- New York, NY
- emilypakulski.com
fusionauth-import-scripts Public
Forked from FusionAuth/fusionauth-import-scriptsFusionAuth Import scripts for Auth0 and other examples
Ruby Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 10, 2024 -
viam-flutter-sdk Public
Forked from viamrobotics/viam-flutter-sdkViam Robotics Flutter SDK
mms-dev-vagrantfile Public
store all data-bearing nodes in a VM to create snapshots of your MMS ISDB & managed nodes
1 UpdatedSep 7, 2023 -
viam-cpp-sdk Public
Forked from viamrobotics/viam-cpp-sdk -
viam-python-sdk Public
Forked from viamrobotics/viam-python-sdkPython Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 5, 2023 -
rust-utils Public
Forked from viamrobotics/rust-utilsUtilities built in rust with use in various SDKs and beyond
Rust Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 5, 2023 -
rdk Public
Forked from viamrobotics/rdkViam Server - Robotic Development Kit
Go GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJul 25, 2023 -
flyerpenguin Public
Web app that creates a flyer from a Facebook event.
RSA_accelerator Public
HDL specification, Linux device driver, and user-level code for RSA Box, a hardware implementation of the RSA algorithm.
ToVoatWeGo Public
Chrome extension that lovingly redirects you to voat.co when you visit reddit.com.
Materials for workshop serving as an Introduction to Configuration Management (with Ansible).
All_This_Time_POV-app-hack Public
Project for PBS POV hackathon (spring 2015).
JavaScript UpdatedApr 7, 2015 -
simple-node-hackathon-seed Public
Very simple node, express, ejs, and Bootstrap hackathon seed. No extra junk.
DoorTroll Public
Open your door from your phone. Made at PennApps winter 2015.
distributed_Bellman_Ford Public
An implementation of Bellman Ford where each client's routing table is maintained by distributed communications between them (no server process).
BeatMap Public
An app that selects songs for you based on your walking pace.
RSA-Encryptor Public
RSA encryption and decryption program. Generates public and private keys.
WordNetQuery Public
A project for the Columbia University Speech Lab. Used to read words from a CSV and query WordNet to get e.g. synonyms.
Java UpdatedMay 15, 2014 -
HedgeCounter Public
Text parser that counts the number of hedge words per speaker. Made for research work at Columbia's speech lab.