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@github-actions github-actions released this 04 Feb 06:07
· 585 commits to main since this release

The OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib contains everything in the opentelemetry-collector release, be sure to check the release notes there as well.

Unmaintained Components

These components are marked as Unmaintained and will eventually be removed from our community distributions. If you depend on these components we need your help to support them.

  • exporter/kineticaexporter/
  • exporter/opensearchexporter/
  • extension/observer/ecstaskobserver/
  • receiver/awscloudwatchmetricsreceiver/
  • receiver/rabbitmqreceiver/

End user changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • receiver/cloudfoundry: Promote cloudfoundry.resourceAttributes.allow feature gate to beta (#34824)
    The cloudfoundry.resourceAttributes.allow feature gate is now enabled by default.

  • datadogexporter: Remove stable feature gate exporter.datadog.hostname.preview (#37561)

  • exporter/prometheusremotewrite: Change exporter.prometheusremotewriteexporter.deprecateCreatedMetric feature gate from Beta to Stable version. (#35003)
    The export_created_metric configuration parameter is now permanently deprecated.

  • elasticsearchexporter: Consistently store the structured body of logs and events in body.structured in otel mode (#37387)

  • solacereceiver: Update validation step to allow only one auth method. (#36386)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • signalfxreceiver: access_token_passthrough is deprecated (#37575)
    • "access_token_passthrough is deprecated."
    • "Please enable include_metadata in the receiver and add the following config to the batch processor:"
      metadata_keys: [X-Sf-Token]

🚀 New components 🚀

  • envoyalsreceiver: Add a new receiver for the Envoy ALS (Access Log Service). (#36464)
  • metricstarttimeprocessor: Add the initial skeleton for the metricsstarttimeprocessor (#37186)
    The component is still in development and is not ready for use.
  • exporter/sematext: Add a new component for exporting metrics and logs to Sematext (#36465)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • awss3exporter: Add support for S3 Storgeclass (#35173)

  • processor/transformprocessor: Add support for flat configuration style. (#29017)
    The flat configuration style allows users to configure statements by providing a list of statements instead of a
    structured configuration map. The statement's context is expressed by adding the context's name prefix to path names,
    which are used to infer and to select the appropriate context for the statement.

  • httpcheckreceiver: Added support for specifying multiple endpoints in the httpcheckreceiver using the endpoints field. Users can now monitor multiple URLs with a single configuration block, improving flexibility and reducing redundancy. (#37121)

  • signaltometricsconnector: Move signal to metrics connector to alpha stability (#35930)

  • exporter/clickhouse: Adding missing examples of DDL created by the clickhouse exporter (#35903)

  • opampsupervisor: add support for headers configuration for reporting own telemetry (#37353)

  • opampsupervisor: report own metrics via OTLP instead of prometheus receiver (#37346)

  • resourcedetectionprocessor: Expose additional configuration parameters for the AWS metadata client used by the EC2 detector (#35936)
    In some cases, you might need to change the behavior of the AWS metadata client from the standard retryer

    By default, the client retries 3 times with a max backoff delay of 20s.

    We offer a limited set of options to override those defaults specifically, such that you can set the client to retry 10 times, for up to 5 minutes, for example:

        detectors: ["ec2"]
          max_attempts: 10
          max_backoff: 5m
  • cumulativetodeltaprocessor: Add metric type filter for cumulativetodelta processor (#33673)

  • datadogconnector: Support obfuscating sql queries in APM stats (#37457)
    Ensure that feature flags "enable_receive_resource_spans_v2" and "enable_operation_and_resource_name_logic_v2"
    are also enabled on both Datadog Exporter and Datadog Connector so that span attributes are properly
    mapped to span type and span resource in Datadog APM; otherwise spans and apm stats may not be
    obfuscated and attributes on stats payloads may not match traces.

    NOTE: Long/complex SQL queries may cause a performance impact on APM Stats calculation in Datadog Connector.
    Consider implementing sampling in your pipeline prior to sending traces to Datadog Connector if you experience this.

  • resourcedetectionprocessor: Add fail_on_missing_metadata option on EC2 detector (#35936)
    If the EC2 metadata endpoint is unavailable, the EC2 detector by default ignores the error.
    By setting fail_on_missing_metadata to true on the detector, the user will now trigger an error explicitly,
    which will stop the collector from starting.

  • elasticsearchexporter: Group data points into a single document even if they are from different but equal resources (#37509)
    This may prevent document rejections in case the same batch contains different resources or scopes that have the same set of attributes

  • elasticsearchexporter: Add config logs_dynamic_id to dynamically set the document ID of log records using log record attribute elasticsearch.document_id (#36882)

  • elasticsearchexporter: Declare MutatesData: false (#37234)
    When multiple exporters are used, the collector doesn't need to clone the incoming data anymore

  • resourcedetectionprocessor: The gcp resource detector will now detect resource attributes identifying a GCE instance's managed instance group. (#36142)

  • jaegerreceiver: Log the endpoints of different servers started by jaegerreceiver (#36961)
    This change logs the endpoints of different servers started by jaegerreceiver. It simplifies debugging by ensuring log messages match configuration settings.

  • githubgen: Switch over all usages of githubgen to the new tool location, since the old tool was deprecated (#37412, #37294)

  • hostmetrics/process: Added support for tracking process.uptime (#36667)

  • netflowreceiver: Adds the implementation of the netflow receiver (#32732)
    The receiver now supports receiving NetFlow v5, NetFow v9, IPFIX, and sFlow v5 logs.

  • googlecloudpubsubreceiver: Added support for encoding extensions. (#37109)

  • processor/transformprocessor: Replace parser collection implementations with ottl.ParserCollection and add initial support for expressing statement's context via path names. (#29017)

  • prometheusreceiver: Add receiver.prometheusreceiver.UseCollectorStartTimeFallback featuregate for the start time metric adjuster to use the collector start time as an approximation of process start time as a fallback. (#36364)

  • tailsamplingprocessor: Reworked the consume traces, sampling decision, and policy loading paths to improve performance and readability (#37560)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • deltatocumulativeprocessor: In order to cap number of histogram buckets take the min of desired scale across negative and positive buckets instead of the max (#37416)

  • filelogreceiver: Fix issue where flushed tokens could be truncated. (#35042)

  • connector/routing: Fix config validation with context other than resource (#37410)

  • k8sattributesprocessor: Wait for the other informers to complete their initial sync before starting the pod informers (#37056)

  • metricsgenerationprocessor: Generated metric name may not match metric being scaled (#37474)

  • otlpjsonfilereceiver: Include file attributes and append it to the log record (#36641)

  • routingconnector: The connector splits the original payload so that it may be emitted in parts to each route. (#37390)

  • pkg/stanza: Fix default source identifier in recombine operator (#37210)
    Its defualt value is now aligned with the semantic conventions: attributes["log.file.path"]

  • tailsamplingprocessor: Fixed sampling decision metrics otelcol_processor_tail_sampling_sampling_trace_dropped_too_early and otelcol_processor_tail_sampling_sampling_policy_evaluation_error_total, these were sometimes overcounted. (#37212)
    As a result of this change non-zero values of otelcol_processor_tail_sampling_sampling_trace_dropped_too_early
    and otelcol_processor_tail_sampling_sampling_policy_evaluation_error_total metrics will be lower.
    Before this fix, errors got counted several times depending on the amount of traces being processed
    that tick and where in the batch the error happened.
    Zero values are unaffected.

  • signalfxexporter: Warn on dropping metric data points when they have more than allowed dimension count (#37484)
    The SignalFx exporter drops metric data points if they have more than 36 dimensions.
    Currently, the exporter logs at debug level when this occurs.
    With this change, the exporter will log at the warning level.

API changelog

🚀 New components 🚀

  • metricstarttimeprocessor: Add the initial skeleton for the metricsstarttimeprocessor (#37186)
    The component is still in development and is not ready for use.