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Open Food Foundation VINE: Vouchers Integration Engine

VINE is a voucher management platform owned & managed by the Open Food Foundation. It is a Laravel application, leveraging the power of Vue3 and TailwindCSS.

Developer initial setup

Please read our Contributing Guide before creating a pull request.

Then follow these steps for your local development environment:

  1. Clone this repository to your local machine.
  2. Install the required dependencies using [npm install]
  3. Install the required composer dependencies using [composer install]
  4. Set up the .env configuration by copying the .env.example file
  5. Create a database with the same name from the .env file.
  6. Populate the database with the required tables and data using [php artisan migrate --seed]
  7. Run the development server using the command [npm run dev]

All pushes to develop and main branches will run the app through GitHub Actions. If the tests pass, the action will send a webhook request to the chosen deployment platform, where it will be deployed.

How to build the application and leverage assets

To run a testing system locally run the following in the root of your project, in terminal:

npm run dev

Testing policies

Tests are run on every push to the following branches:

  • feature/*
  • develop
  • main

To run tests locally, do the following:

  • Run php artisan migrate:fresh --env=testing
  • Run one of the following
  • ./vendor/bin/phpunit or
  • php artisan test

Deployment policies

All pushes to develop and main branches will run the app through GitHub Actions. If the tests pass, the system will deploy the app using the configured deployment tool.

API documentation

API documentation is being generated using a package called Scribe.

It does this using annotations on API endpoints via PHP attributes. The configuration file is found at config/scribe.php. It will publish its assets in the public/scribe, which will include an openpi.yaml file as well as a Postman collection.json file.

To re-generate these assets and the accompanying documentation page, run php artisan scribe:generate. This command will also automatically run whenever the composer update command is executed. The docs can be found at the path /api-documentation.

Code of conduct

Our goal is to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for everyone who participates in this project. This code of conduct outlines our expectations for behavior and the procedures for addressing unacceptable behavior.

Expected Behavior

  • Respect: Treat everyone with respect, and be considerate of diverse opinions and backgrounds.
  • Professionalism: Communicate in a professional and constructive manner. Provide helpful feedback and collaborate effectively.


By participating in this project, you agree to adhere to this code of conduct.

Contributing policies


Release note collation

Release notes to be begun being generated only after production v1.0



Currently supported integrations: smtp, and mailgun.

SMTP Emails

To configure your system to use a third party SMTP service, update the following environment variables. Note that you may need to update some configuration at your SMTP server provider to enable sending from your server installation IP range.



To use Mailgun, you'll need a configured domain, an API secret and to update the following environment variables. Note that MAILGUN_ENDPOINT is usually only required if not using the US region to send mail from.

MAILGUN_ENDPOINT=[if necessary to switch to EU]

Application Logging Configuration

We've configured the system so that you can use environment variables to configure which logging service you would like to use for the installation. To configure logging, update the LOG_STACK environment variable.

# A single log file located on the server

You may configure multiple log channels also:

# Use both a single and daily log

Third party logging services

In production, it's not great to allow log files build up in size or they might take up a lot of space on the server, so we have built in the following integrations. If you wish to integrate a different service, create an issue.

Flare (

Update your env file:

# Add flare key
# Update your log stack
LOG_STACK=flare  # or daily,flare,single etc for multiple

Sentry (

Update your env file:

# Add flare key
# Update your log stack
LOG_STACK=sentry  # or sentry,single etc for multiple

Voucher Validation Request Rate Limiting

By default, the API endpoint for /voucher-validation is rate-limited to 60 requests per minute, per API token (or user). To update this, uncomment the VALIDATION_THROTTLE_MAX_PER_MINUTE environment variable and re-deploy the application.

Setting this to a lower number increases protection from dictionary-style attacks on the API, however it means that a shop's integration might introduce reduced user experience for customers.

Your API integration's front end will need to gracefully handle and notify users when 429 responses are returned from the Vine API.

Code Linting / Formatting

Todo - explain how pint works, and under what circumstances it'll run

File Storage: Local vs. AWS S3

You are free to use whichever storage cloud you like - the default environment variable of FILESYSTEM_DISK=local means that the application will use the local server.

To configure the system to use AWS S3, first create a bucket in S3 and some access keys for your implementation. then update the following environment variables:


AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=[S3 Bucket location eg ap-southeast-2]
AWS_BUCKET=[S3 Bucket Name]

The S3 bucket uses a configuration called root, which separates the base bucket into the environment that the application is running under. This is based on APP_ENV. If you are running APP_ENV=local and your bucket was called AWS_BUCKET=ofn-vine-uk, your bucket folder structure would look like this:

    /local ๐Ÿ‘ˆ // Objects would be placed here by default at the path you provide

NOTE: No extra config is required for this behaviour on AWS S3. It is not the default for any other filesystem storage providers.

Queue Configuration

By default, the queue is set to sync: QUEUE_CONNECTION=sync which runs jobs as part of the current request. You are free to reconfigure this.

If using AWS SQS, you need to create queues for each environment, and update the env vars as follows:

SQS_QUEUE="queue-name-${APP_ENV}" # eg ofn-vine-uk-local as set in AWS SQS

You'll also need to run at least one properly configured queue worker on your server environment for this to work.

API Middleware - Protecting The API

In / we've configured middleware as follows:

        'abilities' => CheckForAnyTokenAbilities::class,

This runs the API middleware through CheckForAnyTokenAbilities, checking the incoming personal access token for the correct ability.

To configure an endpoint to be guarded by an ability, do the following: add a middleware ability (one or more) to the definition in the API routes file.


A more concrete example would be the /system-statistics endpoint:

Route::get('/system-statistics', [ApiSystemStatisticsController::class, 'index'])
              'abilities:' .
              PersonalAccessTokenAbility::SUPER_ADMIN->value . ',' .

.. the above endpoint allows API tokens with super-admin and system-statistic-read abilities. Either will work; anything else in place of these will fail with a 401.

Integrations: API Tokens & Abilities

The Vine system issues long-lived API tokens so that external systems may integrate with it. You will be issued with a text-based API token. Add it to your API requests as an Authorization header:

Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer [API_TOKEN]

Your API token will have abilities associated with them. Abilities are relevant to the API endpoint you are trying to access. For example:

POST /api/v1/system-statistics => 'system-statistics-create' GET /api/v1/system-statistics => 'system-statistics-read' GET /api/v1/system-statistics/1234 => 'system-statistics-read' PUT /api/v1/system-statistics/1234 => 'system-statistics-update' DELETE /api/v1/system-statistics/1234 => 'system-statistics-delete'

  • An API token can have more than 1 ability.
  • Certain endpoint verbs will always return a 403 (Method Not Allowed), regardless of token abilities.
  • More information will be available in out OpenAPI Spec documentation.