Tags: operagxsasha/react-native-skia
fix(🍏): Fix iOS linking error on RN 0.77 (Shopify#2933) fixes Shopify#2931
fix(🐛): fix bug where unmounted canvases would be drawn (Shopify#2929)
fix(🎨): consolidate color processing in the scenegraph (Shopify#2891)
fix(🌎): fix bug with sampling options in drawAtlas (Shopify#2886)
feat(🏞️): fix default image sampling and add full control of sampling… … options (Shopify#2880) fixes Shopify#2507 This adds full control to the sampling options to the user but it also fix the default sampling options as well as making it consistent on all APIs (image, atlas, shader in declarative/imperative).
fix(🐛): Fix serious memory error with data loading hooks (useImage, u… …seFont) (Shopify#2866) Hooks like useImage wrong manually dispose the data when unmounting even thought the reference might be still used somewhere else. In the case of the Skia reconciler, the image is disposed even before any kind of unmounting is signaled to the reconciler.