- Download source code and install dependencies
- Configure jira client
- Run network_bugs_overview script
- Documentation
This is a quick reference for the network_bugs_overview
command line.
is based on jira library for Python.
It fetches open bugs assigned to our team members from our jira server, analyzes them and prints out a per-developer summary in the order from the currently least-loaded to currently the most-loaded team member.
In particular, it queries:
- jira (OCPBUGS project) for bugs and
- jira (RHOCPPRIO project) for escalations.
$ git clone https://github.com/openshift/network-tools && pushd network-tools/jira-scripts
$ cat requirements.txt
$ pip install --upgrade pip
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
Generate your jira token by going on https://issues.redhat.com and clicking on the user icon on the top right, then "Profile" -> "Personal Access Tokens" -> "Create token". Then configure your jira secrets by saving your work email and token in jira_secrets.py, which you will place in the jira-scripts directory of the network-tools project:
$ popd # go back to jira-scripts folder
$ cat > jira_secrets.py
secrets = {
"email": "your_email@redhat.com",
"token": "your_token",
The available input arguments are the following:
$ ./network_bugs_overview -h
usage: network_bugs_overview [-h] [--jira-bugs] [--jira-escalations] [-v] [-q] [-n] [-g] [--old-bugs]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--jira-bugs run a query to jira server for jira bugs. By default, when no bug type is specified as input arg, jira bugs are fetched, but not jira escalations.
--jira-escalations run a query to jira server for jira escalations. By default, when no bug type is specified as input arg, jira bugs are fetched, but not jira escalations.
-v, --verbose Print detailed results
-q, --quick Skip assign analysis and get results more quickly
-n, --new-bugs Print currently unassigned bugs in a markup format
-g, --process-github-issues
For each ovn-org/ovn-kubernetes github issue with the ci-flake label, make sure a corresponding jira ticket exists
--old-bugs Print a list of bugs that have been in the new state for more than 30 days
By running the python script as is, it will execute by default the following:
- it will make that sure all ovn-k upstream issues with the ci-flake label are tracked in jira ("--process-github-issues" above);
- it will query the jira server for assigned bugs in the OCPBUGS project and output a ranking of team members according to their bug load ("--jira-bugs" above);
- it will print a list of unassigned bugs in a markup format ("--new-bugs" above):
Alternatively, you can specify the single actions to execute:
./network_bugs_overview --new-bugs
./network_bugs_overview --process-github-issues --quick
You can also print a quick version of the team bug load, by skipping the "assigned <=21 days" column, which often takes a long time to run:
./network_bugs_overview --quick
Finally, you can print the bugs that have been in the NEW state for more than 30 days and are therefore considered stale:
./network_bugs_overview --old-bugs