NodeJsScan Public
Forked from ajinabraham/nodejsscanNodeJsScan is a static security code scanner for Node.js applications.
ya-skeleton Public
💀 Dockerized skeleton based on express.js framework, with mongo (mongoose) support
node-ddd-boilerplate Public
Forked from joshuaalpuerto/node-ddd-boilerplateNode DDD Boilerplate
package-quality Public
Forked from alexfernandez/package-qualityMeasurements of quality for packages, especially for npm
docker-local-starter Public
Forked from ykrevnyi/docker-local-starterStarter for local dev with nodejs and docker
interactive-tutorials Public
Forked from ronreiter/interactive-tutorialsInteractive Tutorials
express-api-responder Public
Forked from edufresne/express-api-responderA small package for Express.js containing convenience methods for returning JSON responses.
github-orgs-packages Public
Get information about all packages inside of your GitHub organisation
node-serverless-eventing Public
WIP: <SLS, SQS, Kinesis, node.js>
cookbook Public
Forked from minio/docsCollection of Minio recipes
counter-interview.dev Public
a collaborative collection of interview questions collected from both sides of the game: Interviewer(s) and Interviewee.
reddit-watcher Public
Forked from watsoncj/reddit-watcherwatch reddit for new posts containing matching keywords then send text message on match
followpie Public
Forked from oh-moore/followpieInstagram loves pie
Github template for sharable configuration of semantic-release It helps with publishing to npm & Github generates changelog & release notes for any type of keywords.
instagram-private-api Public
Forked from dilame/instagram-private-apiInstagram NODE.JS private API
brevis Public
URL shortener service. Build with Serverless AWS Lambda, Atlas Mongo DB, Typescript, Node.js 14
whoishiring Public
Forked from ziel/whoishiringSearch the latest Hacker News Who is Hiring thread cli-style
koa-verto Public
Middleware for Koa that adds version header (x-version) to the response
trembita Public
Request wrapper for consuming third-party services
language-grammar-api Public
API wrapper for LanguageTool (grammar check) API based as a plugin for Trembita.js
excel-date-to-js Public
Convert Excel date in integer format into JS date. Dates are stored as numbers in Excel and count the number of days since January 0, 1900 (1900 standard, for mac it is 1904, which means January 0,…
postmortem-templates Public
Forked from dastergon/postmortem-templatesA collection of postmortem templates
poetic Public
Forked from arianacosta/poeticCurated code linters and formatters for TypeScript, ES6, and React using Airbnb and Prettier
all-about-code-review Public
Forked from mgreiler/all-about-code-reviewThis is a curated list of resources about code reviews: articles, tools, trainings...
console-pretty-print Public
Adds "console-pretty-print" functionality for console
pin-public Public archive
Forked from mach24/pinmypinnings.com repo
ir-api Public
Forked from davesag/ir-apiA NodeJS Client for Independent Reserve's API
Template for Node.js with TypeScript and OpenAPI specification.
report-viewer-beta Public
Forked from cfryerdev/report-viewer-betaReport viewer for @artilleryio built in @nextjs @reactjs @getbootstrap @FontAwesome ... Create an easy to read and understand report with crucial data highlights and graphs.