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Azure Blob Exporter for OpenTelemetry Collector

Stability development: traces, metrics, logs
Distributions []
Issues Open issues Closed issues
Code Owners @hgaol


The following settings are required:

  • url: Must be specified if auth type is not connection_string. If auth type is connection_string, it's optional or will be override by the auth.connection_string. Azure storage account endpoint. This setting might be replaced with endpoint for future. e.g.
  • auth (no default): Authentication method for exporter to ingest data.
    • type (no default): Authentication type for expoter. supported values are: connection_string, service_principal, system_managed_identity, user_managed_identity and etc.
    • tenand_id: Tenand Id for the client, only needed when type is service_principal.
    • client_id: Client Id for the auth, only needed when type is service_principal and user_managed_identity.
    • client_secret: Secret for the client, only needed when type is service_principal.
    • connection_string: Connection string to the endpoint. Only needed for connection_string auth type. Once provided, it'll override the url parameter to the storage account.

The following settings can be optionally configured and have default values:

  • container: container for metrics, logs and traces. A container organizes a set of blobs, similar to a directory in a file system. More details can refer this.
    • metrics (default metrics): container to store metrics. default value is metrics.
    • logs (default logs): container to store logs. default value is logs.
    • traces (default traces): container to store traces. default value is traces.
  • blob_name_format:
    • metrics_format (default 2006/01/02/metrics_15_04_05_{{.SerialNum}}.{{.FileExtension}}): blob name format. The date format follows constants in Golang, refer here.
    • logs_format (default 2006/01/02/logs_15_04_05_{{.SerialNum}}.{{.FileExtension}}): blob name format.
    • traces_format (default 2006/01/02/traces_15_04_05_{{.SerialNum}}.{{.FileExtension}}): blob name format.
    • serial_num_range (default 10000): a range of random number for SerialNum.
  • format (default json): json or proto. which present otel json or otel protobuf format, the file extension will be json or pb.
  • encodings (default using encoding specified in format, which is json): if specified, uses the encoding extension to encode telemetry data. Overrides format.
    • logs (default nil): encoding component id.
    • metrics (default nil): encoding component id.
    • traces (default nil): encoding component id.
  • retry_on_failure
    • enabled (default = true)
    • initial_interval (default = 5s): Time to wait after the first failure before retrying; ignored if enabled is false
    • max_interval (default = 30s): Is the upper bound on backoff; ignored if enabled is false
    • max_elapsed_time (default = 120s): Is the maximum amount of time spent trying to send a batch; ignored if enabled is false

An example configuration is provided as follows:

    endpoint: localhost:55679
    encoding: utf8
    marshaling_separator: "\n"
    unmarshaling_separator: "\r?\n"

    url: "https://<your-account>"
      logs: "logs"
      metrics: "metrics"
      traces: "traces"
      type: "connection_string"
      connection_string: "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<your-acount>;AccountKey=<account-key>;"
          traces: "test"
      logs: text_encoding