Releases: nyxb/bumping
Releases · nyxb/bumping
🚀 Features
- Add bumping.config.ts and eslint.config.js for better project configuration - by @nyxb (d93e1)
- Add bumping.js, run.ts, and config.ts for version bumping functionality - by @nyxb (a53b0)
- .github/workflows/release.yml: Add new GitHub Actions workflow for automated releases - by @nyxb (5dc87)
- .npmrc: Add .npmrc file with shamefully-hoist=true to hoist all dependencies to the top level - by @nyxb (ae82c)
- skip version scripts: Add argument to skip if specified - by @sidtagirisa (104a0)
🐞 Bug Fixes
- Change to ignore scripts boolean instead of skip version scripts array. - by @sidtagirisa (94b29)
- Fix and move test to relevant file. - by @sidtagirisa (e95f2)
- Remove residual code - by @sidtagirisa (2cd4d)