Tags: open-sauced/release
chore(minor): release 2.2.0 [skip ci] ## [2.2.0](v2.1.1...v2.2.0) (2023-08-21) ### 📝 Documentation * NPM_PACKAGE_ROOT README.md ([1d80114](1d80114)) ### 🍕 Features * bump pkg, pkg-lock subdir ([c2109ee](c2109ee)) * commit npm-shrinkwrap.json ([5ce8e0e](5ce8e0e)) * npm package root path ([7048dd6](7048dd6))
chore(major): release 2.0.0 on next channel [skip ci] ## [2.0.0](v1.0.3...v2.0.0) (2023-05-16) ### ⚠ BREAKING CHANGES * adjust for ### 🍕 Features * work around CVE-2022-24765 changes and update to esm release binary ([57c4acc](57c4acc)), closes [/github.blog/2022-04-12-git-security-vulnerability-announced/#cve-2022-24765](https://github.com/open-sauced//github.blog/2022-04-12-git-security-vulnerability-announced//issues/cve-2022-24765) [#10](#10) ### 🐛 Bug Fixes * upgrade node 18 in release workflows ([92a2f86](92a2f86))