OpenFaaS CE EULA is for personal use and limited commercial trial
OpenFaaS CE EULA is for personal use and limited commercial trial
Add script to patch DigitalOcean for journal
Add script to patch DigitalOcean for journal
Add directive back into
Add directive back into
Install script - suppress interactive messages
Install script - suppress interactive messages
Show instructions for manual license keys
Show instructions for manual license keys
Add iptables-persistent for openfaas-edge on Debian-like OSes
Add iptables-persistent for openfaas-edge on Debian-like OSes
Clarify usage in a Small Business Environment
Clarify usage in a Small Business Environment
Fix for proxy exiting early
Fix for proxy exiting early
Pull request merge
Reduce logging from log streaming command
Reduce logging from log streaming command
Clarify EULA for CE components
Clarify EULA for CE components
Switch to newest gateway version and Prometheus v3
Switch to newest gateway version and Prometheus v3
Force BINLOCATION to arkade install
Force BINLOCATION to arkade install
Kill existing services before installing faasd edge
Kill existing services before installing faasd edge
Update support for Oracle Linux for edge installer
Update support for Oracle Linux for edge installer
Ensure which is available for ym
Ensure which is available for ym