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Pull requests: openshift/hypershift

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[release-4.15] OCPBUGS-52506: refactor aws identity health check into new controller area/control-plane-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the control plane operator - in an OCP release
#5815 opened Mar 11, 2025 by openshift-cherrypick-robot Loading…
RFE-7201: Add support for custom annotations on load balancer area/api Indicates the PR includes changes for the API area/cli Indicates the PR includes changes for CLI area/control-plane-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the control plane operator - in an OCP release area/documentation Indicates the PR includes changes for documentation needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test.
#5814 opened Mar 11, 2025 by cldmnky Loading…
3 of 4 tasks
[release-4.18] OCPBUGS-52863: stop using dev mode for loggers approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/cli Indicates the PR includes changes for CLI area/control-plane-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the control plane operator - in an OCP release area/hypershift-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the hypershift operator and API - outside an OCP release jira/invalid-bug Indicates that a referenced Jira bug is invalid for the branch this PR is targeting. jira/severity-moderate Referenced Jira bug's severity is moderate for the branch this PR is targeting. jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type. lgtm Indicates that a PR is ready to be merged.
#5811 opened Mar 10, 2025 by openshift-cherrypick-robot Loading…
WIP: ARO-15229: add e2e tests for image registry capability area/testing Indicates the PR includes changes for e2e testing do-not-merge/work-in-progress Indicates that a PR should not merge because it is a work in progress. jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type.
#5810 opened Mar 10, 2025 by flavianmissi Loading…
2 of 4 tasks
OCPBUGS-52819: CPO Overrides for OCPBUGS-48519 approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/hypershift-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the hypershift operator and API - outside an OCP release jira/severity-important Referenced Jira bug's severity is important for the branch this PR is targeting. jira/valid-bug Indicates that a referenced Jira bug is valid for the branch this PR is targeting. jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type. lgtm Indicates that a PR is ready to be merged.
#5808 opened Mar 10, 2025 by celebdor Loading…
2 of 4 tasks
OCPBUGS-51364: fix oc patch command on doc approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/documentation Indicates the PR includes changes for documentation jira/invalid-bug Indicates that a referenced Jira bug is invalid for the branch this PR is targeting. jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type. lgtm Indicates that a PR is ready to be merged.
#5807 opened Mar 10, 2025 by jparrill Loading…
Update digest to bad2d1b approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/control-plane-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the control plane operator - in an OCP release area/hypershift-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the hypershift operator and API - outside an OCP release lgtm Indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test.
#5806 opened Mar 9, 2025 by red-hat-konflux bot Loading…
1 task
Update digest to a9236ff area/control-plane-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the control plane operator - in an OCP release area/hypershift-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the hypershift operator and API - outside an OCP release ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test.
#5805 opened Mar 9, 2025 by red-hat-konflux bot Loading…
1 task
Update digest to 33b83c7 approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/control-plane-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the control plane operator - in an OCP release area/hypershift-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the hypershift operator and API - outside an OCP release lgtm Indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test.
#5804 opened Mar 9, 2025 by red-hat-konflux bot Loading…
1 task
Update digest to e4ce53e approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/control-plane-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the control plane operator - in an OCP release area/hypershift-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the hypershift operator and API - outside an OCP release lgtm Indicates that a PR is ready to be merged. ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test.
#5803 opened Mar 9, 2025 by red-hat-konflux bot Loading…
1 task
Update digest to c09e994 area/control-plane-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the control plane operator - in an OCP release area/hypershift-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the hypershift operator and API - outside an OCP release ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test.
#5802 opened Mar 9, 2025 by red-hat-konflux bot Loading…
1 task
Update dependency mkdocs-material to v9.6.7 area/documentation Indicates the PR includes changes for documentation needs-ok-to-test Indicates a PR that requires an org member to verify it is safe to test.
#5800 opened Mar 8, 2025 by red-hat-konflux bot Loading…
1 task
Update Konflux references area/ci-tooling Indicates the PR includes changes for CI or tooling ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test.
#5799 opened Mar 8, 2025 by red-hat-konflux bot Loading…
1 task
OCPBUGS-52661: KAS-Bump audit-webhook-initial-backoff and TerminationGracePeriodSeconds when audit webhook is enabled area/control-plane-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the control plane operator - in an OCP release jira/valid-bug Indicates that a referenced Jira bug is valid for the branch this PR is targeting. jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type.
#5798 opened Mar 7, 2025 by Joseph-Goergen Loading…
4 tasks
NO-JIRA: Fix-dependabot-bumps approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/api Indicates the PR includes changes for the API jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type. lgtm Indicates that a PR is ready to be merged.
#5797 opened Mar 7, 2025 by bryan-cox Loading…
2 of 4 tasks
NO-JIRA: Bump msi-dataplane dependency approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/api Indicates the PR includes changes for the API jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type. lgtm Indicates that a PR is ready to be merged.
#5796 opened Mar 7, 2025 by bryan-cox Loading…
2 of 4 tasks
CNTRLPLANE-269: Turn on CPOv2 by default approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/api Indicates the PR includes changes for the API area/control-plane-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the control plane operator - in an OCP release area/hypershift-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the hypershift operator and API - outside an OCP release area/testing Indicates the PR includes changes for e2e testing do-not-merge/hold Indicates that a PR should not merge because someone has issued a /hold command. jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type.
#5792 opened Mar 7, 2025 by muraee Loading…
4 tasks
[release-4.15] OCPBUGS-52590: Honor proxy vars in the util insecure http client do-not-merge/needs-area jira/invalid-bug Indicates that a referenced Jira bug is invalid for the branch this PR is targeting. jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type.
#5791 opened Mar 7, 2025 by openshift-cherrypick-robot Loading…
CNTRLPLANE-268: add gomock/mockgen avoiding mocking true handmade concrete types area/control-plane-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the control plane operator - in an OCP release area/hypershift-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the hypershift operator and API - outside an OCP release jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type.
#5790 opened Mar 7, 2025 by sdminonne Loading…
NO-JIRA: Disable Mintmaker gomod manager area/ci-tooling Indicates the PR includes changes for CI or tooling jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type.
#5789 opened Mar 7, 2025 by devguyio Loading…
4 tasks
NO-JIRA: Bump from 1.0.8 to 1.3.1 in /api in the github-dependencies group area/api Indicates the PR includes changes for the API area/ci-tooling Indicates the PR includes changes for CI or tooling jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type. ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test.
#5787 opened Mar 7, 2025 by dependabot bot Loading…
NO-JIRA: Bump the azure-github-dependencies group with 4 updates area/ci-tooling Indicates the PR includes changes for CI or tooling jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type. ok-to-test Indicates a non-member PR verified by an org member that is safe to test.
#5786 opened Mar 7, 2025 by dependabot bot Loading…
CNTRLPLANE-267: Restructure the OWNERS usage in the whole repo area/api Indicates the PR includes changes for the API area/ci-tooling Indicates the PR includes changes for CI or tooling area/cli Indicates the PR includes changes for CLI area/control-plane-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the control plane operator - in an OCP release area/control-plane-pki-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the control plane PKI operator - in an OCP release area/documentation Indicates the PR includes changes for documentation area/hypershift-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the hypershift operator and API - outside an OCP release area/testing Indicates the PR includes changes for e2e testing jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type. lgtm Indicates that a PR is ready to be merged.
#5784 opened Mar 7, 2025 by devguyio Loading…
2 of 4 tasks
fix(api): Adjust CRD validation rules to account for ignition server … approved Indicates a PR has been approved by an approver from all required OWNERS files. area/api Indicates the PR includes changes for the API area/cli Indicates the PR includes changes for CLI area/documentation Indicates the PR includes changes for documentation
#5782 opened Mar 6, 2025 by a-dsouza Loading…
4 tasks
[release-4.18] OCPBUGS-52878: Kubernetes API Server apply-bootstrap container does not respect SIGTERM area/control-plane-operator Indicates the PR includes changes for the control plane operator - in an OCP release jira/invalid-bug Indicates that a referenced Jira bug is invalid for the branch this PR is targeting. jira/valid-reference Indicates that this PR references a valid Jira ticket of any type. lgtm Indicates that a PR is ready to be merged.
#5780 opened Mar 6, 2025 by jared-hayes-dev Loading…
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