OASIS GitHub Repositories for TC Work
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virtio-spec PublicOASIS Virtual I/O Device TC: Source code for the VIRTIO (Virtual I/O) Specification maintained by the OASIS Virtual I/O Device (VIRTIO) Technical Committee
odata-openapi PublicOASIS OData TC: Tools for producing API descriptions for OData services that adhere to the OpenAPI Specification
sarif-spec PublicOASIS SARIF TC: Repository for development of the draft standard, where requests for modification should be made via Github Issues
odata-vocabularies PublicOASIS OData TC: Standard vocabularies for annotating OData services
- sarif-spec Public
OASIS SARIF TC: Repository for development of the draft standard, where requests for modification should be made via Github Issues
- odata-specs Public
OASIS OData TC: Markdown sources for OData specification drafts. https://github.com/oasis-tcs/odata-specs
- openc2-jadn-im Public
Open Command and Control (OpenC2) TC: For drafting a Committee Note to connect the concepts of information modeling to the capabilities of JADN. https://github.com/oasis-tcs/openc2-jadn-im
- odata-openapi Public
OASIS OData TC: Tools for producing API descriptions for OData services that adhere to the OpenAPI Specification
- xliff-xliff-22 Public
OASIS XLIFF TC: A repository designed for use in development of TC chartered work products and test suites
- tosca-specs Public
OASIS TOSCA TC: This repository contains drafts of the TOSCA TC’s specifications and committee notes. https://github.com/oasis-tcs/tosca-specs