After cloning the repository, compile it in src with javac *.java Then run the compiled code with java MessageBox” The program takes no arguments and is fully dependent on the .data files and for user inputs, the UI. Characters “-” and “_” are not allowed to be used in text fields for design purposes. The message and user data are stored on .data files which are updated/created when the program is terminated.
The development java version is java 15.0.2.
You can sign up as a user by clicking the “sign up” button at the homepage. Application then creates an instance of User with the provided username and password. Every user must have a unique username. Passwords are hashed with SHA3-256 before being stored in the instance. A “successful sign up” pop-up window can be seen after the valid credentials are given.
A message can be left to a user at the “Leave a Message” page. Authenticated user needs to be selected from the dropdown menu listing every user in the database, a password must be set alongside with a codename for the message. Then, the desired message can be left. A Message instance is created with the given info and stored inside the message database. Every message must have a unique codename. A “successful message” pop-up window can be seen after valid credentials are given.
Messages can be viewed via the “Access” page. A message codename and username must be provided with their appropriate passwords. If the user is the authenticated receiver of the message, the message is displayed on the screen.