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Emulator mode in InstaSlice

Finding MIGable GPUs with cloud provider is expensive and hard especially for development activities Hence InstaSlice emulator mode was created. When emulator mode on users create a hypothetical capacity in the cluster by setting GPU profiles in the InstaSlice CR. The controller and daemonset both operator on InstaSlice object. This shows InstaSlice unique placement capabilities and enables development of InstaSlice without any physical GPUs on the cluster.

Steps to use emulator

We use Kustomize to enabled emulator mode.

  • Ensure the cert-manager is deployed
kubectl apply -f
  • Install the Instaslice CRDs using command
make install
  • Add GPU capacity to the cluster using command
kubectl apply -f test/e2e/resources/instaslice-fake-capacity.yaml
  • Check if InstaSlice object exists using command
kubectl describe instaslice
  • Deploy the controller using command
make deploy-emulated
  • Wait for controllers to be ready
kubectl get pods -n instaslice-system --watch
NAME                                                      READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
instaslice-operator-controller-daemonset-fbwmk            1/1     Running   0          118s
instaslice-operator-controller-manager-579bc859cf-pb9t6   2/2     Running   0          118s


Make sure no dangling* extended resources exist on the cluster before you submit a pod

  • Submit emulator pod using command
kubectl apply -f samples/emulator-pod.yaml


  • Use minimal pod for other architectures such as, arm64
kubectl apply -f samples/minimal-pod.yaml
  • Check allocations section and prepared sections of the InstaSlice object.
    • Allocation section shows placement decisions made by InstaSlice using firstfit algorithm
    • Prepared section is a mock, as no real GPU exists CI and GI for any pod submissions are always 0


      Allocation Status:    ungated
      Cpu:                  0
      Gpu UUID:             GPU-31cfe05c-ed13-cd17-d7aa-c63db5108c24
      Memory:               0
      Namespace:            default
      Nodename:             kind-control-plane
      Pod Name:             minimal-pod-1
      Pod UUID:             d54cdcfe-74b6-42c5-89cf-dc9caac2c714
      Profile:              1g.5gb
      Resource Identifier:  414f6507-6118-405a-9ffa-20c6ca63803a
      Size:                 1
      Start:                0
      Ciinfo:    0
      Giinfo:    0
      Parent:    GPU-31cfe05c-ed13-cd17-d7aa-c63db5108c24
      Pod UUID:  d54cdcfe-74b6-42c5-89cf-dc9caac2c714
      Profile:   1g.5gb
      Size:      1
      Start:     0
  • Undeploy using command
make undeploy-emulated