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@github-actions github-actions released this 08 Jan 02:56
· 899 commits to main since this release

The OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib contains everything in the opentelemetry-collector release, be sure to check the release notes there as well.

Unmaintained Components

These components are marked as Unmaintained and will eventually be removed from our community distributions. If you depend on these components we need your help to support them.

  • exporter/kineticaexporter/
  • exporter/opensearchexporter/
  • extension/observer/ecstaskobserver/
  • receiver/jmxreceiver/

End User Changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • cloudfoundryreceiver: Introduce a feature gate enable copying envelope tags to the metrics as resource attributes instead of datapoint attributes. (#34824)

  • pkg/ottl: removed the ability to reference entire parent objects. (#36872)
    Statements like set(cache["resource"], resource) in non-resource contexts will no longer work.

  • routingconnector: Change default value of match_once parameter to true. (#29882)
    This field was deprecated in v0.116.0 and will be removed in v0.120.0.

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • sapmexporter: Deprecate SAPM exporter (#36028)
    The SAPM exporter is being marked as deprecated. Please use the otlphttp exporter with the configuration shown
    below. Also update your pipeline configuration for Traces accordingly.
              traces_endpoint: "${SPLUNK_INGEST_URL}/v2/trace/otlp"
                  "X-SF-Token": "${SPLUNK_ACCESS_TOKEN}"

🚀 New components 🚀

  • libhoneyreceiver: Mark the libhoney receiver exporter as Alpha. (#36693)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • k8sclusterreceiver: Add additional attributes to node and pod entities (#35879)
    Adds the following attributes to node and pod metadata/entities:

    • k8s.pod.phase: The phase of a Pod indicates where the Pod is in its lifecycle. E.g. 'Pending', 'Running'
    • k8s.pod.status_reason: A brief message indicating details about why the pod is in this state. E.g. 'Evicted'
    • k8s.node.condition_*: The condition of a node. e.g. k8s.node.condition_ready. The value can be true, false, unknown.
  • awsxrayexporter: merge in latest semantic conventions for awsxrayexporter. (#36894)

  • receivercreator: Add support for starting logs' collection based on provided k8s annotations' hints (#34427)

  • opensearchexporter: Add Sending Queue to enable persistent queue in case of upstream failure (#33919)

  • libhoneyreceiver: Implement log signal for libhoney receiver (#36693)

  • ottl: Add a new ottl trim function that trims leading and trailing characters from a string (default- whitespace). (#34100)

  • exporter/prometheusremotewrite: In preparation to re-introducing multiple workers, we're removing a data-race when batching timeseries. (#36601)

  • redisstorageextension: Move redis storage extension to alpha (#36778)

  • logzioexporter: Remove jaeger dbmodel dependency. (#36972)

  • sigv4authextension: Add support for endpoint based names for logs and traces (#36828)

  • awsemfexporter: Split EMF log to multiple log splits when buckets larger than 100. (#36771)

  • sqlqueryreceiver: Add instrumentation scope to SQL query receiver metrics and logs (#31028)

  • statsdreceiver: Add UDS support to statsdreceiver (#21385)

  • tailsamplingprocessor: Support hot sampling policy loading (#37014)

  • cmd/telemetrygen: Introduce support for generating histograms in telemetrygen (#36322)

  • libhoneyreceiver: Implement trace signal for libhoney receiver (#36693)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • receiver/azureeventhub: Ensure that observed timestamp is set when unmarshaling logs. (#36861)

  • internal/docker: Fix image matching regular expression to properly match SHA256 strings. (#36239)
    This affects the docker_observer extension.

  • opampsupervisor: Report an 'Applied' remote config status when an empty config is received. (#36682)

  • k8sobjectsreceiver: ensure the attribute is set for objects retrieved using the watch mode (#36352)

  • mongodbatlasreceiver: Update the mongoDB Atlas receiver to use the Default HTTP Transport that supports default proxy configuration (#36412)

  • mysqlreceiver: Avoid recording a value for the MysqlBufferPoolPages metric when out-of-bounds. (#35495)
    When using compressed tables, Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc may report an out-of-bounds value.
    See for context.

  • pkg/ottl: fix handling of nested maps within slices in the flatten function (#36162)

  • mysqlreceiver: Divide large values directly in SQL queries to avoid int overflows (#35495)

API Changelog

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • pkg/ottl: Change OTTL contexts to properly handle ottl.Path with context (#29017)
    The OTTL contexts have a new option EnablePathContextNames to enable support for expressing a statement's context via path names in the statement