GitHub Action to get the list of teams a user belongs in a given organization. It can also be optionally used to check if the user belongs to a given team
It emits two outputs which are available via the steps
output context
- Array with the list of teams the user belongs (since it's array you can check if a user belongs to a team using contains function)isTeamMember
- A boolean indicating if a user belongs to a given team (always false ifteam
parameter is not used)
See action.yml
- uses: optimaxdev/get-user-teams-membership@1.3
username: # The github username for which we want to fetch teams membership in a given organization.
organization: # optional. Default value ${{ github.repository_owner }}
# Organization to get membership from.
team: # optional. Check if user belong to this team.
# If you just want to check membership of a particular team. (only team name, don't include orgname)
GITHUB_TOKEN: # Personal access token used to query github (Requires scope: `read:org`)
In order to use this action you need to use a [personal access token]
with read:org
(so the builtin in GITHUB_TOKEN is not enough)
Warning If you are using GitHub Enterprise Server, this version is only supported on GHES 3.4 or Later. Use v1 if you want to use it on an older GHES installation
Checks if the user who triggered the worfklow (actor) belongs to one of two teams that define A team
and if not adds a label to the pull request to signal it's an external contribution.
- uses: optimaxdev/get-user-teams-membership@1.3
id: actorTeams
username: ${{ }}
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
- if: ${{ !(contains(steps.actorTeams.outputs.teams, 'A team members') || contains(steps.actorTeams.outputs.teams.teams, 'A team admins')) }}
name: Label PR as external contribution
Checks if the user who triggered the workflow (actor) doesn't belong to the octocats
or testing
- uses: optimaxdev/get-user-teams-membership@1.3
id: checkUserMember
username: ${{ }}
team: 'octocats,testing'
GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.PAT }}
- if: ${{ steps.checkUserMember.outputs.isTeamMember == 'false' }}
The scripts and documentation in this project are released under the MIT License