If you are developing on Windows, you need to use WSL.
- Clone the repository
- run
pnpm i
in the root of the repo - run
pnpm --filter <package-name>... build
to build the dependencies of the package you want to work on - run
pnpm --filter <package-name> dev|test|...
to run the commands of the package you work on
You need to run the build for the dependencies of the package via the three dots ...
at least once. Here is the pnpm documentation for filtering.
pnpm i
pnpm --filter @inlang/paraglide-js... build
pnpm --filter @inlang/paraglide-js dev
- run
pnpm run ci
to run all tests and checks - run
npx changeset
to write a changelog and trigger a version bumb. watch this loom video to see how to use changesets: