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08. Installing Armbian to EMMC | 安装 Armbian 到 EMMC

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Amlogic, Rockchip, and Allwinner have different installation methods. Different devices have different storage, some use an external microSD card, some have eMMC, some support the use of various storage media such as NVMe. According to the different devices, their installation methods are introduced separately. First, download the Armbian system for your device from Releases, and decompress it into .img format for standby. Depending on your device, use different installation methods in the following summary.

After the installation is completed, connect the Armbian device to the router, wait for the device to boot for 2 minutes, and then check the IP of the device named Armbian in the router for management settings using SSH tool. The default username is root, the default password is 1234, and the default port is 22.

8.1 Installation Method for Amlogic Series

Log in to the Armbian system (default user: root, default password: 1234) → Enter the command:

Optional Parameter Default Value Options Description
-m no yes/no Use Mainline u-boot
-a yes yes/no Use ampart partition table adjustment tool
-l no yes/no List. Display the entire device list

Example: armbian-install -m yes -a no

8.2 Installation Method for Rockchip Series

The installation method for each device is different, introduced separately as follows.

8.2.1 Installation Method for Radxa-Rock5B

Radxa-Rock5B has multiple storage mediums such as microSD/eMMC/NVMe to choose from, and the corresponding installation methods are also different. Download rk3588_spl_loader_v1.08.111.bin and spi_image.img files for later use. Download RKDevTool tool and driver for later use. Download Rufus or balenaEtcher disc writing tools for later use. Install the System to MicroSD

Use Rufus or balenaEtcher and other tools to write the Armbian system image into microSD, then insert the microSD with the system written into the device for use. Install the System to eMMC
  • Install using a microSD card: Write the Armbian system image into a microSD card, insert the microSD card into the device and start, upload the armbian.img image file to the microSD card, use the dd command to write the Armbian image into NVMe, the command is as follows:
dd if=armbian.img  of=/dev/mmcblk1  bs=1M status=progress
  • Install using a USB to eMMC card reader: Connect the eMMC module to the computer, use Rufus or balenaEtcher and other tools to write the Armbian system image into eMMC, then insert the eMMC with the system written into the device for use.
  • Install using the Maskrom mode: Turn off the power of the development board. Hold down the gold button. Insert the USB-A to Type-C cable into the ROCK 5B Type-C port, and the other end into the PC. Release the gold button. Check that the USB device prompts to find a MASKROM device. Right-click in the blank area of the list, and then choose to load the rock-5b-emmc.cfg configuration file (the configuration file and RKDevTool are in the same directory). Set rk3588_spl_loader_v1.08.111.bin and Armbian.img as shown below, and choose to write. Installation of the system on NVMe

The ROCK-5B has an SPI flash memory on its motherboard. Installing the bootloader on this SPI flash memory can support other boot media (such as SATA, USB3, or NVMe) that are not directly supported by the SoC maskrom mode. To use NVMe, you must first write the SPI file. The method is as follows:

Power off the development board. Remove bootable devices, such as MicroSD cards, eMMC modules, etc. Press and hold the golden button (or silver button on some revisions of the development board). Insert the USB-A to C cable into the C-type port of ROCK-5B, and the other end into your PC. Release the golden button. Check for a MASKROM device in the USB devices. Right-click in the list box to load the configuration, then select the configuration file in the resource management folder (the configuration file and RKDevTool are in the same directory), select rk3588_spl_loader_v1.08.111.bin and spi_image.img files according to the figure below, and click write:

  • Installation using a card reader: Insert the M.2 NVMe SSD into the M.2 NVMe SSD to USB3.0 card reader to connect to the host. Use tools such as Rufus or balenaEtcher to write the Armbian system image to NVMe, then plug the NVMe with the written system into the device to use.
  • Installation using a microSD card: Write the Armbian system image to a microSD card, insert the microSD card into the device and boot, upload the armbian.img image file to the microSD card, use the dd command to write the Armbian image into NVMe, the command is as follows:
dd if=armbian.img  of=/dev/nvme0n1  bs=1M status=progress

8.2.2 Installation method for FastRhino R66S

Use tools such as Rufus or balenaEtcher to write the Armbian system image to microSD, then plug the microSD with the written system into the device to use.

8.2.3 Installation method for FastRhino R68S

  • Download the RKDevTool tool and driver, unzip and install the DriverAssistant driver program, and open the RKDevTool tool for standby.
  • In the shutdown state of R68s, insert the USB male-to-male cable first, then press and hold the Recovery key and plug in the 12V power supply, release the Recovery key after two seconds, the flashing tool will discover a LOADER device.
  • Right-click in the blank space of the RKDevTool tool operation interface to add an item.
  • The address is 0x00000000, the name is armbian, and the path is to select the armbian.img system file.
  • Select the added armbian line, deselect other lines, and click execute to write.
  • Supplement: If other systems have been written into eMMC, please erase them in advanced features first, and then write the Armbian system. If it cannot be erased, write the MiniLoaderAll.bin bootloader file again first, then enter MASKROM to write the Armbian system. MiniLoaderAll.bin boot file settings: address 0xCCCCCCCC, name Loader, path selects the MiniLoaderAll.bin file in the Image directory of the RKDevTool flashing tool.

8.2.4 Installation method for Beikeyun

The method is reproduced from milton's tutorial. Flashing requires entering the Maskrom mode. First, disconnect all connections, short the CLK and GND (using TTL's GND, or the GND next to the small button is fine) two touch points, and then connect the USB to the PC, and you will detect the MASKROM device. Short point position is as follows:

Open the RKDevTool flashing tool, right-click to add an item.

  • Address 0xCCCCCCCC, name Boot, path select rk3328_loader_v1.14.249.bin.
  • Address 0x00000000, name system, path select the Armbian.img system to be flashed.
  • Check the "Force Write by Address" option, click "Execute," and wait for the progress to complete on the right-hand download panel.

8.2.5 Installation method for Chainedbox-L1-Pro

The method is reproduced from cc747's tutorial. Flashing requires entering the Maskrom mode. Make Chainedbox-L1-Pro in a power-off state, unplug all cables. With a USB male-to-male cable, one end is inserted into the USB2.0 interface of Chainedbox-L1-Pro, and the other end is inserted into the computer. Insert a paperclip into the Reset hole and press and hold it. Insert the power cord. Wait a few seconds until the discovered a LOADER device appears at the bottom of the RKDevTool box before releasing the paperclip. Switch RKDevTool to Advanced Features and click the Enter Maskrom button, prompting Found a MASKROM device. Right-click to add an item.

  • Address 0xCCCCCCCC, name Boot, path select rk3328_loader_v1.14.249.bin.
  • Address 0x00000000, name system, path select the Armbian.img system to be flashed.
  • Check the "Force Write by Address" option, click "Execute," and wait for the progress to complete on the right-hand download panel.

8.3 Allwinner Series Installation Method

Log in to the Armbian system (default user: root, default password: 1234) → Enter the command:


Amlogic, Rockchip 和 Allwinner 的安装方法不同。不同的设备具有不同的存储,有的设备使用外置 microSD 卡,有的带有 eMMC,有的支持使用 NVMe 等多种存储介质,根据设备不同,分别介绍其安装方法。首先在 Releases 里下载自己设备的 Armbian 系统,解压缩成 .img 格式备用。根据自己的设备,使用下面小结中不同的安装方法。

当安装完成后,将 Armbian 设备接入路由器,设备开机2分钟后,到路由器里查看设备名称为 Armbian 的 IP,使用 SSH 工具连接进行管理设置。默认用户名为 root,默认密码为 1234,默认端口为 22

8.1 Amlogic 系列安装方法

登录 Armbian 系统 (默认用户: root, 默认密码: 1234) → 输入命令:

可选参数 默认值 选项 说明
-m no yes/no 使用 Mainline u-boot
-a yes yes/no 使用 ampart 分区表调整工具
-l no yes/no List. 显示全部设备列表

举例: armbian-install -m yes -a no

8.2 Rockchip 系列安装方法


8.2.1 Radxa-Rock5B 的安装方法

Radxa-Rock5B 有 microSD/eMMC/NVMe 等多种存储介质可以选择,相应的安装方法也不同。下载 rk3588_spl_loader_v1.08.111.bin 和 spi_image.img 文件备用。下载 RKDevTool 工具及驱动备用。下载 Rufus 或者 balenaEtcher 写盘工具备用。 安装系统至 microSD

使用 Rufus 或者 balenaEtcher 等工具将 Armbian 系统镜像写入 microSD 里,然后把写好系统的 microSD 插入设备即可使用。 安装系统至 eMMC

使用 microSD 卡安装:将 Armbian 系统镜像写入 microSD 卡,将 microSD 卡插入设备并启动,上传 armbian.img 镜像文件到 microSD 卡,使用 dd 命令将 Armbian 镜像写入 NVMe 中,命令如下:

dd if=armbian.img  of=/dev/mmcblk1  bs=1M status=progress
  • 使用 USB 转 eMMC 读卡器安装:将 eMMC 模块与电脑连接,使用 Rufus 或者 balenaEtcher 等工具将 Armbian 系统镜像写入 eMMC 里,然后把写好系统的 eMMC 插入设备即可使用。
  • 使用 Maskrom 模式安装:关闭开发板电源。按住金色按钮。将 USB-A 转 C 型电缆插入 ROCK 5B C 型端口,另一端插入 PC。松开金色按钮。检查 USB 设备提示找到一个 MASKROM 设备。右键单击列表的空白区域,然后选择加载 rock-5b-emmc.cfg 配置文件(配置文件和 RKDevTool 在同一个目录下)。将 rk3588_spl_loader_v1.08.111.binArmbian.img 按下图所示设置,选择写入即可。 安装系统至 NVMe

ROCK-5B 在主板上有一个 SPI 闪存,将引导加载程序安装到 SPI 闪存可以支持 SoC maskrom 模式不直接支持的其他启动介质(如 SATA、USB3 或 NVMe)。使用 NVMe 需要先写入 SPI 文件。方法如下:

关闭开发板电源。删除可启动设备,如MicroSD卡,eMMC模块等。按住金色(或某些开发板修订版上的银色)按钮。将 USB-A 转 C 型电缆插入 ROCK-5B C 型端口,另一端插入 PC。松开金色按钮。检查 USB 设备找到一个 MASKROM 设备。在列表框中右键选择加载配置,然后在资源管理文件夹中选择配置文件(配置文件和 RKDevTool 在同一个目录下),根据下图选择 rk3588_spl_loader_v1.08.111.binspi_image.img 文件,点击写入即可,如下图所示:

  • 使用读卡器安装:将 M.2 NVMe SSD 插入 M.2 NVMe SSD 到 USB3.0 读卡器,以连接到主机。使用 Rufus 或者 balenaEtcher 等工具将 Armbian 系统镜像写入 NVMe 里,然后把写好系统的 NVMe 插入设备即可使用。
  • 使用 microSD 卡安装:将 Armbian 系统镜像写入 microSD 卡,将 microSD 卡插入设备并启动,上传 armbian.img 镜像文件到 microSD 卡,使用 dd 命令将 Armbian 镜像写入 NVMe 中,命令如下:
dd if=armbian.img  of=/dev/nvme0n1  bs=1M status=progress

8.2.2 电犀牛 R66S 的安装方法

使用 Rufus 或者 balenaEtcher 等工具将 Armbian 系统镜像写入 microSD 里,然后把写好系统的 microSD 插入设备即可使用。

8.2.3 电犀牛 R68S 的安装方法

  • 下载 RKDevTool 工具及驱动,解压并安装 DriverAssitant 驱动程序,打开 RKDevTool 工具备用。
  • R68s 在关机状态下,先插入 USB 双公头线,然后按住 Recovery 键并插上 12V 电源,两秒之后松开 Recovery 键,刷机工具会发现一个 LOADER 设备
  • 在 RKDevTool 工具操作界面的空白处点右键,添加项。
  • 地址是 0x00000000,名字是 armbian,路径点击右侧选择 armbian.img 系统文件。
  • 选择添加的 armbian 一行外,取消其他行的选择,点击执行写入即可。
  • 补充说明:如果 eMMC 中写入了其他系统,请先在高级功能里擦除,再写入 Armbian 系统。如果无法擦除,先重新写入一次 MiniLoaderAll.bin 引导文件,然后再次进入 MASKROM 写入 Armbian 系统。MiniLoaderAll.bin 引导文件设置:地址 0xCCCCCCCC, 名字 Loader, 路径选择 RKDevTool 刷机工具 Image 目录下的 MiniLoaderAll.bin 文件。

8.2.4 贝壳云的安装方法

方法转载自 milton 的教程。刷机需要进入 Maskrom 模式。先断开所有连接,通过短接 CLK 和 GND(使用 TTL 的 GND, 或者旁边小按钮的 GND 均可)这两个触点,然后将 USB 连接到 PC 就会检测到 MASKROM 设备了。短接点位置如下:

打开 RKDevTool 刷机工具,右键添加项。

  • 地址 0xCCCCCCCC, 名字 Boot, 路径选择 rk3328_loader_v1.14.249.bin
  • 地址 0x00000000, 名字 system, 路径选择要刷的 Armbian.img 系统。
  • 勾选强制按地址写入,点执行,等右侧下载面板显示进度完成即可。

8.2.5 我家云的安装方法

方法转载自 cc747 的教程。刷机需要进入 Maskrom 模式。使我家云处于断电状态,拔掉所有线。用 USB 双公头线,一头插入我家云的 USB2.0 接口,一头插入电脑。用回形针插进 Reset 孔,并按压住不松开。插入电源线。等待几秒钟,直到 RKDevTool 框的下方出现发现一个LOADER设备后才松开回形针。将 RKDevTool 切换到高级功能点击进入Maskrom按钮,提示发现一个MASKROM设备。右键添加项。

  • 地址 0xCCCCCCCC, 名字 Boot, 路径选择 rk3328_loader_v1.14.249.bin
  • 地址 0x00000000, 名字 system, 路径选择要刷的 Armbian.img 系统。
  • 勾选强制按地址写入,点执行,等右侧下载面板显示进度完成即可。

8.3 Allwinner 系列安装方法

登录 Armbian 系统 (默认用户: root, 默认密码: 1234) → 输入命令:

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