Live Demo:
Swagger UI:
Admin: (login: bekzod
, password: bekzod
Frontend with Vue 3 and Vuetify 3, see repo
- FastAPI, Websockets, Pydantic 2
- Postgres (asyncpg), async Redis (PubSub and Cache)
- SQLAlchemy 2
- Database migrations with Alembic
- Poetry for dependency management, containerization with Docker/docker-compose
- Linting and Formatting with Ruff
- Fully asynchronous: FastAPI, Postgres, Redis
- JWT HTTP-only cookies authentication (access, refresh tokens)
- Horizontal Scalability with Redis PubSub
- Rate Limiting (Throttling)
- FastAPI background tasks:
- uploading photos to cloud
- updating non-essential info
- Message status confirmation: sending, sent and read
- Read status tracking with one field per user per chat (last read message) instead of tracking individual message read status
- User status tracking: online, inactive and offline
- User
is typing
tracking - Google Oauth2 authentication:
- Frontend retrieves access token
- Backend verifies and gets user data
- Store files in AWS S3 bucket in production and StaticFiles in local development
- Modern Admin panel with
- Configure necessary variables in
- Create network:
make network
- Build and run:
make build-up
(runs on port: 8001) - Apply migrations:
make upgrade
- Follow logs:
make logs
- Run tests:
make test