Ahoy there, fellow navigator! Welcome to my internet expanse. You might notice a seeming emptiness, but do not fret. You've simply arrived early enough to witness the expansion of this universe. Just as the physical universe materialized from the Big Bang, this website will similarly unfold from this point. Emerging from this singularity will bloom a new digital universe! π
βββ ci - Continuous integration & deployment
βββ dev - Development tools & utilities
βββ lab - Experimental & unpolished projects
βββ lib - Libraries & packages
βββ nix - Custom Nix flakes & packages
βββ ops - Declarative system configurations
# Enter the Nuttyverse shell.
just develop
# Build the Nuttyverse.
just build
# Test the Nuttyverse.
just test
# Deploy the Nuttyverse.
just deploy
# Clean the Nuttyverse.
just clean
# Update the Nuttyverse.
just update