AI5-SDL2 is a cross-platform implementation of elf's AI5WIN game engine.
Only the games listed below are supported.
Game | ID |
この世の果てで恋を唄う少女YU-NO (エルフclassics) | yuno |
YU-NO (English translation patch) | yuno-eng |
同級生 Windows版 | doukyuusei |
下級生 | kakyuusei |
遺作 リニューアル | isaku |
愛姉妹 ~二人の果実~ | aishimai |
AI5-SDL2 adds the following features which are not present in the original AI5WIN engine:
- The game window can be stretched to any size.
- Built-in text hooking features (see the
command line options). - Various issues caused by AI5WIN running with an unlocked frame rate are
fixed (by limiting the frame rate).
- The speed of transition effects can be adjusted with the
command line option. - The speed of message skipping (with CTRL) can be adjusted with the
command line option.
- The speed of transition effects can be adjusted with the
The following keybindings can be used in-game.
Key | Action |
= | Increase window size to the next highest integer multiple |
- | Decrease window size to the next lowest integer multiple |
s | Open the save menu (Isaku only) |
l | Open the load menu (Isaku only) |
F10 | Take a screenshot |
F11 | Toggle fullscreen mode (borderless) |
F12 | Open debugger REPL (debug builds only) |
AI5-SDL2 ships with suitable fonts on non-Windows platforms, but they are not perfect. In particular, the font used for the English version of YU-NO gets cut-off at the bottom on certain characters.
You may want to copy msgothic.ttc
from a Windows installation and use it
instead of the default fonts. Custom fonts can be specified using the --font
On Windows this is not a problem, as the system's msgothic.ttc
is used by
AI5-SDL2 can be configured using command line options or an INI file.
You can use the AI5WIN.INI file that came with the game, or create a new INI
named AI5SDL2.INI
. Options for AI5-SDL2 should go under the [AI5SDL2]
section. E.g.
The available configuration options are as follows:
INI Name | Command Line Name | Description |
FONT | --font |
Font to use |
FONTFACE | --font-face |
Font face to use |
MSGSKIPDELAY | --msg-skip-delay |
Message skip delay time |
NOWARPMOUSE | --no-warp-mouse |
Disable automatic mouse movement |
TEXTHOOKCLIPBOARD | --texthook-clipboard |
Copy text to the system clipboard |
TEXTHOOKSTDOUT | --texthook-stdout |
Copy text to standard output |
TRANSITIONSPEED | --cg-load-frame-time |
Speed of transition effects (lower is faster) |
MAPNOWALLSLIDE | --map-no-wallslide |
Disable sliding along walls (Doukyuusei only) |
This repository uses git submodules. You must either pass the
option when cloning this repo, or initialize the
submodules manually:
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd subprojects/libai5
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd ../..
Then install the dependencies (corresponding Debian package in parentheses):
- meson (meson)
- libpng (libpng-dev)
- libsndfile (libsndfile-dev)
- SDL2 (libsdl2-dev)
- SDL2_ttf (libsdl2-ttf-dev)
- ffmpeg (libavcodec-dev) (optional)
Then build the ai5 executable with meson:
meson build
ninja -C build
ai5-sdl2 can be build on Windows using MSYS2.
First, install MSYS2, and then open the MINGW64 shell and run the following command,
pacman -S nasm diffutils \
mingw-w64-x86_64-gcc \
mingw-w64-x86_64-meson \
mingw-w64-x86_64-pkg-config \
mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2 \
mingw-w64-x86_64-SDL2_ttf \
mingw-w64-x86_64-libpng \
To build with FFmpeg support, you should compile FFmpeg as a static library:
git clone
cd FFmpeg
git checkout n7.0.1
./configure --disable-everything \
--enable-decoder=cinepak \
--enable-decoder=indeo3 \
--enable-decoder=pcm_s16le \
--enable-demuxer=avi \
--enable-demuxer=wav \
--enable-protocol=file \
--enable-filter=scale \
--enable-static \
--disable-shared \
--extra-libs=-static \
make install
cd ..
export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH"
Then build the xsystem4 executable with meson,
mkdir build
meson build
ninja -C build
If building from source, run:
ninja -C build install
to install AI5-SDL2 to your system.
Run the following command to install AI5-SDL2 to your user profile (note: flakes must be enabled):
nix profile install git+
The recommended way to install on Windows is to copy the executable into the game directory. Then you can simply double click ai5.exe to run the game.
Windows builds can be found on the releases page.
You can run a game by passing the path to its game directory or .INI file to the ai5 executable.
build/ai5 /path/to/game_directory
build/ai5 /path/to/game_directory/AI5WIN.INI
Alternatively, run AI5-SDL2 from within the game directory,
cd /path/to/game_directory