting wrong realIndex when on init
- Fixed "transformed" slides sizes calculation that could cause issues in with Coverflow effect
- Autoplay
- Fixed issue that can cause memory leak
- Dom7 update to latest
- Improved internal events proxies logic for better memory management
- Minor fixes
4.2.2 - Released on April 1st, 2018
- Core
- Respect and update breakpoints when calling Swiper's
- Respect and update breakpoints when calling Swiper's
- Pagination
- New
parameter to make pagination progressbar opposite todirection
parameter, means vertical progressbar for horizontal swiper direction and horizontal progressbar for vertical swiper direction
- New
- Mousewheel
- Fixed issue in
for loop not being set correctly
- Fixed issue in
- Minor fixes
4.2.0 - Released on March 16th, 2018
- Core
now supportsspeed
parameter to resize swiper wrapper with duration- Fixed issues in free mode with
not being able to snap to closest snap point - New
method to slide to closest snap point when it is somewhere in between
- A11y (Accessibility)
- It is now enabled by default (if installed)
- Controller
- Fixed RTL issue when vertical swiper controls horizontal one
- Lazy
- Fixed issue when lazy loading not always triggered on window resize
- Minor fixes
4.1.6 - Released on February 11th, 2018
- Fixed onTouchMoveOpposite event on touch devices
4.1.5 - Released on February 10th, 2018
- Improved touch events support on desktop Windows devices with touch screen
- Improved "loop fix" when slider is in the free mode
- New
parameter that can be used instead ofnoSwipingClass
- New
parameter to prevent interaction during slice change transition - New
method to be used in loop mode - Fixed issue with
events being fired when slide wasn't actually changed - Scrollbar
- Now doesn't require to enable
for desktops when it isdraggable
- Now doesn't require to enable
- Keyboard
- Fixed detection statement whether a swiper is in the viewport
- Pagination
- Added new multiple main bullets support for dynamic bullets pagination
- Zoom
- Now supports Virtual Slides
- Minor fixes
4.1.0 - Released on January 13th, 2018
- Improved IE 10 support. But it is recommended to use proto polyfill
- Improved touch support for Edge
- New
(disabled by default). When enabled Swiper will be disabled and hide navigation buttons on case there are not enough slides for sliding - Autoplay
- New
to enable autoplay in reverse direction - New
parameter when autoplay will wait for wrapper transition to continue (enabled by default). Can be disabled in case of using Virtual Translate when your slider may not have transition
- New
- Keyboard
- New
parameter (enabled by default). When enabled it will control sliders that are currently in viewport
- New
4.0.7 - Released on November 28th, 2017
- Fixed issue with not working correctly
on iOS - Fixed issue with not working allowSlideNext/Prev change on Breakpoints
- Fixed wrong scrollbar dragging when using custom
- Minor fixes
4.0.6 - Released on November 13th, 2017
- Fixed Coverflow effect issue using with breakpoints
will also be in consideration with right-edge swipe- Fixed
behavior in RTL mode - Swiper now emits
event on breakpoint change - Minor fixes
4.0.5 - Released on November 7th, 2017
- Fixed issue with not working
parameter - Parallax now considers
parameter - Zoom: improved gestures handling
- Pagination: fixed issues with wrong positioned dynamic-bullets when there are not enough slides
- Fixed issues with some effects being broken with enabled
- Minor fixes
4.0.3 - Released on October 27th, 2017
- Fixed Parallax opacity and scale transitions
- Better compatability with SSR by using dummy
object - Fixed styles for dynamic pagination buttons in RTL mode
- Fixed issue with last pagination button not being active with
slidesPerView: 'auto'
- Renamed build tasks:
4.0.2 - Released on October 18th, 2017
- Lazy loading support for Virtual slides
- Added
event - Minor fixes
4.0.1 - Released on October 11th, 2017
- Fixed issue with pagination being broken with loop mode
- Reworked
calculation ordering - ES-module files renamed (possible breaking change):
(exported by default)swiper.modular.js
- Minor fixes
4.0.0 - Released on October 4th, 2017 🎉
- New API (check Documentation)
- Virtual Slides - new module that keeps in DOM just required amount of slides
- Source code has been fully rewritten in ES-next syntax
- Dist package contains additional ES-next modules:
- swiper bundle forimport Swiper from 'swiper'
- modular version for using Swiper with required components only
- New
for creating custom Swiper build with required components and custom color theme - jQuery version of Swiper has been removed
- Improved compatibility with server-side rendering
- Hundreds of improvements and fixes
- Fixed issue with draggable Scrollbar in RTL layout
- Minor fixes
- Dom7 update to latest version
- Small core refactoring to get better results within tree-shaking bundles
- Disable a11y by default
- Fixed issue with events sharing between multiple swipers
- Fixed issue with resize handling after destroy
- Few minor fixes
- Initial 4.0.0 release
- Fixed an issue with lazy loading callbacks when swiper is destroyed
- New
callbacks - New
callback when keyboard control is used - Fixed Chrome+Windows issue with not clickable links that have "title" attribute
- Minor fixes
- Fixed Zoom for RTL
- Improved slideToClickedSlide behavior when loop is enabled
- Minor fixes
- Custom build available. Now you can create custom swiper build using the folowing modules: effects, lazy-load, scrollbar, controller, hashnav, history, keyboard, mousewheel, parallax, zoom, a11y. Using cli
gulp custom -zoom,effects,lazy-loading
- New zoom functionality that enables double tap and pinch to zoom slide's inner image:
- Required slide layout for zoom:
<div class="swiper-slide"> <div class="swiper-zoom-container"> <img src="path/to/image"> </div> </div>
- New zoom parameters:
- enable zoom functionalityzoomMax
- maximum image zoom multiplier, by default is3
- minimum image zoom multiplier, by default is1
- enable/disable zoom-in by slide's double tap
can be also overridden for specific slide by usingdata-swiper-zoom
- Required slide layout for zoom:
- New
methods to enable disable touch control (it togglesonlyExternal
parameter) - New
property in addition toswiper.activeIndex
that returns index of active slide considering loop - New History API with new
parameter. It uses history pushState to set active slide URL - New
parameter to navigate through slides (when hashnav is enabled) by browser history or by setting directly hash on document location - New
parameter that work in addition to hashnav or history to replace current url state with the new one instead of adding it to history - New methods
to enable/disable grab cursor - Draggable Scrollbar now works when
- New
parameter to improve work of controller (see #1766) lazyLoadingInPrevNextAmount
now works withslidesPerView: 'auto'
- New
parameter to use passive event listeners to improve scrolling performance on mobile devices. Enabled by default - New
parameter to control moment velocity - Now it is possible to specify autoplay delay for every (or specific) slides by using
attribute on them - Lazy loading now also respects
responsive images attribute - Improved mousewheel cross browser behavior (see #1797)
- New
parameter (by default 'container') where you can specify mousewheel events target - New
event/callback that triggers when swiping/scrolling happens with mousewheel - New
parameter to release touch events on slider edge position (beginning, end) and allow for further page scrolling - Multirow (slidesPerColumn) support for vertical direction, which is in this case becomes multicolumn
now acceptsswiper
instance as a first argument,paginationBulletRender(index, className)
->paginationBulletRender(swiper, index, className)
- New "swiper-slide-duplicate-active", "swiper-slide-duplicate-next", "swiper-slide-duplicate-prev" classes that will be added in loop mode to the slides representing duplicated looped slides
- All css classes are now configurable via new parameters: lazyLoadingClass, notificationClass, containerModifierClass, paginationClickableClass, paginationModifierClass, lazyStatusLoadingClass, lazyStatusLoadedClass, lazyPreloaderClass, notificationClass, preloaderClass, zoomContainerClass, slideDuplicateActiveClass, slideDuplicateNextClass, slideDuplicatePrevClass
- New
parameter. If enabled (by default) and navigation elements' parameters passed as the string (like.pagination
) then Swiper will look for such elements through child elements first. Applies for pagination, prev/next buttons and scrollbar - New
callback. Will be fired after pagination elements generated and added to DOM - New
method, which combines.destroyLoop()
methods with additional positioning fixes. Useful to call after you have changedslidesPerView
parameter, it will dynamically recreate duplicated slides required for loop - New
properties with Dom7/jQuery element with next/prev button HTML element - Fixed not working mousewheel control in IE 11
- Fixed issue with lazy loading images not being recalculated after window resize
- Fixed issues when using loop with breakpoints changing
parameters - Numerous minor fixes
- New 3D Flip effect. Can be enabled with `effect: 'flip' parameter
- New types of pagination with new parameters:
- type of pagination. Can be'bullets'
(default) or'fraction'
paginationFractionRender(swiper, currentClass, totalClass)
- custom function to render "fraction" type paginationpaginationProgressRender(swiper, progressbarClass)
- custom function to render "progress" type paginationpaginationCustomRender(swiper, current, total)
- custom function to render "custom" type pagination
- New
parameter allows to lazy load images in specified amount of next/prev slides - New
parameter (true
by default) tells to autoplay should it stop on last slide or start from first slide - New
callback - Minor fixes
- Fixed issue with using HTMLElements for next/prevButton parameters with breakpoints
- Fixed issue with not working Auto Height when using Controller
- Fixed issue in RTL layout using
- Fixed issue in RTL layout using Parallax
- New "Auto Height" mode when container/wrapper adapts to the height of currently active slide. Can be enabled with
autoHeight: true
parameter - Fixed issue with breakpoints in Firefox
- Fixed issue with wrong slides position when using effects
- Fixed issue with none-updated scroll bar after using
- Minor fixes
Added responsive breakpoints support using new
parameter. Now you can specify differentslidesPerView
and other similar parameters for different sizes:slidesPerView: 5, spaceBetween: 50, breakpoints: { 1024: { slidesPerView: 4, spaceBetween: 40 }, 768: { slidesPerView: 3, spaceBetween: 30 }, 320: { slidesPerView: 1, spaceBetween: 10 } }
New callbacks:
Added Meteor package
meteor add nolimits4web:swiper
Fixed issue with mouse touchMove/End callbacks firing all the time
Fixed issue with mousewheel in Chrome
Minor fixes
- Fixed issue with lazy loading trying to download
-src images - Fixed lazy loading on slides using jQuery version
- Fixed issue with
- Fixed issue with wrong slides fill when number of slides less than
slidesPerView * slidesPerColumn
withslidesPerColumnFill: 'row'
- Minor fixes
- Added support for images
with lazy loading usingdata-srcset
attribute - Fixed new Chrome errors with
- Fixed issue with
- New
parameter to set minimum required touch velocity to trigger free mode momentum - Ability to make the Scrollbar draggable using new paramaters:
- (boolean) by default isfalse
. Allows to enable draggable scrollbarscrollbarSnapOnRelease
- (boolean) by default isfalse
. Control slider snap on scrollbar release
- Minor fixes
- Fixed issues with loop and mousewheel when swiper stopped on last slide
- Improved mouse wheel behavior in latest Chrome
- Fixed issue with
slidesPerView: 'auto'
and enabledloop:true
mode to setloopedSlides
to the amount of slides by default (if not specified) - New
mousewheelSensitivity: 1
parameter allows to tweak mouse wheel sensitivity - Fixed issue with updating swiper when swiping is locked (with
) - Fixed issue with wrong calculating of "visible" slides with enabled
- CSS fixes for 3D effects
- New options to release Swiper events for swipe-to-go-back work in iOS UIWebView with two options:
(by default isfalse
) - enable ios edge detection and release Swiper eventsiOSEdgeSwipeThreshold
(default value is20
) - area inpx
from left edge of screen to release events
- Improved source maps
- Minor fixes
- Accessibility (a11y)
- Fixed issue with wrong buttons labels
- Added support for pagination bullets
- New accessibility parameter for pagination label
paginationBulletMessage: 'Go to slide {{index}}'
- Controller
- New parameter
which can be 'slide' (by default) or 'container'. Defines a way how to control another slider: slide by slide or depending on all slides/container (like before) - Now controllers in
controlBy: 'slide'
(default) mode will respect grid of each other
- New parameter
- Pagination
- New
parameter defines which HTML tag will be used to represent single pagination bullet. By default it isspan
- New
- New
parameter (by default isfalse
) to round values of slides width and height to prevent blurry texts on usual resolution screens - New
slidesOffsetBefore: 0
andslidesOffsetAfter: 0
(in px) parameters to add additional slide offset within a container - Correct calculation for slides size when use CSS padding on
- Fixed issue with not working onResize handler when swipes are locked
- Fixed issue with "jumping" effect when you disable
during touchmove - Fixed issue when slider goes to previous slide from last slide after window resize
- Added new
version for the environment where both Swiper and jQuery included as modules - Minor fixes
- Fixed issue with wrong active index and callbacks in Fade effect
- New mousewheel parameters:
- will release mousewheel event and allow page scrolling when swiper is on edge positions (in the beginning or in the end)mousewheelInvert
- option to invert mousewheel slides
- Fixed issue with lazy loading in next slides when
> 1 - Fixed issue with resistance bounds when swiping is locked
- Fixed issue with wrong slides order in multi-row mode (when
> 1) - Fixed issue with not working keyboard control in RTL mode
- Fixed issue with nested fade-effect swipers
- Minor fixes
- New
parameters to force Swiper size, useful when it is hidden on intialization - Better support for "Scroll Container". So now Swiper can be used as a scroll container with one single "scrollable"/"swipeable" slide
- Added lazy loading for background images with
attribute on required elements - New "Sticky Free Mode" (with
parameter) which will snap to slides positions in free mode - Fixed issues with lazy loading
- Fixed slide removing when loop mode is enabled
- Fixed issues with Autoplay and Fade effect
- Minor fixes
- Fixed sometimes wrong slides position when using "Fade" effect
.destroy(deleteInstance, cleanupStyles)
method now has secondcleanupStyles
argument, when passed - all custom styles will be removed from slides, wrapper and container. Useful if you need to destroy Swiper and to init again with new options or in different direction- Minor fixes
- New Keyboard accessibility module to provide focusable navigation buttons and basic ARIA for screen readers with new parameters:
a11y: false
- enable accessibilityprevSlideMessage: 'Previous slide'
- message for screen readers for previous buttonnextSlideMessage: 'Next slide'
- message for screen readers for next buttonfirstSlideMessage: 'This is the first slide'
- message for screen readers for previous button when swiper is on first slidelastSlideMessage: 'This is the last slide'
- message for screen readers for next button when swiper is on last slide
- New Emitter module. It allows to work with callbacks like with events, even adding them after initialization with new methods:
.on(event, handler)
- add event/callback.off(event, handler)
- remove this event/callback.once(event, handler)
- add event/callback that will be executed only once
- Plugins API is back. It allows to write custom Swiper plugins
- Better support for browser that don't support flexbox layout
- New parameter
(be default it isfalse
) to provide better compatibility with browser without flexbox support. Enabled this option and plugin will set width/height on swiper wrapper equal to total size of all slides - New
parameter. When it is enabled swiper will be operated as usual except it will not move. Useful when you may need to create custom slide transition - Added support for multiple Pagination containers
- Fixed
callbacks - Fixed issue with not accessible links inside of Slides on Android < 4.4
- Fixed pagination bullets behavior in loop mode with specified
- Fixed issues with clicks on IE 10+ touch devices
- Fixed issues with Coverflow support on IE 10+
- Hashnav now will update document hash after transition to prevent browsers UI lags, not in the beginning like before
- Super basic support for IE 9 with swiper.jquery version. No animation and transitions, but basic stuff like switching slides/pagination/scrollbars works
- New Images Lazy Load component
- With new parameters
(all disabled by default) - With new callbacks
- With new parameters
ready split into 2 parameters:preloadImages
(by default is true) - to preload all images on swiper initupdateOnImages
(by default is true) - update swiper when all images loaded
- Fixed issues with touchmove on focused form elements
- New
callback function to be called after updates by observer - Fixed issue with not working inputs with keyboard control for jQuery version
- New
parameter that accepts function which allow custom pagination elements layout - Hash Navigation will run callback depending on
parameter watchVisibility
parameter renamed towatchSlidesVisibility
- Fixed issue with not firing onSlideChangeEnd callback after calling .slideTo with runCallbacks=false
- Fixed values of isBeginning/isEnd when there is only one slide
- New
option for fade effect - Improved support for devices with both touch and mouse inputs, not yet on IE
- Fixed not correctly working mousewheel and keyobard control in swiper.jquery version
- New parallax module for transitions with parallax effects on internal elements
- Improved .update and .onResize methods
- Minor fixes
- Fixed issue with keyboard events not cleaned up with Swiper.destroy
- Encoded inline SVG images for IE support
- New callbacks
- onInit (swiper)
- onTouchMoveOpposite (swiper, e)
- Fixed free mode momentum in RTL layout
method improved to fully cover whatonResize
do for full and correct update- Exposed
object with the following properties:startX
- New methods to remove slides
- to remove selected slides.removeAllSlides()
- to remove all slides
- Fixed issue with navigation buttons in Firefox in loop mode
- Fixed issue with image dragging in IE 10+
- Initial release of all new Swiper 3
- Removed features
- Dropped support for old browsers. Now it is compatible with:
- iOS 7+
- Android 4+ (multirow mode only for Android 4.4+)
- Latest Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Opera desktop browsers
- WP 8+, IE 10+ (3D effects may not work correctly on IE because of wrong nested 3D transform support)
- Scroll Container. Removed in favor of pure CSS
overflow: auto
with-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch
- Dropped support for old browsers. Now it is compatible with:
- New features
- Swiper now uses modern flexbox layout, which by itself give more features and advantages
- Such Swiper 2.x plugins as Hash Navigation, Smooth Progress, 3D Flow and Scrollbar are now incorporated into Swiper 3.x core
- Full RTL support
- Built-in navigation buttons/arrows
- Controller. Now one Swiper could be controlled (or control itself) by another Swiper
- Multi row slides layout with
option - Better support for nested Swipers, now it is possible to use same-direction nested Swipers, like horizontal in horizontal
- Space between slides
- New transition effects: 3D Coverflow, 3D Cube and Fade transitions
- Slides are
now, so it is possible to use borders and paddings directly on slides - Auto layout mode (
slidesPerView: 'auto'
) now gives more freedom, you can even specify slides sizes in % and use margins on them - Mutation Observers. If enabled, Swiper will watch for changes in Dom and update its layout automatically
- Better clicks prevention during swiping
- Many of API methods, parameters and callbacks are changed
- Added a bit lightweight jQuery/Zepto version of Swiper that can be used if you use jQuery/Zepto in your project