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GitLab Receiver

Stability development: traces
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Issues Open issues Closed issues
Code Owners @adrielp, @atoulme

Traces - Getting Started

Workflow tracing support is actively being added to the GitLab receiver. This is accomplished through the processing of GitLab webhook events for pipelines. The pipeline event payloads are then constructed into trace telemetry.

Each GitLab pipeline, along with its jobs, is converted into trace spans, allowing the observation of workflow execution times, success, and failure rates.


IMPORTANT: At this time the tracing portion of this receiver only serves a health check endpoint.

The WebHook configuration exposes the following settings:

  • endpoint: (default = localhost:8080) - The address and port to bind the WebHook to.
  • path: (default = /events) - The path for Action events to be sent to.
  • health_path: (default = /health) - The path for health checks.
  • secret: (optional) - The secret used to validate the payload.
  • required_headers: (optional) - One or more key-value pairs representing required headers for incoming requests. These headers must not conflict with the fixed default GitLab headers. See the customizable and fixed GitLab headers in config.go.

The WebHook configuration block also accepts all the confighttp settings.

An example configuration is as follows:

            endpoint: localhost:19418
            path: /events
            health_path: /health
            secret: ${env:SECRET_STRING_VAR}
                WAF-Header: "value"

For tracing, all configuration is set under the webhook key. The full set of exposed configuration values can be found in config.go.