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Create backup image from USB / SDCARD. How to run run armbian-tf on next run #1646

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to run the armbian-tf automatically after system starts (first time after shrinking the image) I added to the /etc/custom_service/

# Maximize root partition size
[[ -f "${todo_rootfs_resize}" && "$(cat ${todo_rootfs_resize} 2>/dev/null | xargs)" == "yes" ]] && {
    armbian-tf 2>/dev/null &&
    echo "[$(date +"%Y.%m.%d.%H:%M:%S")] Maximize root partition done!" >>${custom_log}

Now I'm doing:

  1. run system, add packages and adjust settings
  2. set the flag no_rootfs_resize to yes
  3. shrinking the image in Gparted
  4. burn the shrinked image to new USB/SD CARD
  5. run the system from new image

and it works, after first boot, we have -> Maximiz…

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