issues Search Results · repo:openfaas/templates language:Dockerfile
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inopenfaas/templates (press backspace or delete to remove)!--- Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above --
Expected Behaviour
!--- If you re describing a bug, tell us what should happen -- !--- If you re suggesting a change/improvement, tell ...
- Opened on Nov 11, 2024
- #313
Expected Behaviour
The template for Node 20 should be named node20
Current Behaviour
Currently, the template for Node 20 is named node18
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- Opened on May 17, 2024
- #310
I noticed that the GoLang template in the OpenFaaS templates repository is missing the use of ADDITIONALPACKAGE in the
Dockerfile. This can be seen at line 42 in the Dockerfile:
RUN apk --no-cache add ...
- 1
- Opened on Nov 10, 2023
- #309
how to use a library like express-validator with middleware? i am using node18, there is an example middleware but
node10 and depricated.
- 1
- Opened on Sep 19, 2023
- #308
!--- Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above -- I conducted performance testing on different functions
and found that some functions can execute requests concurrently within in a single ...
- 1
- Opened on Aug 27, 2023
- #307
!--- Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above --
Expected Behaviour
!--- If you re describing a bug, tell us what should happen -- !--- If you re suggesting a change/improvement, tell ...
- Opened on May 26, 2023
- #305
Expected Behaviour
Getting the display output from the display methods in the response from the container when the script is run. Such
examples such as var_dump/echo/print all fail the script.
Current ...
- 5
- Opened on Mar 29, 2023
- #303
I ve added a template at my fork and wanted to open a pull request but decided i cant be bothered with all the
buerocracy. Feel free to copy it or do it yourself.
Changes the .csproj file to reference ...
- 1
- Opened on Dec 13, 2022
- #301
!--- Provide a general summary of the issue in the Title above --
Update node17 template (and prior, if you have time) to use chown from Docker
Expected Behaviour
!--- If you re describing a bug, tell ...
- 2
- Opened on Oct 5, 2022
- #300
I ve deployed a function using java11 templates and tried to add external dependencies according to the example in When I invoked the function I got the ...
- Opened on Aug 30, 2022
- #299

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