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engineyard-serverside is the serverside component of the Engine Yard Cloud CLI. This gem is invoked either by the Cloud dashboard or by the engineyard gem through helper gem engineyard-serverside-adapter.

ey.yml options

The ey.yml file allows options to be saved for each environment to which an application is deployed. Here's an example ey.yml file in ROOT/config/ey.yml:

$ cat config/ey.yml
# 'defaults' applies to all environments running this application.
  bundle_without: test development mygroup  # exclude groups on bundle install (leave blank to remove --without)
  bundle_options: --local                   # add extra options to the bundle install command line (does not override bundle_without)
  copy_exclude:                             # don't rsync the following dirs
  - .git
  maintenance_on_restart: false             # show maintenance page during app restart (default: false except for glassfish and mongrel)
  maintenance_on_migrate: false             # show maintenance page during migrations (default: true)
  precompile_assets: true                   # enables rails assets precompilation (default: inferred using app/assets and config/application.rb)
  precomplie_assets_task: assets:precompile # override the assets:precompile rake task
  precompile_unchanged_assets: true         # precompiles assets even if no changes would be detected (does not check for changes at all).
  asset_dependencies: app/assets            # a list of relative paths to search for asset changes during each deploy.
  assets_strategy: shifting                 # choose an alternet asset management strategy (shifting, cleaning, private, shared)
  asset_roles: :all                         # specify on which roles to compile assets (default: [:app, :app_master, :solo] - must be an Array)
  asset_roles:                              # (Array input for multiple roles) - Use hook deploy/before_compile_assets.rb for finer grained control.
  - :app
  - :app_master
  - :util
  ignore_database_adapter_warning: true     # hide database adapter warning if you don't use MySQL or PostgreSQL (default: false)

# Environment specific options apply only to a single environment and override settings in defaults.
    precompile_unchanged_assets: true       # precompiles assets even if no changes would be detected (does not check for changes at all).
    assets_strategy: shifting               # choose an alternet asset management strategy (shifting, cleaning, private, shared)
    asset_roles: :all                       # specify on which roles to compile assets (default: [:app, :app_master, :solo] - must be an Array)
    assets_strategy: private                # Use an asset management that always refreshes, so staging enviroments don't get conflicts

These options in ey.yml will only work if the file is committed to your application repository. Make sure to commit this file.

Rails Assets

If precompile_assets is not set, asset compilation will be detected and failures may be ignored. Set precompile_assets to true or false to ensure proper behavior. When precopmile_assets is true, git diff will be used to detect changes to the path names specified in asset_dependencies since the revision of the last successful release. When precompile_unchanged_assets is true, assets will always be compiled and the git diff detection will not run.


A number of asset persistence strategies are supported by default. Choose one and then customize using deploy hooks if necessary.

private - Precompile assets fresh every time. Shared assets are not symlinked and assets stay with the release that compiled them. The assets of the previous deploy are symlinked as into the current deploy to prevent errors during deploy. When no assets changes are detected, the deploy uses rsync to copy the previous release's assets into the current assets directory.

shared - Basic shared assets. Precompiled assets go into a single shared assets directory. The assets directory is never cleaned, so a deploy hook should be used to clean assets appropriately. When no assets changes are detected, shared directory is only symlinked and precompile task is not run.

cleaning - Precompiled assets are shared across all deploys. Before compiling the active deploying assets, all assets not referenced by the manifest.yml from the previous deploy are removed. After cleaning, the new assets are compiled over the top. The result is an assets dir that contains the last assets and the current assets. When no assets changes are detected, shared directory is only symlinked and cleaning and precompile tasks are not run.

shifting - The default behavior and the one used since the beginning of asset support in engineyard-serverside. Assets are compiled into a fresh shared directory. Previous shared assets are shifted to a last_assets directory to prevent errors during deploy. When no assets changes are detected, the two shared directories are symlinked into the active release without any changes.

Invoking serverside manually

All information that this gem needs to perform a deploy of an application is passed in on the command line. Command line interaction is performed through engineyard-serverside-adapter. Refer to the adapter gem or the source code here for details on the command line options.

The easiest way to run a serverside command manually is to run a normal deploy with the verbose option from the command line, then copy the engineyard-serverside command from the log and paste it into a terminal on the remote machine. Running manually should usually be unnecessary, but could be used to debug problems.

Running the spec suite (ruby 1.8.7+)

Install required gems:

which bundle >/dev/null || gem install bundler
bundle install

Running tests:

bundle exec rake

Bundler will take care of installing and running proper (older versions) of gems.

Running the spec suite (ruby 1.8.6)

Bundler doesn't work on ruby 1.8.6-p287, which is what ey_resin provided to older instances. To test engineyard-serverside under the same ruby, run:

gem build engineyard-serverside.gemspec gem install --local --development --conservative ./engineyard-serverside-.gem rake

Due to the nature of --development, that gem install command can take a VERY long time. If you get tired of waiting, you can manually install the indicated versions of rake and rspec. Check the gemspec for current requirements. At the time of this writing, rspec 1.3.0 was the last version known to work on 1.8.6.

Set the 'VERBOSE' environment variable to something to get full output from failing commands.


To release the engineyard-serverside gem, use the command below and then follow the instructions it outputs.

bundle exec rake release

This will remove the .pre from the current version, then bump the patch level and add .pre after. A git tag for the version will also be added.

New versions of engineyard-serverside will not be used by Cloud or the engineyard gem until upgraded gems have been pushed. Refer to the engineyard gem release instructions for more details.


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  • Ruby 99.9%
  • Shell 0.1%