- GitHub Staff
- Berlin, Germany
- 1h ahead - http://adamholt.co.uk
- @adamholt
- @omgitsads@tinnies.club
ey-passenger-tweaks Public
Forked from tjl2/ey-passenger-tweaksEngine Yard Cloud custom recipe for changing the Passenger worker count and memory limit
rack-oauth2-server Public
Forked from assaf/rack-oauth2-serverOAuth 2.0 Authorization Server as a Rack module
Ruby MIT License UpdatedSep 13, 2012 -
Scamp Public
Forked from wjessop/ScampA framework for writing Campfire bots.
node-simple-example Public
Forked from engineyard/node-simple-example -
ey-cloud-recipes Public
Forked from jerrod/ey-cloud-recipesA starter repo for custom chef recipes on EY's cloud platform. These are for reference, and do not indicate a supported status.
oh-my-zsh Public
Forked from ohmyzsh/ohmyzshA community-driven framework for managing your zsh configuration. Includes optional plugins for various tools (rails, git, OSX, brew,...), over 40 terminal themes, and an auto-updating tool so that…
em-campfire Public
Forked from wjessop/em-campfireEventMachine API wrapper for Campfire
scamp-engineyard Public
Deploy your engineyard based application from Scamp!
tinder Public
Forked from collectiveidea/tinderTinder is a Ruby API for interfacing with Campfire, the 37Signals chat application.
hudson-github-autobranch Public
Autobranch Jenkins/Hudson jobs using Github post commit hook.
engineyard-serverside-adapter Public
Forked from engineyard/engineyard-serverside-adapterAdapter for speaking to engineyard-serverside
slim_scrooge Public
Forked from sdsykes/slim_scroogeSlimScrooge heavily optimises your database interactions
resque-multiple-failure-queues Public
Forked from onthebeach/resque-multiple-failure-queuesAdding support for multiple failure queues in Resque
Learning coffeescript by streaming tweets to a browser via websockets