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OpAMP Supervisor for the OpenTelemetry Collector

This is an implementation of an OpAMP Supervisor that runs a Collector instance using configuration provided from an OpAMP server. This implementation is following a design specified here. The design is still undergoing changes, and as such this implementation may change as well.

Experimenting with the supervisor

The supervisor is currently undergoing heavy development and is not ready for any serious use. However, if you would like to test it, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Download the opamp-go repository, and run the OpAMP example server in the internal/examples/server directory.

    git clone
    cd opamp-go/internal/examples/server
    go run .

    Visit localhost:4321 to verify that the server is running.

  2. From the Collector contrib repository root, build the Collector:

    make otelcontribcol
  3. Run the supervisor in the cmd/opampsupervisor directory of Collector contrib repository, substituting <OS> for your operating system (darwin for MacOS, linux or windows):

    cd cmd/opampsupervisor
    go run . --config examples/supervisor_<OS>.yaml
  4. The supervisor should connect to the OpAMP server and start a Collector instance.

Persistent data storage

The supervisor persists some data to disk in order to mantain state between restarts. The directory where this data is stored may be specified via the supervisor configuration:

  directory: "/path/to/storage/dir"

By default, the supervisor will use /var/lib/otelcol/supervisor on posix systems, and %ProgramData%/Otelcol/Supervisor on Windows.

This directory will be created on supervisor startup if it does not exist.


The OpenTelemetry OpAMP Supervisor is intended to be the reference implementation of an OpAMP Supervisor, and as such will support all OpAMP capabilities. Additionally, it follows a design document for the features it intends to support.

For a list of open issues related to the Supervisor, see these issues.


✅: Fully implemented

⚠️: Implemented with caveats

📅: Planned, but no issue to track implementation

OpAMP capabilities

OpAMP capability Status
ReportsEffectiveConfig ⚠️
AcceptsPackages #34734
ReportsPackageStatuses 📅
ReportsOwnTraces 📅
ReportsOwnMetrics ⚠️
ReportsOwnLogs 📅
AcceptsOpAMPConnectionSettings #21043
AcceptsOtherConnectionSettings #21043
AcceptsRestartCommand #21077
ReportsHealth ⚠️
ReportsRemoteConfig #21079
ReportsAvailableComponents #37247

Supervisor specification features

Feature Status
Offers Supervisor configuration including configuring capabilities
Starts and stops a Collector using remote configuration ⚠️
Communicates with OpAMP extension running in the Collector #21071
Updates the Collector binary 📅
Configures the Collector to report it's own metrics over OTLP 📅
Configures the Collector to report it's own logs over OTLP 📅
Sanitization or restriction of Collector config #24310