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@github-actions github-actions released this 18 Feb 03:41
· 407 commits to main since this release

The OpenTelemetry Collector Contrib contains everything in the opentelemetry-collector release, be sure to check the release notes there as well.

End user changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • receiver/prometheus: Prometheus receiver now uses scrapers in Prometheus 3.0. (#36873)
    There are a number of breaking changes in Prometheus 3.0. Learn more about those changes and migration guide on
  • all: Added support for go1.24, bumped minimum version to 1.23 (#37875)
  • elasticsearchexporter: Use go-elasticsearch/v8, require minimum version of ES 7.17.x or 8.x (#32454)
  • elasticsearchexporter: Remove dedot config. ECS mode now always dedots, no others dedot at all. (#33772)
  • activedirectorydsreceiver: Fixed typo in the attribute distingushed_names, renaming it to distinguished_names. (#37606)
  • githubreceiver: The required_header configuration option for the trace receiver has been changed to required_headers. (#37578)
  • receiver/hostmetrics: Remove receiver.hostmetrics.normalizeProcessCPUUtilization feature gate (#34763)
  • tailsamplingprocessor: Fix the decision timer metric to capture longer latencies beyond 50ms. (#37722)
    This changes the unit of the decision timer metric from microseconds to milliseconds.
  • routingconnector: Remove match_once configuration parameter. (#36824)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • opencensusexporter: Deprecate the OpenCensus exporter (#36791)
    Migrate to use the OTLP exporter moving forward.
  • opencensusreceiver: Deprecate the OpenCensus receiver (#36791)
    Migrate to use the OTLP receiver moving forward.

🚀 New components 🚀

  • bmchelixexporter: Mark the BMC Helix exporter as Alpha. (#36773)
  • bmchelixexporter: metrics implementation (#36773)
  • kafkatopicsobserver: Adding new kafka topics observer extension (#37665)
  • googlecloudlogentryencodingextension: Introduce the scaffolding of a new component, googlecloudlogentryencodingextension (#37531)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • elasticsearchexporter: Syncs support for compression level on elasticsearch exporter with confighttp. The default compression level is 1 if not set. (#37260)

  • processor/transformprocessor: Add support for global conditions and error mode overrides. (#29017)
    Global conditions are now available for context-inferred structured configurations, allowing the use of fully
    qualified paths. Additionally, a new configuration key called error_mode has been added to the context statements group.
    This key determines how the processor reacts to errors that occur while processing that specific group of statements.
    When provided, it overrides the top-level error mode, offering more granular control over error handling.

  • pkg/stanza: Allow users to configure initial buffer size (#37786)

  • vcenterreceiver: Adds three more vCenter virtual machine performance metrics (#37488)

  • k8sclusterreceiver: Adds new descriptive attributes/metadata to the k8s.namespace and the container entity emitted from k8sclusterreceiver. (#37580)

    • Adds the following attributes to k8s.namespace entity:
      • k8s.namespace.phase: The phase of a namespace indicates where the namespace is in its lifecycle. E.g. 'active', 'terminating'
      • k8s.namespace.creation_timestamp: The time when the namespace object was created.
    • Adds the following attributes to container entity:
      • container.creation_timestamp: The time when the container was started. Only available if container is either in 'running' or 'terminated' state.
  • splunkenterprisereceiver: Added a new metric. (#36695)

  • pkg/ottl: Introduce ToLowerCase converter function (#32942)

  • pkg/ottl: Introduce ToSnakeCase converter function (#32942)

  • pkg/ottl: Introduce ToUpperCase converter function (#32942)

  • datadogreceiver: Implement support for span links (#37449)

  • resourcedetectionprocessor: add the Dynatrace detector to the resource detection processor (#37577)

  • elasticsearchexporter: Add profiles support to elasticsearch exporter (#37567)

  • googlecloudmonitoringreceiver: support use monitoring filters to filter metrics (#36898)

  • awsfirehosereceiver: Refactor unmarshallers to implement pdata unmarshaler interfaces (#37361)

  • githubreceiver: add support for GitHub Actions workflow run events using deterministic Trace and Root Span IDs. (#37578)

  • pkg/translator/jaeger/internal/jaeger: Remove jaeger model/converter/thrift/jaeger dependency (#37820)

  • pkg/translator/zipkin/internal/zipkin: Remove jaeger model/converter/thrift/zipkin dependency (#37795)

  • extension/oauth2clientauth: Add expiry_buffer config to oauth2client extension, allowing token refresh before expiration with a default buffer of 5 minutes. (#35148)

    • Prevents authentication failures by refreshing the token early.
    • The default expiry buffer is set to 5 minutes, and users can adjust it as needed.
  • datadogexporter: Add a gauge metric datadog.otel.gateway which is 1 if the collector is used as a gateway or 0 otherwise. (#37499)

  • pkg/ottl: Introduce ToCamelCase converter function (#32942)

  • googlecloudpubsubreceiver: Turn noisy warn log about Pub/Sub servers into debug, and turn the reset count into a metric (#37571)
    The receiver uses the Google Cloud Pub/Sub StreamingPull API and keeps a open connection. The Pub/Sub servers
    recurrently close the connection after a time period to avoid a long-running sticky connection. Before the
    receiver logged warn log lines everytime this happened. These log lines are moved to debug so that fleets with
    lots of collectors with the receiver don't span logs at warn level. To keep track of the resets, whenever a
    connection reset happens a otelcol_receiver_googlecloudpubsub_stream_restarts metric is increased by one.

  • processor/redaction: Introduce 'allowed_values' parameter for allowed values of attributes (#35840)

  • exporter/logzioexporter: Remove dependency on Jaeger pkg/cache (#37833)

  • routingconnector: Avoid unnecessary copy of the data in routing connector (#37946)

  • awscontainerinsightreceiver: Add support for HOST_PROC environment variable in AWS Container Insight Receiver. (#35862)

  • syslogreceiver: Support setting on_error config for syslog receiver. (#36906)

  • processor/tailsampling: Adds support for optionally recording the policy (and any composite policy) associated with an inclusive tail processor sampling decision.
    This functionality is disabled by default, you can enable it by passing the following feature flag to the collector: +processor.tailsamplingprocessor.recordpolicy

  • tailsamplingprocessor: makes the numeric_attribute more flexible and allows to set only min_value or max_value, without the need to set both (#37328)
    This is useful to have simple configurations like these:

      type: numeric_attribute,
      numeric_attribute: {
        key: http.status_code,
        min_value: 400
  • testbed: Include the specified resource limits for CPU and memory in the benchmark results (#36720)

  • stefexporter: Add basic STEF exporter implementation (#37759)

  • receiver/zipkinreceiver: Remove zipkinreceiver dependency on Jaeger (#37795)

🧰 Bug fixes 🧰

  • azureeventhubreceiver: Fix bug where persisted offset would be ignored after restart (#37157)
  • bearertokenauthextension: Load token lazily for gRPC AUTH to fix token refresh issue (#36749)
  • opampsupervisor: The OnConnectionClose was not correctly connected for the supervisor. (#37761)
  • elasticsearchexporter: Fix data loss caused by incorrect metric grouping in ECS and OTel mode (#37898)
    Fix data loss when the same metric exists across different resources or scopes. Data points / metrics were incorrectly grouped together, leading to data loss with warning logs e.g. "metric with name '***' has already been serialized".
  • k8sattributes: Fix bug where Filters.Labels failed with when the exists or not-exists operations were used. (#37913)
  • prometheusreceiver: Start time metric adjuster now handles reset points correctly (#37717)
  • prometheusremotewriteexproter: Resolves a deadlock in the WAL by temporarily releasing a lock while waiting for new writes to the WAL.
    (#19363, #24399, #15277)
  • awscontainerinsightreceiver: Fix race condition in shutdown of AWS Container Insight receiver (#37695)

API changelog

🛑 Breaking changes 🛑

  • s3provider: Delete deprecated New factory function. Use NewFactory instead. (#37921)
  • secretsmanagerprovider: Delete deprecated New function, use NewFactory instead (#37923)
  • pkg/stanza: Remove deprecated flush.WithPeriod. (#37784)
  • pkg/stanza: Remove deprecated func BuildWithSplitFunc from stanza/fileconsumer (#37723)

🚩 Deprecations 🚩

  • pkg/stanza: Deprecate all functions in stanza/decode (#37734)

💡 Enhancements 💡

  • pkg/translator/prometheusremotewrite: add support for metric type sum in FromMetricsV2 (#33661)
    The public function is partially implemented and not ready for use
  • pkg/datadog: Expose the internal Zaplogger implementation (#37939)
  • dbstorageextension: Add DB Transactions to dbstorage.Batch() method as it is expected by Storage API (#37805)
  • internal/datadog: create new package which exposes GetSourceProvider from (#37668)
  • textutil: Remove unnecessary copy while decoding and constructing string (#37734)
    This PR affects all log receivers, text extension and kafkareceiver.
  • telemetrygen: Exported the API for telemetrygen for test uses. Additionally added new E2E tests and fixed race condition (#36984)
  • tailsamplingprocessor: Add support for external caches when using the Tailsampling Processor in code. (#37035)