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Open UI

The purpose of Open UI to the web platform is to allow web developers to style and extend built-in web UI controls, such as <select> dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons, and date/color pickers.

You can learn how to contribute by reading our getting involved guide. Our guide runs through the entire standardization process, from research, to review, to completion

Running the repo


  1. Install Node.js, (ensure the version of Node you use is specified in the .nvmrc file)
  2. Install the yarn package manager

Other useful tools:

  1. Install nvm, to help manage your installed node versions.

Useful Commands

Run these commands from the context of this site directory, as opposed to the root directory. This list contains the most useful commands. You should run yarn run to see all scripts.

yarn              # install dependencies

yarn start        # run docs
yarn build        # build docs

nvm use           # use the correct version of `node`
nvm install       # install the version of node specified in `.nvmrc`


The site is deployed automatically on merge to main.


Adding a New Markdown Page

Should I Use md or mdx?

Opt for md by default, and use mdx only if you need it.

Because mdx has support for rendering JSX components, it requires additional JavaScript. As a result, it can be a useful tool but should only be used if necessary.

What Metadata Do I Need to Add to My Markdown Page?

All md or mdx pages have frontmatter at the top of the page. We use this data to adjust the behavior of the page at build time.

The various fields are as follows:

Name Description Is Required ?
menu The menu in the navigation bar that the link to this page should live under. Yes
name Title of the page. Yes
layout Link to the layout component, which provides the base styling for the page. Yes
pathToResearch The link to a corresponding research page. No
pathToProposal The link to a corresponding proposal page. No
showInMenu Whether we show the menu in the navigation bar. Defaults to true. No

Uses Astro

The Open UI site is built on top of Astro.


Before we migrated to Astro, we manually defined the routes of each page. Because Astro uses file-based routing, it was important to not break pre-existing routes so the folder heirarchy has been updated to match the pre-existing route hierarchy.

This means that there is some inconsistencies in the following areas:

  • The hierarchies displayed in the navigation bar don't match with the folder hierarchies in the repo. We have to manually specify the heading a page falls under within the navigation bar using the "menu" property in frontmatter.
  • The names for the research component files are inconsistent, to prevent broken links. The majority have the pattern [component], but there are a small handful that are simply [component].md.

We can fix this by migrating all pages to their rightful pages while adding any necessary redirects to the _redirects file.

You can learn more about routing in Astro using the documentation