MVPCleanCodeDemo Public
RxJava, Dagger, Retrofit = MVP
udacity-movie-app Public
This project is the second task of the Udacity Google Android Developer Nanodegree Scholarship.
mao-trailer-app Public
A movie/tv series app using Dagger, Retrofit, RxJava, DataBinding and Room.
scenic_hiking Public
Scenic Hiking is a hiking app that users can choose locations and navigate to them accordingly.
libbra Public
A currency tracker app demonstration. It refreshes currency list every single second based on the main currency. In addition to that, main currency is selectable.
This is the recommended Android architecture by Google that can support both online and offline work.
DaggerExoPlayer Public
This repository demonstrates ExoPlayer injection with Dagger2
A repository that shows how to use Firebase App Distribution to distribute android app to testers by fastlane.
HiltDataBindingSample Public
As I thought of that the gist piece doesn't seem to be clear enough to be understood by developers, I decided to create this sample repository. Hope this clears things up for you!
udacity-baking-app Public
This project is the third task of the Udacity Google Android Developer Nanodegree Scholarship.
firebase-mlkit-samples Public
This repository is a showcase for text, face and label recognization using Firebase ML Kit
market_tech_challenge Public
A best use case Android application sample with latest patterns. This app is developer as part of Kariyer.net Tech Challenge.
GlideAppModuleSample Public
This repository demonstrates usage of AppGlideModule of Glide library
package-management-mvp Public
This sample project demonstrate how to fetch crypto currency info using Scarlet Websocket library of Tinder.
BestCoin Public
A cryptocurrency app
Proje-Bulteni-Android-App Public
An Android App that I developed for a NPO (Web service doesn't work anymore)
Data-Binding-Demo Public
New feature DataBinding is used in the project
A showcase and a playground with MVVM, Android Architecture Components, Room Persistence Library, DataBinding, RxJava2, Retrofit2, Glide4 and so on.
A sample Kotlin app which was built with modular structure, Kotlin DSL, Kotlin Coroutines, TDD and MVVM patterns.
activity-box Public
⚡️📌 Update a pinned gist to contain the latest activity of a user
coil Public
Forked from coil-kt/coilImage loading for Android backed by Kotlin Coroutines.
Kotlin Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 21, 2024 -
Capstone-Project Public
This repo stands for the final project of Udacity Google Android Scholarship Program
UpdatedDec 15, 2023