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Alexander Gursky alexandergursky
Machine Learning Engineer | Data Scientist
punith mg punith929
work every waking hour


Bence Bordás b0rdi
Lead Unity Developer @ RenderNet Kft.

MOZAIK Education Hungary, Szeged

Jan Tomsa jan-tomsa

Digiteq Automotive Prague

Creepy Cat BlackCreepyCat
Senior Env Artist, and Unity/Unreal publisher. Amateur programmer since i was 16... BlitzBasic 3D / BlitzPlus Forever!

Creepy Cat Asset Store Publisher

ilhomjon Ilhom71
frontend developer
Erkan Altan ealtan
Embedded Real-Time Systems Software Engineer and ML Engineer.

Basel, Switzerland

CJ Satnarine CJSatnarine
Vaxandi forritari. Aspiring graphics programmer.

Waterloo, Canada

Alejandro Salazar aasalazarl
MSc Physics, Applied Physics | Data Analysis & Software Development

Montreal, QC

Rahul Shastri RahulShastri003
Theoretical physicist with research interests in Open quantum systems and quantum thermodynamics.
Moncef dhkouri moncefdhk999
Administrative Conference

all organisation United states

Ming ChenmingHe0126
Computational Designer

Harvard University Boston

PHS Development phsworks
I'm Piet-Hein, Full Stack Web Developer. Tech stack: HTML | CSS | JavaScript | React | Node.js | Express.js | MySQL
nura nurahazim
Never Give Up | Biomed & AI Enthusiast 💻 Python | MATLAB | MedTech 🚀
Trex Teja-2006
Let's Hack


BarbaraTxx Barbaratxx
👋Hi there! I’m on a journey to learn programming, exploring code, design, and all the creative possibilities in between. Still figuring things out, but loving!
Ola Osman Oliya-lola
I am Software Engineer love coding and curious about IOT and IoTsecurity using @ethereum recently doing my reseach on Distributed Systems.
Ivan Suarez ivanchatas

artdigmotion Vancouver

David Herren herdav
M.A. in Fine Arts

Luzern Switzerland

Edwin Ronaldo Barajas edwinBarajas
👋 ¡Hola! Soy Ronaldo, un desarrollador en formación apasionado por la programación y la tecnología. 🎓
Michael Azer michaelazer
Hi, I am Michael Azer, an entrepreneur with a passion for e-commerce and financial technology.

Cairo, Egypt

Cruz Antonio Cárdenas cgomezc

Developer Cancún Quinatana Roo.

Muhammad Ali mhdalik
Simple is better than complex ✨
