Elevate your React Native applications with the power of customizable vector icons. Ideal for embellishing buttons, logos, and navigation or tab bars, these icons seamlessly integrate into your projects. Their versatility makes extension and styling effortless.
For the integration of .svg
files natively, you can explore react-native-vector-image
If you are still using the old single package react-native-vector-icons
please visit https://github.com/oblador/react-native-vector-icons/tree/10.x
- Sponsorship
- Available Icon Sets
- Installation
- Setup
- Icon Component
- Usage as PNG Image/Source Object
- Multi-Style Fonts
- Custom Fonts
- Animation
- Dynamic icon font loading
- Usage Examples
- Changelog
- License
Should you find this library beneficial, kindly contemplate the option of sponsoring.
RNVI comes with the following supported icons. You can search NPM for third party icons.
from Ant Group (v4.4.2 with 449 icons)Feather
created by Cole Bemis & Contributors (v4.29.2 featuring 287 icons)FontAwesome 6
designed by Fonticons, Inc. (v6.7.2 featuring 2060 free and 52663 pro icons)Foundation
by ZURB, Inc. (v3.0 with 283 icons)Ionicons
crafted by Ionic (v7.4.0 containing 1356 icons)MaterialDesignIcons
from MaterialDesignIcons.com (v7.4.47 including 7448 icons)Octicons
designed by GitHub, Inc. (v19.15.0 with 333 icons)Lucide
designed by Lucide, (v0.473.0 with 1548 icons)
by Daniel Bruce (v1.0.1 with 411 icons)EvilIcons
designed by Alexander Madyankin & Roman Shamin (v1.10.1 with 70 icons)FontAwesome
by Fonticons, Inc. (v4.7.0 containing 785 icons)FontAwesome 5
from Fonticons, Inc. (v5.15.4 offering 1611 free and 7869 pro icons)Fontisto
created by Kenan Gündoğan (v3.0.4 featuring 617 icons)MaterialIcons
by Google, Inc. (v4.0.0 featuring 2234 icons)SimpleLineIcons
crafted by Sabbir & Contributors (v2.5.5 with 189 icons)Zocial
by Sam Collins (v1.1.1 with 100 icons)
See MIGRATION.md if you are migrating from react-native-vector-icons
to the package-per-icon-set approach.
Install the common package
npm install --save @react-native-vector-icons/common
Install the packages for the icons you want use
npm install --save @react-native-vector-icons/fontawesome6 @react-native-vector-icons/evil-icons
Depending on the platform you're targeting (iOS/Android/Windows), follow the appropriate setup instructions below.
If you are using one of the following fonts refer to their guides for further instructions
Please refer to the guide for Expo, React Native or Web for further instructions.
You can either use one of the bundled icons above or roll your own custom font.
import Icon from '@react-native-vector-icons/fontawesome';
const myIcon = <Icon name="rocket" size={30} color="#900" />;
Any Text props and the following:
Prop | Description | Default |
size |
Size of the icon, can also be passed as fontSize in the style object. |
12 |
name |
What icon to show, see Icon Explorer app or one of the links above. | None |
color |
Color of the icon. | Inherited |
Prop | Description |
getImageSource |
Returns a promise that resolving to the source of a bitmap version of the icon for use with Image component et al. Usage: const source = await Icon.getImageSource(name, size, color) |
getImageSourceSync |
Same as getImageSource but synchronous. Usage: const source = Icon.getImageSourceSync(name, size, color) |
Since Icon
builds on top of the Text
component, most style properties will work as expected, you might find it useful to play around with these:
By combining some of these you can create for example :
Convenient way to plug this in into other components that rely on bitmap images rather than scalable vector icons. Takes the arguments name
, size
and color
as described above.
const source = Icon.getImageSourceSync('user', 20, 'red');
return <Image source={source} />;
Alternatively you may use the async method Icon.getImageSource
Keep in mind that Icon.getImageSourceSync
is blocking and might incur performance penalties. Subsequent calls will use cache however.
Some fonts today use multiple styles, FontAwesome 5 for example, which is supported by this library. The usage is pretty much the same as the standard Icon
import Icon from '@react-native-vector-icons/fontawesome5';
const myIcon1 = <Icon name="comments" size={30} color="#900" />; // Defaults to solid
const myIcon2 = <Icon name="comments" size={30} color="#900" iconType="solid" />;
const myIcon3 = <Icon name="comments" size={30} color="#900" iconType="light" />; // Only in FA5 Pro
All static methods from Icon
is supported by multi-styled fonts.
Prop | Description |
getImageSource |
Returns a promise that resolving to the source of a bitmap version of the icon for use with Image component et al. Usage: const source = await Icon.getImageSource(name, size, color) |
getImageSourceSync |
Same as getImageSource but synchronous. Usage: const source = Icon.getImageSourceSync(name, size, color) |
The best approach is to use our icon generator to create your own icon package.
See CREATE_FONT_PACKAGE.md to learn how to create your own font packages.
You can also use createIconSet()
directly in your project. This
returns your own custom font based on the glyphMap
where the key is the icon
name and the value is either a UTF-8 character or it's character code.
is the name of the postscript font. Open the font in https://fontdrop.info/,
Font Book.app or similar to learn the name. Also pass the fontFileName
argument for Android support.
import { createIconSet } from '@react-native-vector-icons/common';
const glyphMap = { 'icon-name': 1234, test: '∆' };
// use createIconSet() with object parameter
// or use positional parameters for compatibility with version <= 10: `createIconSet(glyphMap, fontFamily[, fontFile])`
const Icon = createIconSet(glyphMap, {
postScriptName: 'FontName',
fontFileName: 'font-name.ttf',
fontSource: require('../fonts/font-name.ttf') // optional, for dynamic loading. Can also be a local file uri.
You should place the font ttf file into rnvi-fonts
. You can customise this location by adding the following snippet to your package.json
"reactNativeVectorIcons": {
"fontDir": "src/assets/fonts"
React Native comes with an amazing animation library called
. To use it with an
icon, simply create an animated component with this line: const AnimatedIcon = Animated.createAnimatedComponent(Icon)
. You can also use the higher level
animation library
At the moment, dynamic loading is supported on native platforms (not on web) only if you use Expo. In the future, it should become available for all React Native projects via React Native core.
Fonts can be available in an app statically (since build time) or loaded dynamically at runtime. The latter can be useful e.g. for apps that use over-the-air updates and want to load new fonts with an update, or when you need to use a font from a remote location.
Dynamic loading in react-native-vector-icons is currently limited to those fonts that are bundled within the provided packages: it doesn't support Pro fonts (such as FontAwesome 5 Pro). However, loading of custom fonts is not difficult to implement: see any of the free font packages for reference.
By default, dynamic loading is enabled if supported by the version of Expo that you're using. It doesn't change the way you work with the package: If rendering an icon requires a font that is not known to the app, it will be loaded automatically and icon will render as expected.
exports several functions which you can use to control dynamic loading:
: Returns whether dynamic loading is enabled.isDynamicLoadingSupported
: Returns whether dynamic loading is supported by your runtime (checks that necessary Expo features are present).setDynamicLoadingEnabled
: Enables or disables dynamic loading.setDynamicLoadingErrorCallback
: Sets a callback that is called (in the unlikely case) when an error occurs during dynamic loading. An example of when an error might happen is loading a misconfigured OTA update which doesn't include a necessary font file.
Try the IconExplorer
project in Examples/IconExplorer
folder, there you can also search for any icon.
import Icon from '@react-native-vector-icons/ionicons';
function ExampleView(props) {
return <Icon name="ios-person" size={30} color="#4F8EF7" />;
import { Text } from 'react-native';
import Icon from '@react-native-vector-icons/ionicons';
function ExampleView(props) {
return (
Lorem <Icon name="ios-book" color="#4F8EF7" /> Ipsum
When running tests with jest
you will need to mock out the native code loading to prevent errors.
In jest.config.js
// Mock out font loading
moduleNameMapper: {
'\\.(ttf)$': '<rootDir>/__mocks__/file-mock.js',
Create __mocks__/file-mock.js
module.exports = {};
Create __mocks__/@react-native-vector-icons/common.js
// Mock the entire common library so there are no native module loading errors
module.exports = {
createIconSet: () => "icon"
This project is licenced under the MIT License.
Any bundled fonts are copyright to their respective authors and mostly under MIT or SIL OFL.