Status | |
Stability | deprecated: metrics, traces |
Deprecation of metrics | Date: 2025-02-14 |
Migration Note: Use OTLP receiver (#36791) | |
Deprecation of traces | Date: 2025-02-14 |
Migration Note: use OTLP receiver (#36791) | |
Distributions | core, contrib, k8s |
Issues | |
Code Owners | @open-telemetry/collector-approvers |
Receives data via gRPC or HTTP using OpenCensus format.
All that is required to enable the OpenCensus receiver is to include it in the receiver definitions.
The following settings are configurable:
(default = localhost:55678): host:port to which the receiver is going to receive data. The valid syntax is described at See our security best practices doc to understand how to set the endpoint in different environments.
Several helper files are leveraged to provide additional capabilities automatically:
The OpenCensus receiver can receive trace export calls via HTTP/JSON in addition to gRPC. The HTTP/JSON address is the same as gRPC as the protocol is recognized and processed accordingly.
To write traces with HTTP/JSON, POST
to [address]/v1/trace
. The JSON message
format parallels the gRPC protobuf format, see this
OpenApi spec for it.
The HTTP/JSON endpoint can also optionally configure
CORS, which is enabled by
specifying a list of allowed CORS origins in the cors_allowed_origins
# Origins can have wildcards with *, use * by itself to match any origin.
- https://*