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Serhii Hornostaiev usernamus
Full-stack developer at @keenethics

@keenethics Lviv

Karel Nguyen karelnguyen

@NimBee-me @Playfulcz Prague

Seif Mostafa seifmostafa73
Mid-level Full-Stack Software Engineer.

RES-VA Cairo,Egypt

Esteban Victorio EstebanVictorio

Mexicali, Baja California, Mexico

Albar Moerhamsa albarmo

DKI Jakarta, Indonesia

filoupegase filoupegase
FullStack Engineer | Born2Code 42


Basel Ajarmah baajarmeh

developing a new AI project... Ajjur, Palestine

Pio piotrfonte
Interactive producer, product designer, full-stack developer

freelance Kraków, PL

Michał Drobniak mdrobny
Fullstack JS, DevOps

@Schibsted-Tech-Polska Cracow

rafael r. camargo rafaelrcamargo
i make computers do things. swe @clerk & hobbyist open-source developer


Nguyen Hoang Hy hoanghy0112
Student at University of Information Technology VNU-HCM

Viet Nam

Douglas Rohden douglasrohden
Full Stack Developer, python, react, react native, electron.

Amir Isaev amir1isaev
Frontend Developer


Sébastien Vanvelthem belgattitude
Current focus setting up projects and teams. OSS contributor, contemporary dancer and passionate about development. Either personal or tech oriented

Freelance Brussels, Belgium

Erdem Arslan laphilosophia
(Writer && Dreamwalker) || Coder


Raí Siqueira raisiqueira
Senior Software Engineer at @vintasoftware. Frontend Engineer interested in design systems, component architectures and TypeScript.

@vintasoftware Recife, Brazil

Jake Hash jhash
No-code enthusiast focused on building SaaS applications using Javascript

WorkHands New York, NY

Gokul gokulyc Python and React Enthusiast


Alex alexzhang1030
Web Developer | Rustacean
Boticello boticello
A chucklehead tinkerer


Kevin Wilfried lordvins226
Imagination is Everything.

Danilo Gačević gax97
Full-Stack Software Engineer

Rho Belgrade

Valerius Mattfeld valerius21
full-stack developer / computer science and law graduate

@elegal-ev @ksb-intax @serpviewer Göttingen, Germany

AILI Fida Aliotti Christino Lynxgsm
👋 Hi, I'm Christino! I'm a web engineer passionate about experimenting with new frameworks, tools, and techniques

Celaneo Paris, France

Brendon Guedes brendonguedes
Software Engineer Manager @whirlpool

@Whirlpool São Paulo, Brasil

Guilherme Rodrigues drawveloper
Language creates reality.

@deco-cx Rio de Janeiro

Lorenzo Pieri LRNZ09
programmer/sw engineer/gamer/dreamer

@helio Lugano

Aman Bhargava bhargavaman

Stallions Marketing Solutions India

KotikVacia AtkishkinVlad
23 y.o / Frontend Developer @skbkontur ex Frontend Developer @diadoc

@skbkontur Ekaterinburg

Matheus Cardoso cardoso
I'm passionate about the web platform and the open-source nature of it. I believe in conflating developer productivity with performance, security, and standards
Oleg Chursin olegchursin
Lead Software Engineer at Aon Cyber Solutions. Pixel manipulator with background in cognitive linguistics.

Aon Cyber Solutions Brooklyn, NY

Subhan Bakh subhanbakh
Freelance Design Engineer


Neos21 Neos21
どうも Neo です。

Neo's World