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oso License: Apache 2.0 Github Actions

Open Source Observer is a free analytics suite that helps funders measure the impact of open source software contributions to the health of their ecosystem.


  • /apps: The OSO apps
    • /docs: documentation (Docusaurus)
    • /frontend: frontend application (Next.js)
    • /hasura: API service (Hasura) - Production
  • /cli: The oso cli for setting up and using various tools in this repository
  • /docker: Docker files
  • /lib: Common libraries
    • /oss-artifact-validators: Simple library to validate different properties of an "artifact"
    • /oso_common - Python module for common tools across all python tools
  • /warehouse: All code specific to the data warehouse
    • /dbt: dbt configuration
    • /oso_dagster: Dagster configuration for orchestrating software-defined assets
    • /oso_sqlmesh: sqlmesh configuration
    • Also contains other tools to manage warehouse pipelines
  • /ops: Our ops related code
    • /external-prs: GitHub app for validating pull requests
    • /k8s-*: Kubernetes configuration
    • /tf-modules: Terraform modules
    • /opstools: Python module of various ops related tools


System Prerequisites

Before you begin you'll need the following on your system:

  • Node >= 20 (we suggest installing with nvm)
  • pnpm >= 9 (see here)
  • Python >=3.11 (see here)
  • Python uv >= 0.6 (see here)
  • git (see here)
  • BigQuery access (see here if you don't have it setup already)
  • gcloud (see here)

Setup dependencies

First, authenticate with gcloud:

gcloud auth application-default login

Then install Node.js dependencies

pnpm install

Also install the python dependencies

uv sync

You will also need to setup dbt to connect to Google BigQuery for running the data pipeline. The following wizard will copy a small playground dataset to your personal Google account and setup dbt for you.

uv run oso lets_go

:::tip The script is idempotent, so you can safely run it again if you encounter any issues. :::

Frontend Development

Setup and build the frontend

First, make sure the environment variables are set for ./apps/frontend. Take a look at ./apps/frontend/.env.local.example for the complete list.

  • You can either set these yourself (e.g. in CI/CD)
  • or copy the file to .env.local and populate it.

Then do a turbo build of all apps, run the following:

pnpm install
pnpm build

The resulting static site can be found in ./build/.

Running the prod server

If you've already run the build, you can use pnpm serve to serve the built files

Running the frontend dev server

To run a dev server that watches for changes across code and Plasmic, run:

pnpm dev:frontend

dbt Development

Our datasets are public! If you'd like to use them directly as opposed to adding to our dbt models, checkout our docs!

Using the virtual environment

Once installation has completed you can enter the virtual environment.

$ source .venv/bin/activate

From here you should have dbt on your path.

$ which dbt

This should return something like opensource-observer/oso/.venv/bin/dbt

Authenticating to bigquery

If you have write access to the dataset then you can connect to it by setting the opensource_observer profile in dbt. Inside ~/.dbt/profiles.yml (create it if it isn't there), add the following:

      type: bigquery
      dataset: oso
      job_execution_time_seconds: 300
      job_retries: 1
      location: US
      method: oauth
      project: opensource-observer
      threads: 32
      type: bigquery
      dataset: oso_playground
      job_execution_time_seconds: 300
      job_retries: 1
      location: US
      method: oauth
      project: opensource-observer
      threads: 32
  # By default we target the playground. it's less costly and also safer to write
  # there while developing
  target: playground

Setting up VS Code

The Power User for dbt core extension is pretty helpful.

You'll need the path to your virtual environment, which you can get by running

echo 'import sys; print(sys.prefix)' | uv run -

Then in VS Code:

  • Install the extension
  • Open the command pallet, enter "Python: select interpreter"
  • Select "Enter interpreter path..."
  • Enter the path from the uv command above

Check that you have a little check mark next to "dbt" in the bottom bar.

Running dbt

Once you've updated any models you can run dbt within the virtual environment by simply calling:

$ dbt run

:::tip Note: If you configured the dbt profile as shown in this document, this dbt run will write to the opensource-observer.oso_playground dataset. :::

It is likely best to target a specific model so things don't take so long on some of our materializations:

$ dbt run --select {name_of_the_model}

sqlmesh Development

Running sqlmesh

For faster development of new models, we rely on duckdb as a local development environment. While this introduces the need to ensure we have macros to compensate for differences between environments, the simple deployment allows for fast iteration of ideas given that the required macros exist.

To get started we need to load localized data:

To do that we do:

# Ensure we're logged into google
gcloud auth application-default login

# Run the initialization of the data pull
oso local initialize --max-results-per-query 10000 --max-days 3

This will download 3 days of time series data with an approximate maximum of 10000 rows in each table that is not time series defined. You can change these or unset them if you're certain that your system can handle a larger data download but this will be required.

Once all of the data has been downloaded you can now run sqlmesh like so:

oso local sqlmesh [...any sqlmesh args...]

This is a convenience function for running sqlmesh locally. This is equivalent to running this series of commands:

cd warehouse/oso_sqlmesh
sqlmesh [...any sqlmesh args... ]

So running:

oso local sqlmesh plan

Would be equivalent to

cd warehouse/oso_sqlmesh
sqlmesh plan

However, the real reason for this convenience function is for executing sqlmesh against a local trino as detailed in this next section.

Running sqlmesh on a local trino

Be warned, running local trino requires running kubernetes on your machine using kind. While it isn't intended to be a heavy weight implementation, it takes more resources than simply running with duckdb. However, in order to simulate and test this running against trino as it does on the production OSO deployment, we need to have things wired properly with kubernetes. To initialize everything simply do:

oso ops cluster-setup

This can take a while so please be patient, but it will generate a local registry that is used when running the trino deployment with the metrics calculation service deployed. This is to test that process works and to ensure that the MCS has the proper version deployed. Eventually this can/will be used to test the dagster deployment.

Once everything is setup, things should be running in the kind cluster oso-local-test-cluster. Normally, you'd need to ensure that you forward the right ports so that you can access the cluster to run the sqlmesh jobs but the convenience functions we created to run sqlmesh ensure that this is done automatically. However before running sqlmesh you will need to initialize the data in trino.

Much like running against a local duckdb the local trino can also be initialized with on the CLI like so:

oso local initialize --local-trino

Once completed, trino will be configured to have the proper source data for sqlmesh.

Finally, to run sqlmesh plan do this:

oso local sqlmesh --local-trino plan

The --local-trino option should be passed before any sqlmesh args. Otherwise, you can call any command or use any flags from sqlmesh after the sqlmesh keyword in the command invocation. So to call sqlmesh run you'd simply do:

oso local sqlmesh --local-trino run

Please note, you may periodically be logged out of the local kind cluster, just run oso ops cluster-setup again if that happens.

Reference Playbooks

For setup and common operations for each subproject, navigate into the respective directory and check out the

You can also find some operations guides on our documentation.


The code and documentation in this repository is released under Apache 2.0 (see LICENSE).

This repository does not contain data. Datasets may include material that may be subject to third party rights. For details on each dataset, see the Data Overview.