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AWS S3 Receiver

Stability alpha: traces, metrics, logs
Distributions contrib
Issues Open issues Closed issues
Code Owners @atoulme, @adcharre


Receiver for retrieving trace previously stored in S3 by the AWS S3 Exporter.


The following exporter configuration parameters are supported.

Name Description Default Required
starttime The time at which to start retrieving data. Required
endtime The time at which to stop retrieving data. Required
region AWS region. "us-east-1" Optional
s3_bucket S3 bucket Required
s3_prefix prefix for the S3 key (root directory inside bucket). Required
s3_partition time granularity of S3 key: hour or minute "minute" Optional
file_prefix file prefix defined by user Optional
endpoint overrides the endpoint used by the exporter instead of constructing it from region and s3_bucket Optional
endpoint_partition_id partition id to use if endpoint is specified. "aws" Optional
s3_force_path_style set this to true to force the request to use path-style addressing false Optional
encodings: An array of entries with the following properties: Optional
extension Extension to use for decoding a key with a matching suffix. Required
suffix Key suffix to match against. Required
opampextension Name of the OpAMP Extension to use to send ingest progress notifications.

Time format for starttime and endtime

The starttime and endtime fields are used to specify the time range for which to retrieve data. The time format is either RFC3339,YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM or simply YYYY-MM-DD, in which case the time is assumed to be 00:00.


By default, the receiver understands the following encodings:

  • otlp_json (OpenTelemetry Protocol format represented as json) with a suffix of .json
  • otlp_proto (OpenTelemetry Protocol format represented as Protocol Buffers) with a suffix of .binpb

The encodings options allows you to specify Encoding Extensions to use to decode keys with matching suffixes.

Example Configuration

  # example of text encoding extension
    encoding: utf8
    marshaling_separator: "\n"
    unmarshaling_separator: "\r?\n"
    starttime: "2024-01-01 01:00"
    endtime: "2024-01-02"
        region: "us-west-1"
        s3_bucket: "mybucket"
        s3_prefix: "trace"
        s3_partition: "minute"
      - extension: text_encoding
        suffix: ".txt"


The receiver can send notifications of ingest progress to an OpAmp server using the custom message capability of "org.opentelemetry.collector.receiver.awss3" and message type "TimeBasedIngestStatus". The format of the notifications is a ProtoBuf formatted OLTP logs message with a single Log Record. The body of the record is set to status and the timestamp of the record is used to hold the ingest time. The record also has the following attributes:

Attribute Description
telemetry_type The type of telemetry being ingested. One of "traces", "metrics", or "logs".
ingest_status The status of the data ingestion. One of "ingesting", "failed", or "completed".
start_time The time to start retrieving data as an Int64, nanoseconds since Unix epoch.
end_time The time to stop retrieving data as an Int64, nanoseconds since Unix epoch.
failure_message Error message if ingest_status is "failed".

The "ingesting" status is sent at the beginning of the ingest process before data has been retrieved for the specified time. If during the processing of the data an error occurs a status message with ingest_status set to "failed" status with the time of the data being ingested when the failure occurred. If the ingest process completes successfully a status message with ingest_status set to "completed" is sent.