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Caché ObjectScript Quick Reference

A list of some common ObjectScript expressions

Object/SQL Basics

Action Code
Call a class method Do ##class(package.class).method(arguments)
Set variable = ##class(package.class).method(arguments)
Note: place a . before each pass-by-reference argument
Call an instance method Do object.method(arguments)
Set variable = object.method(arguments)
Note: place a . before each pass-by-reference argument
Create a new object Set object = ##class(package.class).%New()
Open an existing object Set object = ##class(package.class).%OpenId(id, concurrency, .status)
Open an existing object by unique index value Set object = ##class(package.class).IndexNameOpen(value, concurrency, .status)
Save an object Set status = object.%Save()
Retrieve the ID of a saved object Set id = object.%Id()
Retrieve the OID of a saved object Set oid = object.%Oid()
Retrieve property of a saved object Set variable = ##class(package.class).GetStoredPropertyName(id)
Determine if an object was modified Set variable = object.%IsModified()
Validate an object without saving Set status = object.%ValidateObject()
Validate a property without saving Set status = ##class(package.class).PropertyIsValid(object.Property)
Print status after error Do $system.Status.DisplayError(status)
Write $system.Status.GetErrorText(status)
Obtain status details after error Do $system.Status.DecomposeStatus(status, .err)
Remove an object from process memory Set object = ""
Delete an existing object of a class Set status = ##class(package.class).%DeleteId(id)
Delete all saved objects of a class Do ##class(package.class).%DeleteExtent()
Do ##class(package.class).%KillExtent()
Reload properties of a saved object Do object.%Reload()
Clone an object Set clonedObject = object.%ConstructClone()
Write a property Write
Set a property Set = value
Write a class parameter Write ##class(package.class).#PARAMETER
Set a serial (embedded) property Set = value
Link two objects Set object1.referenceProperty = object2
Populate a class Do ##class(package.class).Populate(count, verbose)
Remove all objects in process memory Kill
List all objects in process memory Do $system.OBJ.ShowObjects()
Display all properties of an object Do $system.OBJ.Dump(object)
Zwrite object (v2012.2+)
Determine If variable is an object reference If $isobject(variable) ; 1=yes, 0=no
Find classname of an object Write $classname(oref)
Start the SQL shell Do $system.SQL.Shell()
Test a class query Do ##class(%ResultSet).RunQuery(class, query)
Declare a variable's type for Studio Assist #dim object as package.class

ObjectScript Commands

Command Description
Write Display text strings, value of variable or expression
Zwrite Display array, list string, bit string
Set Set value of variable
Do Execute method, procedure, or routine
Quit or Return (v2013.1) Terminate method, procedure, or routine. Optionally return value to calling method
Continue Stop current loop iteration, and continue looping
Halt Stop Caché process and close Terminal
Kill Destroy variable(s)
If {} ElseIf {} Else {} Evaluate conditions and branch
For {}, While {}, Do {} While Execute block of code repeatedly
Try {} Catch {}, Throw Handle errors

ObjectScript Date/Time Functions and Special Variables

Action Code
Date conversion (external → internal) Set variable = $zdh("mm/dd/yyyy")
Date conversion (internal → external) Set variable = $zd(internalDate, format)
Time conversion (external → internal) Set variable = $zth("hh:mm:ss")
Time conversion (internal → external) Set variable = $zt(internalTime, format)
Display current internal date/time string Write $horolog
Display UTC date/time string Write $ztimestamp
Get the date relative to other date (any type) Write $system.SQL.DATEADD("hh", -4, "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss")
Get the difference between two dates (any type) Write $system.SQL.DATEDIFF("hh", horolog-or-ztimestamp, horolog-or-ztimestamp)

ObjectScript Branching Functions

Action Code
Display result for value of expression Write $case(expression, value1:result1, value2:result2, …, :resultN)
Display result for first true condition Write $select(condition1:result1, condition2:result2, …, 1:resultN)

ObjectScript String Functions

Action Code
Display substring extracted from string Write $extract(string, start, end)
Display right-justified string within width characters Write $justify(string, width)
Display length of string Write $length(string)
Display number of delimited pieces in string Write $length(string, delimiter)
Display piece from delimited string Write $piece(string, delimiter, pieceNumber)
Set piece into delimited string Set $piece(string, delimiter, pieceNumber) = piece
Display string after replacing substring Write $replace(string, subString, replaceString)
Display reversed string Write $reverse(string)
Display string after replacing characters Write $translate(string, searchChars, replaceChars)
Build a list Set listString = $listbuild(list items, separated by comma)
Retrieve an item from a list Set variable = $list(listString, position)
Retrieves elements sequentially from a list Set pointerToNextElement = 0
While = $ListNext(listString, pointerToNextElement, value) {}
Put item into list string Set $list(listString, position) = substring
Display the length of a list Write $listlength(listString)
Search a value in a list Write $listfind(listString, value)
Build a list from a string Set listString = $listFromString(string, delimiter)

ObjectScript Existence Functions

Action Code
Check if variable exists Write $data(variable)
Return value of variable, or default If undefined Write $get(variable, default)
Return next valid subscript in array Write $order(array(subscript))

Additional ObjectScript Functions

Action Code
Increment ^global by increment $increment(^global, increment)
Match a regular expression Set matches = $match(string, regularexpression)
Display random integer from start to start+count Write $random(count) + start

ObjectScript Special Variables

Action Code
Display process ID Write $job
Display current namespace Write $namespace
Change current namespace Set $namespace = newnamespace
Display username Write $username
Display roles Write $roles


Action Code
Change current namespace Do ^%CD
zn "newnamespace"
Display a ^global Do ^%G
zwrite ^global


Action Code
Create a new standalone list
Work with a list property
Set listObject=##class(%ListOfDataTypes).%New()
Use methods below on a list collection property
Insert an element at the end of a list Do listObject.Insert(value)
Do object.listProperty.Insert(value)
Insert an element into a list Do listObject.SetAt(value, position)
Do object.listProperty.SetAt(value, position)
Remove an element from a list Do listObject.RemoveAt(position)
Do object.listProperty.RemoveAt(position)
Display an element of a list Write listObject.GetAt(position)
Write object.listProperty.GetAt(position)
Display the size of a list Write listObject.Count()
Write object.listProperty.Count()
Clear all the elements of a list Do listObject.Clear()
Do object.listProperty.Clear()
Create a new standalone array
Work with an array property
Set arrayObject=##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New()
Use methods below on an array collection property
Insert an element into an array Do arrayObject.SetAt(value, key)
Do object.arrayProperty.SetAt(value, key)
Remove an element from an array Do arrayObject.RemoveAt(key)
Do object.arrayProperty.RemoveAt(key)
Display an element of an array Write arrayObject.GetAt(key)
Do object.arrayProperty.GetAt(key)
Display the size of an array Write arrayObject.Count()
Do object.arrayProperty.Count()
Clear all elements of an array Do arrayObject.Clear()
Do object.arrayProperty.Clear()


Action Code
Parent-to-children object linking Do parentObject.childRefProperty.Insert(chilDobject)
Set chilDobject.parentRefProperty = parentObject
One-to-many object linking Do oneObject.manyRefProperty.Insert(manyObject)
Set manyObject.OneRefProperty = OneObject
Write a property of a child object Write parentObject.childRefProperty.GetAt(position).property
Write a property of a many object Write oneObject.manyRefProperty.GetAt(position).property
Display the count of child/many objects Write parentObject.childRefProperty.Count()
Write oneObject.manyRefProperty.Count()
Open a many/child object directly Set object = ##class(package.class).IDKEYOpen(parentID, childsub)
Retrieve the id of a child object Set status = ##class(package.class).IDKEYExists(parentID, childsub, .childID)
Clear the child/many objects Do parentObject.childRefProperty.Clear()<br>Do oneObject.manyRefProperty.Clear()


Action Code
Create a new stream Set streamObject=##class(%Stream.GlobalCharacter).%New()
Set streamObject=##class(%Stream.GlobalBinary).%New()
Use methods below on a stream property
Add text to a stream Do streamObject.Write(text)
Do object.streamProperty.Write(text)
Add a line of text to a stream Do streamObject.WriteLine(text)
Do object.streamProperty.WriteLine(text)
Read len characters of text from a stream Write streamObject.Read(len)
Write object.streamProperty.Read(len)
Read a line of text from a stream Write streamObject.ReadLine(len)
Write object.streamProperty.ReadLine(len)
Go to the beginning of a stream Do streamObject.Rewind()
Do object.streamProperty.Rewind()
Go to the end of a stream, for appending Do streamObject.MoveToEnd()
Do object.streamProperty.MoveToEnd()
Clear a stream Do streamObject.Clear()
Do object.streamProperty.Clear()
Display the length of a stream Write streamObject.Size
Write object.streamProperty.Size

Unit Testing Macros

Action Code
Assert equality Do $$$AssertEquals(value1, value2, message)
Assert inequality Do $$$AssertNotEquals(value1, value2, message)
Assert status is OK Do $$$AssertStatusOK(status, message)
Assert status isn't OK Do $$$AssertStatusNotOK(status, message)
Assert condition is true Do $$$AssertTrue(condition, message)
Assert condition isn't true Do $$$AssertNotTrue(condition, message)
Log message Do $$$LogMessage(message)

Other Macros

Action Code
Return a good status Quit $$$OK
Return an error status Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, message)
Throw exception on error $$$ThrowOnError(status, code) or $$$TOE(status, code)
Check if status is good If $$$ISOK(status)
Check if status is an error If $$$ISERR(status)
Return a null object reference Quit $$$NULLOREF
Place a new line within a string Write string1_$$$NL_string2