is a file browser extension for telescope.nvim.
It supports synchronized creation, deletion, renaming, and moving of files and
folders (with LSP integration with nvim 0.10+) powered by
telescope.nvim and
- Requirements
- Installation
- Setup and Configuration
- Usage
- Mappings
- Documentation
- Workflow
- Multi-Selections
- File System Operations
- Exports
- Roadmap & Contributing
- Neovim >= 0.9.0
- fd (optional, for faster browser)
- git (optional, for display git status)
Install the plugin with your preferred package manager.
dependencies = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }
-- packer
use {
requires = { "nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim", "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim" }
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim'
Plug 'nvim-telescope/telescope-file-browser.nvim'
You can configure the telescope-file-browser
like any other telescope.nvim
picker. Please see :h telescope-file-browser.picker
for the full set of
options dedicated to the picker. Unless otherwise stated, you can pass these
options either to your configuration at extension setup or picker startup. For
instance, you can map theme
and mappings as you are used to
from telescope.nvim
-- You don't need to set any of these options.
-- IMPORTANT!: this is only a showcase of how you can set default options!
require("telescope").setup {
extensions = {
file_browser = {
theme = "ivy",
-- disables netrw and use telescope-file-browser in its place
hijack_netrw = true,
mappings = {
["i"] = {
-- your custom insert mode mappings
["n"] = {
-- your custom normal mode mappings
-- To get telescope-file-browser loaded and working with telescope,
-- you need to call load_extension, somewhere after setup function:
require("telescope").load_extension "file_browser"
Non-primative options are commented out. See :h telescope-file-browser.picker.file_browser()
local fb_actions = require "telescope._extensions.file_browser.actions"
require("telescope").setup {
extensions = {
file_browser = {
path = vim.loop.cwd(),
cwd = vim.loop.cwd(),
cwd_to_path = false,
grouped = false,
files = true,
add_dirs = true,
depth = 1,
auto_depth = false,
select_buffer = false,
hidden = { file_browser = false, folder_browser = false },
respect_gitignore = vim.fn.executable "fd" == 1,
no_ignore = false,
follow_symlinks = false,
browse_files = require("telescope._extensions.file_browser.finders").browse_files,
browse_folders = require("telescope._extensions.file_browser.finders").browse_folders,
hide_parent_dir = false,
collapse_dirs = false,
prompt_path = false,
quiet = false,
dir_icon = "",
dir_icon_hl = "Default",
display_stat = { date = true, size = true, mode = true },
hijack_netrw = false,
use_fd = true,
git_status = true,
mappings = {
["i"] = {
["<A-c>"] = fb_actions.create,
["<S-CR>"] = fb_actions.create_from_prompt,
["<A-r>"] = fb_actions.rename,
["<A-m>"] = fb_actions.move,
["<A-y>"] = fb_actions.copy,
["<A-d>"] = fb_actions.remove,
["<C-o>"] =,
["<C-g>"] = fb_actions.goto_parent_dir,
["<C-e>"] = fb_actions.goto_home_dir,
["<C-w>"] = fb_actions.goto_cwd,
["<C-t>"] = fb_actions.change_cwd,
["<C-f>"] = fb_actions.toggle_browser,
["<C-h>"] = fb_actions.toggle_hidden,
["<C-s>"] = fb_actions.toggle_all,
["<bs>"] = fb_actions.backspace,
["n"] = {
["c"] = fb_actions.create,
["r"] = fb_actions.rename,
["m"] = fb_actions.move,
["y"] = fb_actions.copy,
["d"] = fb_actions.remove,
["o"] =,
["g"] = fb_actions.goto_parent_dir,
["e"] = fb_actions.goto_home_dir,
["w"] = fb_actions.goto_cwd,
["t"] = fb_actions.change_cwd,
["f"] = fb_actions.toggle_browser,
["h"] = fb_actions.toggle_hidden,
["s"] = fb_actions.toggle_all,
You can use the telescope-file-browser
as follows:
vim.keymap.set("n", "<space>fb", ":Telescope file_browser<CR>")
-- open file_browser with the path of the current buffer
vim.keymap.set("n", "<space>fb", ":Telescope file_browser path=%:p:h select_buffer=true<CR>")
-- Alternatively, using lua API
vim.keymap.set("n", "<space>fb", function()
comes with a lot of default mappings for
discoverability. You can use telescope
's which_key
(insert mode: <C-/>
normal mode: ?
) to list mappings attached to your picker.
denotes the folder thefile_browser
is currently infb_actions
refers to the table of providedtelescope-file-browser.actions
accessible viarequire "telescope".extensions.file_browser.actions
Insert / Normal | fb_actions | Description |
<A-c>/c |
create | Create file/folder at current path (trailing path separator creates folder) |
<S-CR> |
create_from_prompt | Create and open file/folder from prompt (trailing path separator creates folder) |
<A-r>/r |
rename | Rename multi-selected files/folders |
<A-m>/m |
move | Move multi-selected files/folders to current path |
<A-y>/y |
copy | Copy (multi-)selected files/folders to current path |
<A-d>/d |
remove | Delete (multi-)selected files/folders |
<C-o>/o |
open | Open file/folder with default system application |
<C-g>/g |
goto_parent_dir | Go to parent directory |
<C-e>/e |
goto_home_dir | Go to home directory |
<C-w>/w |
goto_cwd | Go to current working directory (cwd) |
<C-t>/t |
change_cwd | Change nvim's cwd to selected folder/file(parent) |
<C-f>/f |
toggle_browser | Toggle between file and folder browser |
<C-h>/h |
toggle_hidden | Toggle hidden files/folders |
<C-s>/s |
toggle_all | Toggle all entries ignoring ./ and ../ |
<Tab> |
see telescope.nvim |
Toggle selection and move to next selection |
<S-Tab> |
see telescope.nvim |
Toggle selection and move to prev selection |
<bs>/ |
backspace | With an empty prompt, goes to parent dir. Otherwise acts normally |
requires that your terminal recognizes these keycodes (e.g. kitty). See :h tui-input
for more information.
As part of the setup, you can remap actions as you like. The default mappings can also be found in this file.
local fb_actions = require "telescope".extensions.file_browser.actions
require("telescope").setup {
defaults = { --[[ your defaults]] },
extensions = {
file_browser = {
mappings = {
["i"] = {
-- remap to going to home directory
["<C-h>"] = fb_actions.goto_home_dir,
["<C-x>"] = function(prompt_bufnr)
-- your custom function
["n"] = {
-- unmap toggling `fb_actions.toggle_browser`
f = false,
The documentation of telescope-file-browser
can be be accessed from within Neovim via:
Topic | Vimdoc | Comment |
Introduction | :h telescope-file-browser.nvim |
Picker options | :h telescope-file-browser.picker.file_browser |
For extension setup |
Actions | :h telescope-file-browser.actions |
Explore mappable actions |
Finders | :h telescope-file-browser.finders |
Lower level for customization |
The documentation can be easily explored via :Telescope help_tags
. Search for fb_actions
, for instance, nicely lists available actions from within vimdocs. Very much recommended!
Please make sure to consult the docs prior to raising issues for asking questions.
unifies a file_browser
and a folder_browser
into a single finder that can be toggled between:
: finds files and folders in the (currently) selected folder (denoted aspath
, default:cwd
: swiftly fuzzy find folders fromcwd
downwards to switch folders for thefile_browser
(i.e. setpath
to selected folder)
Within a single session, path
always refers to the folder the file_browser
is currently in and changes by selecting folders from within the file
If you want to open the file_browser
from within the folder of your current
buffer, you should pass path = "%:p:h"
to the opts
table of the picker
(Vimscript: :Telescope file_browser path=%:p:h
) or to the extension setup
configuration. Strings passed to path
or cwd
are expanded automatically.
By default, the folder_browser
always launches from cwd
, but it can be
configured to launch from path
via passing the cwd_to_path = true
to picker
table or at extension setup. The former corresponds to a more
project-centric file browser workflow, whereas the latter typically facilitates
file and folder browsing across the entire file system.
In practice, it mostly affects how you navigate the file system in multi-hop
scenarios, for instance, when moving files from varying folders into a separate
folder. The default works well in projects from which the folder_browser
easily reach any folder. cwd_to_path = true
would possibly require returning
to parent directories or cwd
intermittently. However, if you move deeply
through the file system, launching the folder_browser
from cwd
every time
is tedious. Hence, it can be configured to follow path
In general, telescope-file-browser.nvim
intends to enable any workflow
without comprise via opting in as virtually any component can be overriden.
Multiple files and directories can be selected at the same time using default
bindings (<Tab>
) from telescope.nvim
One distinct difference to telescope.nvim
is that multi-selections are
preserved between browsers.
Hence, whenever you (de-)select a file or folder within {file, folder}_browser
, respectively, this change persists across browsers (in a
single session).
Note: path
corresponds to the folder the file_browser
is currently in.
Warning: Batch renaming or moving files with path inter-dependencies are not resolved! For instance, moving a folder somewhere while moving another file into the original folder in later order within same action will fail.
Action (incl. GIF) | Docs | Comment |
creation | :h telescope-file-browser.actions.create |
Create file or folder (with trailing OS separator) at path (file_browser ) or at selected directory (folder_browser ) |
copying | :h telescope-file-browser.actions.copy |
Supports copying current selection & multi-selections to path (file_browser ) or selected directory (folder_browser ) |
moving | :h telescope-file-browser.actions.move |
Move multi-selected files to path (file_browser ) or selected directory (folder_browser ) |
removing | :h telescope-file-browser.actions.remove |
Remove (multi-)selected files |
renaming | :h telescope-file-browser.actions.rename |
Rename (multi-)selected files |
See fb_actions for a list of native actions and inspiration on how to write your own custom action. As additional reference, plenary
's Path library powers a lot of the built-in actions.
For more information on telescope
actions and remappings, see also the upstream documentation and associated vimdocs at :h telescope.defaults.mappings
Additional information can also be found in telescope
's developer documentation.
The extension exports the following attributes via :lua require "telescope".extensions.file_browser
Export | Description |
file_browser |
main picker |
actions |
file browser actions for e.g. remapping |
finder |
file, folder, and unified finder for user customization |
_picker |
Unconfigured equivalent of file_browser |
Please see the associated
on more immediate open TODOs
for telescope-file-browser.nvim
That said, the primary work surrounds on enabling users to tailor the extension to their individual workflow, primarily through opting in and possibly overriding specific components.