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OpenID for Verifiable Credentials - TypeScript

OAuth 2.0  |  OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance  |  OpenID for Verifiable Presentations  |  Supported Environments  |  Contributing  |  License  |  Credits

OAuth 2.0 - @openid4vc/oauth2

@openid4vc/oauth2 version

An implementation of the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework, including extension specifications.

import {
} from "@openid4vc/oauth2";

OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance - @openid4vc/openid4vci

@openid4vc/openid4vci version

An implementation of the OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance specification.

  • Authorization Code Flow and Pre-Authorized Code Flow
  • Credential format profiles vc+sd-jwt, mso_mdoc, jwt_vc_json, jwt_vc_json-ld, and ldp_vc (only object validation, no credential implementation)
  • Proof type jwt
  • Draft 14, with backwards compatibility for draft 13 (ID1), and draft 11
  • Support presentation during issuance using Authorization Challenge and OpenID4VP.
import {
} from "@openid4vc/openid4vci";

OpenID for Verifiable Presentations - @openid4vc/openid4vp

@openid4vc/openid4vp version

An implementation of the OpenID for Verifiable Presentations specification.

  • Signed and unsigned requests
  • Support for respone mode direct_post, direct_post.jwt, dc_api and dc_api.jwt
  • No out of the box support for Presentation Exchange or DCQL, this needs to be provided using e.g. dcql-ts or PEX.
  • Transaction D
  • Supports Draft 24
import {
} from "@openid4vc/openid4vp";

Supported Environments

This library is platform agnostic and support Node.JS, React Native and browsers out of the box, as long as it provides an implementation of URL and URLSearchParams. However because of this it is required to provide some callbacks for simple things like hashing, generate random bytes, etc. If no global fetch is available in your environment, this also need to be provided in the callbacks.


Is there something you'd like to fix or add? Great, we love community contributions! To get involved, please follow our contribution guidelines.


This project is licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0 (Apache-2.0).


This library was initially created by Animo as part of the SPRIN-D EUDI Wallet Prototypes Funke.