This repository is a quickstart guide for building a simple Java SpringBoot application into a container image using Gradle, maven-jib-plugin. Local tests are enabled by Docker & Minikube.
- Some Software Development experience with Java, Docker, Kubernetes
- Java 11+
- Gradle 7+
- Docker (for local build)
- Minikube (for local testing)
- A Github public repo (for CI)
- Build: Build a container image for a Java Springboot app using
- Run: Run the container image in Kubernetes (Minikube), Gotchas in the Minikube / Docker setup
- Github Workflows: build container image, publish Junit test results as Artifacts
./gradlew clean test
./gradlew clean test jibDockerBuild
./gradlew clean test jib
# !! Important Note !!
# Minikube comes with its own docker daemon and won't be able to find your local images by default
# 1. Start afresh
minikube delete
minikube start --driver=docker
# 2. Set environment variables (this is important)
eval $(minikube docker-env)
# 3. Build the container image
./gradlew clean test jibDockerBuild
# 4. Create deployment
kubectl run novarasa-java-pod --image=novarasa/quickstart-java-springboot --image-pull-policy=Never
# 5. See status of deployment & pods
kubectl get pods
# 5. On a separate terminal (to launch the Dashboard)
minikube dashboard
Within an Enterprise, you wouldn't typically be directly using the online Maven Repository (or) Docker Hub to pull / push artifacts. So some modifications to the gradle configurations will be required.
- amenddistributionUrl
to point to Gradle distributions available in your enterprise's artifact repository (JFrog Artifactory / Sonatype Nexus)build.gradle
should point to fully qualified paths in your enterprise's container registry andjib.from.auth
should the developer / API credentials used to pull / push images. Do not hardcode credentials instead pass them as environment variables from your CI pipeline.
- actions/starter-workflows#171 (gradlew chmod)