This wiki is automatically published from ohmyzsh/wiki. To edit this page, go to ohmyzsh/wiki, make your changes and submit a Pull Request.
Keeping an open wiki that everyone can edit is important to the project, and spirit of the project. However, some constancy in markdown formatting goes a long way to make the wiki look as good as it is informative.
Following these guidelines while making the readme for your plugin/theme would be recommended as well, but is not required.
GFM Element | HTML Header Tag Equivalent | Use |
# | <h1> |
This will not be used, as Github wiki pages uses the filename as h1 |
## | <h2> |
Main section divider (as in this page Headers, Syntax Highlighting, etc are) |
### - #### | <h3> - <h4> |
For use in subsections |
##### | <h5> |
Please try to use this just for labeling Example in fenced code blocks |
###### | <h6> |
For descriptors in example fenced code blocks |
Below is an example of how to use each header (and will be the only use of ##/h2 in abnormal circumstances).
Tables are pretty and easy to read; please use them whenever possible for listing aliases, functions, and anything else that could possibly be made into a table.
We use shell to highlight code blocks. GitHub-Flavor Markdown (GFM) does support highlighting zsh
defined code blocks. However, some text editors do not, so this just makes the experience more consistent across the board.
Do not hard wrap lines.
Use underscores, not askerisks, to define italics. (This makes it easier to differentiate them from bold words/characters at glance in when editing.)
Use double asterisks, not double underscores, to define bold characters or words. (This makes it easier to differentiate them from bold words/characters at glance in when editing.)
Use hyphens -
for defining unnumbered lists and sublists, as opposed to asterisks.
Use Markdown formatting for images, not HTML.

Please use Unix line ending codes and not Windows (Mac OS X uses Unix by default).
Please leave a blank newline at the end of the file.
Page breaks such as ---
, ___
, and ===
don't have to be used, but if so, there are no strict guidelines on using them, just don't over use them.