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inopenshift/instaslice-operator (press backspace or delete to remove)Instaslice Max capacity for a profile should only be added by considering the correct number of MIG-enabled GPUs on the
- Opened 2 days ago
- #475
For clusters with heterogeneous GPUs, we see daemonset spawned on nodes that do not have MIG-enabled GPUs; a fix should
be on the node selectors in the daemonset code.
- Opened 4 days ago
- #474
When a node has mixed GPUs (mig enabled and mig disabled) we see incorrect node GPUs:
Node Gpus:
Gpu Memory: 0
Gpu Name:
Gpu Uuid:
Gpu Memory: 0
Gpu Name:
Gpu Uuid: ...
- Opened 4 days ago
- #473
InstaSlice creates an instance of CR for every node that has GPU(s). it should only create instances of CR for nodes
that have GPU and MIG mode enabled.
- Opened 9 days ago
- #466
GPU operator has a feature to enable and disable MIG mode. MIG gets disabled on the select node(s), but extended
resources continue to exist, there is a need to design a strategy to remove extended resources ...
- Opened 9 days ago
- #465
We test that we do not ungate more pods than we can fit on available gpus by launching 8 long-running 1g pods and
checking exactly 7 are running (in a single gpu setup). We should extend such a test to: ...
- 2
- Opened 13 days ago
- #458
In my testing I observed that the instaslice objects were created (and they were missing status) for the nodes that have
the relevant GPUs but those GPUs do not have the MIG mode enabled. For such cases, ...
- Opened 17 days ago
- #452
Add hierarchy to Node Gpus as such and move under Spec, Node Resources: Current:
Node Resources:
Node Gpus:
Gpu Memory: 40Gi
Gpu Name: NVIDIA A100-PCIE-40GB
Gpu Uuid: ...
- Opened 17 days ago
- #450
In order to be able to run the e2e tests repeatedly on the same cluster, it is necessary to remove the labels on the
nodes after every run. This should be taken care of by the test suite.
- 2
- Opened 17 days ago
- #448
Pods and instaslice updates are both handled within one reconcile loop. There should be at least 2 reconcile loops for a
separation of responsibilities.
- Opened on Feb 6
- #427

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