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OpenTelemetry Collector Demo

This demo is a sample app to build the collector and exercise its kubernetes logs scraping functionality.

Build and Run


Switch to this directory and run following command: kubectl apply -n <namespace> -f otel-collector.yaml

Include/Exclude Specific Logs

Kubernetes logs are being stored in /var/log/pods. Path to container logs is constructed using following pattern:


You can use it to manage from which containers do you want to include and exclude logs.

For example, to include all logs from default namespace, you can use following configuration:

    - /var/log/pods/default_*/*/*.log
exclude: []

Docker Compose

Two steps are required to build and run the demo:

  1. Build latest docker image in main repository directory make docker-otelcontribcol
  2. Switch to this directory and run docker-compose up


varlogpods contains example log files placed in kubernetes-like directory structure. Each of the directory has different formatted logs in one of three formats (either CRI-O, CRI-Containerd or Docker). This directory is mounted to standard location (/var/log/pods).

otel-collector-config is a configuration to autodetect and parse logs for all of three mentioned formats

Performance Tests

There are multiple tests for various configurations in testbed. Following table shows result of example run:

Test Result Duration CPU Avg% CPU Max% RAM Avg MiB RAM Max MiB Sent Items Received Items
Log10kDPS/OTLP PASS 15s 10.4 11.0 68 94 150100 150100
Log10kDPS/filelog PASS 15s 7.8 8.7 65 93 150100 150100
Log10kDPS/kubernetes_containers PASS 15s 18.3 19.7 67 96 150100 150100
Log10kDPS/kubernetes_containers_parser PASS 15s 18.2 19.0 66 95 150100 150100
Log10kDPS/k8s_CRI-Containerd PASS 15s 15.4 16.3 66 95 150100 150100
Log10kDPS/k8s_CRI-Containerd_no_attr_ops PASS 15s 15.1 16.3 66 95 150100 150100
Log10kDPS/CRI-Containerd PASS 15s 11.1 13.0 65 93 150100 150100


To cover kubernetes system logs, logs from journald should be supported as well.