👋 Hi there! I'm Taylor Dolezal, the Head of Ecosystem at the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Based in the sunny city of Los Angeles, California, I lead initiatives that cultivate growth and collaboration within the Cloud Native community.
🌐 With a keen interest in all things Cloud Native, I've dedicated my career to nurturing ecosystems that leverage the power of cutting-edge technologies. Working for the Cloud Native Computing Foundation has allowed me to engage with passionate developers, engineers, and visionaries around the globe. Together, we are driving innovation and building resilient, scalable systems.
📚 Outside of my professional pursuits, I have a passion for reading and exploring the fascinating world of psychology. Whether it's a gripping novel or an insightful psychological study, I'm always eager to learn something new.
☁️ My love for Cloud Native topics transcends my job. I actively contribute to various projects, engage in meaningful discussions, and participate in meetups and conferences. If you're interested in Cloud Native technologies or looking to collaborate, feel free to reach out!