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Nutanix Rancher Extension


  • Nutanix Prism Central 2024.3
  • Nutanix Rancher Node Driver v3.6.0
  • Rancher 2.10.x

for old Rancher version please check branch release-2.9.x


The Nutanix UI Extension is now available in the Rancher Partner Extension Catalog. You can install it directly from the Rancher UI.

Manual procedure

  • In the Rancher UI, Go to the Configuration / Extensions page

  • Click on the three points top right and select Manage Extension Catalogs

  • Click on the Import Extension Catalog button

  • In the Catalog Image Reference add the following URL => and click on Load

  • Click on Reload

  • From the Extensions / Available page, install the Nutanix extension image


Building the Extension

yarn build-pkg nutanix

This will build the extension as a Vue library and the built extension will be placed in the dist-pkg folder.

Prevent loading your extension in dev mode

To do this, edit the file vue.config.js in the root my-app folder, and add the name of the package you want to exclude, such as:

const config = require('@rancher/shell/vue.config');

module.exports = config(__dirname, {
  excludes: ['test'],

Now we need to serve the built package locally by running the following:

yarn serve-pkgs

Next import the extension with the given link.

Creating a Release

Release Prerequisites

In order to have a Helm repository you will need to enable Github Pages on your Github repository. Just follow these steps:

  1. Create a branch called gh-pages on your Github repository for the extension
  2. Go to the repository of the extension and click the Settings tab in the top navigation bar.
  3. Then on the left navigation bar of the settings page click the Pages tab. 4.Lastly, select GitHub Actions from the Source dropdown.

Adding the Release Workflow

If not done before use this command to add the workflow :

yarn create @rancher/pkg test -w

Consuming the Helm chart

After releasing the Helm chart you will be able to consume this from the Rancher UI by adding your Helm repository's URL to the App -> Repository list. If you used the automated workflow to release the Helm chart, you can find the URL within your Github repository under the "github-pages" Environment.

The URL should be listed as:

Once the URL has been added to the repository list, the extension should appear within the Extensions page.